…dobbiamo soprattutto persuaderci che certi usi nostri, a un osservatore proveniente da una società diversa, apparirebbero della stessa natura dell’antropofagia che a noi sembra tanto estranea al concetto di civiltà. Penso ai nostri usi giudiziari e penitenziari. A studiarli dal di fuori, si sarebbe tentati di opporre due tipi di società: quelle che praticano l’antropofagia, cioè che vedono nell’assorbimento di certi individui dotati di pericolose forze, il solo modo di neutralizzare queste ultime e anche di metterle a profitto; e quelle che, come la nostra, adottano ciò che potrebbe chiamarsi anthropoémia (dal greco émein, vomitare): poste di fronte allo stesso problema, esse hanno scelto la soluzione inversa, consistente nell’espellere questi esseri pericolosi dal corpo sociale, tenendoli temporaneamente o definitivamente isolati, fuori di ogni contatto con l’umanità, in stabilimenti destinati a questo scopo. Alla maggior parte delle comunità da noi chiamate primitive, quest’uso ispirerebbe un orrore profondo; esse ci giudicherebbero barbari, come noi siamo tentati di fare a loro riguardo, in ragione dei loro costumi simmetrici. Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristi tropici, Librairie Plon 1955 |
584 documenti
Roberto Bartoli # Complementarità, innesto e rientro nella disciplina della giustizia riparativa https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 12 marzo 2025 |
Valentina Bonini, Elena Mattevi, Elena Biaggioni, Anna Lorenzetti # Giustizia riparativa e violenza di genere: una relazione pericolosa? https://sistemapenale.it/ 9 dicembre 2024 |
Mitja Gialuz # La giustizia riparativa, questa sconosciuta. Uno svarione della Suprema Corte https://sistemapenale.it/ 19 novembre 2024 # Cassazione Prima Sezione Penale, Sentenza 41133/20244 |
Gian Luigi Gatta # La giustizia riparativa: una sfida del nostro tempo https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 28 Ottobre 2024 |
Maria Ludovica Lagalla
# La ‘‘coercizione senza coercizione’’ delle buone ragioni
MILAN LAW REVIEW, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024
Alice Pistonti
# La restorative justice nel sistema della giustizia penale spagnola: peculiarità a confronto con il sistema italiano
https://sistemapenale.it/ 21ottobre 2024
Fabio Fiorentin, Giustizia riparativa. Con il “filtro rafforzato” l’istituto perde incisività, Il Sole 24 Ore, 26 febbraio 2024
Fiorentin, # Non
è impugnabile il diniego ai programmi di
giustizia riparativa, Il Sole 24 Ore, 26 febbraio 2024
# Cassazione, Seconda sez. pen., n.
# Il Tribunale di
sorveglianza di Lecce si pronuncia in tema di
giustizia riparativa e “reati senza vittima” - https://www.giurisprudenzapenale.com/ 3 gennaio 2024
# Tribunale di sorveglianza di Lecce,
Ordinanza, Ordinanza 4210/2023, 18 dicembre 2023
# La
giustizia riparativa è compatibile col principio
laico della funzione rieducativa della pena?
Il Domani, 26 febbraio 2024
Rosa Anna
# La giustizia
riparativa messa alla prova
https://sistemapenale.it/ 16 febbraio 2024
# Trib.
Genova, ord. 21 novembre 2023, Pres. Cascini, est.
# La
giustizia riparativa nella riforma Cartabia
https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 24 novembre 2023
Luciano Eusebi # Giustizia punitiva e giustizia riparativa: quali rapporti? https://sistemapenale.it/ 24 novembre 2023 |
Diletta Stendardi
(intervista di G. Grimolizzi) # Giustizia riparativa, rivoluzione copernicana: l’incontro e l’ascolto dei bisogni della vittima Il Dubbio, 30 ottobre 2023 Oliviero Mazza # Attenti, la giustizia riparativa vuole un colpevole senza la “seccatura” di un avvocato, Il Dubbio, 30 ottobre 2023 Oliviero Mazza # La giustizia riparativa indebolisce la difesa? Il Dubbio, 21 settembre 2023 |
Giovanni Fiandaca # Considerazioni su rieducazione e riparazione https://sistemapenale.it/ 25 ottobre 2023 1. Premesse. – 2. Quali relazioni tra ‘rieducazione’ e ‘riparazione’? Excursus nell’ambito della dottrina più recente. – 3. Uno sguardo d’insieme alla giurisprudenza. – 4. Cosa intendiamo oggi per ‘rieducazione’? Verosimilmente, non esiste una concezione sufficientemente condivisa del suo contenuto. – 5. Rieducazione, condotte riparatorie e giustizia riparativa: ragioni di convergenza e di possibile divergenza. – 6. Rilievi sulla giustizia riparativa in fase esecutiva. |
Paola Maggio,
Francesco Parisi # Giustizia riparativa con vittima “surrogata” o “aspecifica”: il caso Maltesi-Fontana continua a far discutere https://sistemapenale.it/ 19 ottobre 2023 # Corte d’Assise di Busto Arsizio, ord. 19 settembre 2023, Pres. Fazio, Est. Ferrazzi |
Giovanni Cocco # La punibilità quale quarto elemento del reato e la cd. giustizia riparativa: una introduzione con riferimento alle recenti riforme italiane Revista Científica do CPJM, Rio de Janeiro, Vol.2, N.08, 2023 1. Una breve ricognizione del codice penale italiano. - 2. Le cause di non punibilità sopravvenuta. -3. La punibilità come elemento autonomo della teoria del reato. - 4. Il principio di sussidiarietà esterna quale fondamento della autonomia della punibilità. - 5. I pregi del nuovo elemento della teoria del reato correlato alle concezioni general-preventive. - 6. La punibilità come elemento del reato e la certezza della pena. - 7. Le distinzioni tra punibilità come elemento del reato e la c.d. giustizia riparativa. - 8. Critiche ad alcuni istituti della giustizia riparativa. |
Sanvitale # Il processo penale alla prova della giustizia riparativa: una prospettiva pratica https://sistemapenale.it/ 29 luglio 2023 |
Roberto Bartoli # Una giustizia senza violenza, né Stato, né diritto. Ancora sul paradigma giuridico della giustizia riparativa https://sistemapenale.it/ 28 luglio 2023 |
Adonella Presutti # La giustizia riparativa alla prova del giusto processo penale https://sistemapenale.it/ 27 giugno |
Pulitanò # Sulle attuali politiche del diritto penale https://sistemapenale.it/ 1 giugno 2023 |
Roberto Bartoli # Giustizia vendicatoria, giustizia riparativa, costituzionalismo https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 22 marzo 2023 |
CoE Committee of Ministers |
Domenico Pulitanò # Riparazione e lotta per il diritto https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 9 febbraio 2023 1. L’idea di riparazione. – 2. Diritto criminale, diritto penale. – 3. Fatto e post-fatto. – 4. What’s done cannot be undone. – 5. Istituti del post-fatto. – 6. Incontro, espiazione, servizio. – 7. Riparazione del precetto e della memoria. – 8. Lotta per il diritto. |
Palazzo # Plaidoyer per la giustizia riparativa La legislazoine penale, 31 dicembre 2022 |
Roberto Bartoli # Una breve introduzione alla giustizia riparativa nell'ambito della giustizia punitiva https://www.sistemapenale.it/ 29 novembre 2022 1. Premessa. – 2. Giustizia riparativa e giustizia punitiva: due paradigmi a confronto. – 3. L’alto personalismo della giustizia riparativa. – 4. Perché la giustizia riparativa oggi? – 5. Il rapporto disfunzionale tra giustizia riparativa e giustizia punitiva. – 6. Tipologie e modelli di rapporto tra giustizia riparativa e giustizia punitiva. – 7. Conclusioni. |
Presutti # Aspettative e ambizioni del paradigma riparativo codificato https://sistemapenale.it/ 14 novembre 2022 |
di Massimo Donini # La
riparazione non è buonismo: è la differenza tra pena
e riscatto |
Valentina Bonini # Giustizia riparativa, un binario parallelo che non contamina il processo penale Il Dubbio, 6 settembre 2022 Nel dibattito sono già emersi dubbi di violazione di garanzie fondamentali, paventando il rischio di un sostanzialismo etico e di una giustizia che incarna un paternalistico modello di postdiritto (Mazza). Le critiche si concentrano sul futuro articolo 129-bis c. p. p. |
Irish Government
- Department of Justice # Review of Policy Options for Prison and Penal Reform 2022-2024 https://www.gov.ie/ 31 August 2022 |
Consiglio dei
Ministri # Schema del decreto legislativo di riforma della giustizia penale (delegato al Governo) # Relazione illustrativa Lo schema di decreto legislativo di attuazione della legge 27 settembre 2021, n. 134 (art. 1), recante “Delega al Governo per l’efficienza del processo penale nonché in materia di giustizia riparativa e disposizioni per la celere definizione dei procedimenti giudiziari” (G.U. n. 237 del 4 ottobre 2021), si compone di novantanove articoli, che introducono nuove disposizioni e intervengono sul codice penale, sul codice di procedura penale e sulle principali leggi complementari ai due codici. La Relazione illustrativa si compone di tre parti, dedicate, rispettivamente, alla riforma del processo penale (Parte Prima), alla riforma del sistema sanzionatorio penale (Parte Seconda) e all’introduzione di una disciplina organica della giustizia riparativa (Parte Terza). |
Marco Bouchard # Cura e giustizia dell’offesa ingiusta: riflessioni sulla riparazione https://www.questionegiustizia.it/ 25 luglio 2022 1. Trent’anni fa. - 2. Lo stato dell’arte dei rapporti tra giurisdizione e giustizia riparativa. - 3. Cura e giustizia: riflessioni su alcune aporie della giustizia riparativa. - 3.1. Conflitto o ingiustizia? - 3.2. Riconoscimento. - 3.3. L’importanza delle passioni. La vulnerabilità. 3.4. - Empatia e compassione. - 3.5. Comunità e vergogna. - 4. Cura tra giustizia dei tribunali e giustizia riparativa. |
Brunelli, Emanuele Mancini # La Giustizia Riparativa e il ruolo della magistratura. Proposta per l'elaborazione di linee guida https://www.questionegiustizia.it/ 27 giugno 2022 1.1.Una premessa definitoria. 1.2. Cosa non è giustizia riparativa. 2.1. Stato dell’arte in Italia: ambito minorile - 2.2. Stato dell’arte in Italia: ambito adulti – 3.Prospettive nell’ambito del procedimento penale adulti – 4. Conclusioni |
Luca Buscema # Giustizia riparativa e negazionismo: ricordare, rimediare e riflettere per riconciliare https://sistemapenale.it/ 14 giugno 2022 1. Democrazia vitale e memoria storica: note introduttive. – 2. Revisionismo e negazionismo nello Stato di diritto: spunti ricostruttivi. – 3. Verità storica e giustizia riparativa: le nuove frontiere del diritto penale non più (solo) punitivo |
Conferenza dei
Ministri della Giustizia del Consiglio d’Europa # “Criminalità e Giustizia penale – il ruolo della giustizia riparativa in Europa” 13 e 14 dicembre 2021, Venezia, Italia |
Marco Bouchard,
Fabio Fiorentin # Sulla giustizia riparativa www.questionegiustizia.it/ 23 novembre 2021 Premessa / 1. Una disciplina organica della giustizia riparativa / 2. La nozione di vittima di reato / 3. L’accesso ai programmi di giustizia riparativa / 4. La giustizia riparativa nella fase di esecuzione della pena / 4.1. La complessità dei fattori in gioco / 4.2. La tensione con la finalità rieducativa della pena / 4.3. Quale vittima. La cornice vigente / 4.4. L’affidamento in prova tra “scorciatoie riparatorie” e finalizzazione riparativa / 4.5. Giustizia riparativa e gravi reati / 4.6. Brevi riflessioni de jure condendo / 5. Il consenso libero e informato / 6. Il diritto all’informazione sulla giustizia riparativa / 7. I programmi di giustizia riparativa / 8. Riconoscimento dei fatti / 9. La formazione / 10. I limiti della giustizia riparativa: la vittima surrogata / 11. L’organizzazione della giustizia riparativa / 12. Il finanziamento della giustizia riparativa |
Fabio Fiorentin # Punizione o riparazione? La giustizia riparativa nella fase esecutiva della pena: luci e ombre nella prospettiva della riforma “Cartabia” https://dirittopenaleuomo.org/ Ottobre 2021 1. Punizione o riparazione? – 2. Un percorso irto di difficoltà tra carenze normative e ostacoli culturali. – 3. La vittima nell’esecuzione penale. – 4. La “scorciatoia riparatoria”. – 5. Prescrizioni riparative e affidamento in prova al servizio sociale. – 6. Il conflitto con la finalità rieducativa: un timore infondato? – 7. L’esigenza di una riforma organica della giustizia riparativa. – 8. De jure condendo: il volto della giustizia riparativa emergente dalla “riforma Cartabia”. – 9. In conclusione. |
Yotam Shem-Tov,
Steven Raphael, Alissa Skog # Can Restorative Justice Conferencing Reduce Revidivism? Evidence from Make-It-Right Program www.nber.org/ National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2021 |
Grazia Mannozzi, Viola Molteni, Francesca
Civiello |
Giovannangelo De Francesco |
Daniele Vicoli 1. Premessa: gli angusti spazi normativi; 2. La mediazione nella fase esecutiva: tratti distintivi; 3. Un quadro ambivalente: van-taggi e ostacoli; 4. Il nesso con il finalismo rieducativo della pena; 5. Un panorama applicativo deludente; 6. conclusioni; Bibliografia. |
European Commission |
Samantha Jeffries, William R. Wood, Tristan
Russell |
Masahiro Suzuki,
Xiaoyu Yuan # How Does Restorative Justice Work? A Qualitative Metasynthesis Criminal Justice and Behavior, February 20, 2021 Drawing on 26 studies identified through the systematic lit erature search, we identified three overarching themes to understand “how RJ works”: (1) opportunities for humanization, learning, and putting emotions of victims and individuals who committed a crime at the center of conflict-solving, (2) support networks and mechanisms for communication, and (3) life-changing journey enshrined in healing. We develop a line of argu ment showing how the micro-, meso-, and macro-elements of RJ interact with each other. While offering reflections on the limitations of existing literature around this key issue, we conclude with implications for advancing research of RJ. |
Adelmo Manna # È configurabile un sistema penale non carcero-centrico? https://sistemapenale.it/ 10 marzo 2021 1. Introduzione. – 2. La pena pecuniaria a tassi giornalieri. – 2.1. La confisca “per equivalente” – 3. Le sanzioni interdittive come pene principali – 4. Le pene prescrittive – 5. La detenzione domiciliare ed il lavoro di pubblica utilità – 6. La parziale applicazione dei principi della restorative justice nel sistema penale italiano – 7. La pena carceraria ove prevalgono decisamente gli aspetti custodiali rispetto a quelli rieducativi, puramente nominali, che, pertanto, dovrebbe essere limitata solo a determinate categorie di reati – 8. Conclusioni e prospettive di riforma. |
Daniela Vigoni # Ampliamento delle procedure alternative e ipotrofia dei moduli riparatori (osservazioni a margine di un progetto di riforma) https://sistemapenale.it/ 26 febbraio 2021 Non sembra esservi una visione generale e meditata della restorative justice che sappia, o tenti almeno, di sfruttarne appieno le potenzialità, sebbene non siano state poche le sollecitazioni provenienti a livello internazionale40 a implementare modelli e sperimentare prassi di questo tipo, e nonostante i tanti, brillanti studi della dottrina penalistica e processualpenalistica41 che hanno contribuito a diffondere anche le positive esperienze di ordinamenti stranieri. Semplificare è difficile, trovare alternative al processo e alla pena ancora di più... |
Marco Bouchard |
Tina Sikka |
Luciano Eusebi |
Mimi E. Kim |
Christian B. N. Gade Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2020;1–29 |
United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Yvon Dandurand,
Annette Vogt # Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes. Second Edition https://www.unodc.org/ Vienna, 2020 |
Giovanni Fiandaca # Note su punizione, riparazione e scienza penalistica https://sistemapenale.it/ 28 Novembre 2020 Per tentare di concorrere a promuovere – nel ruolo auspicabile di penalisti teorici disposti anche a fare opera per così dire di pedagogia collettiva fuori dai recinti accademici – i presupposti di una propensione futura a dischiudere ampi spazi alla logica della riparazione, non si potrebbe pretendere di mettere in campo soprattutto ragioni scientifiche, anche da scienza più ‘debole’ che forte; verosimilmente, pesano di più le convinzioni etico-politiche, le preferenze valoriali e i cambiamenti di sensibilità collettiva e individuale. Insomma, concluderei che è una questione – al tempo stesso – molto più e molto meno che scientifica. |
Massimo Donini # Pena agìta e pena subìta. Il modello del delitto riparato www.questionegiustizia.it/ 29 ottobre 2020 Saggio per Studi in onore di Lucio Monaco - 1. Premessa. Il problema della legittimazione del sistema punitivo / 2. La restorative justice come correttivodella pena classica / 3. Il delitto riparato come alternativa alla pena classica / 4. Oltre il « Cur Deus homo » diS. Anselmo. Perché la riparazione deve essere all’origine concettuale della pena / 5. Pena subìta e penaagìta / 6. La riparazione da onere a programma dello Stato / 7. L’idea di una figura generale di delitto ripara-to / 8. La trasformazione della pena tradizionale / 9. L’incapacità della retribuzione-proporzione di costitui-re un vero limite / 10. Il postfatto come parte della cornice di pena e la riparazione come pena / 11. Le nuove cornici e il ruolo del bene protetto / 12. La base positiva di un garantismo tripolare / 13. La decodificazionein atto rispetto al paradigma codicistico della riparazione / 14. Tutela dei beni e unità di misuraasimmetrica / 15. [ Segue ] Le scale sanzionatorie e le cornici |
Elisabetta Ficco # Giustizia riparativa e Mediazione: una nuova forma di Giustizia complementare al diritto penale www.diritto.it/ 15 ottobre 2020 -1. Premessa. -2. Introduzione storico-giuridica: un’analisi critica. -3. Giustizia riparativa e diritto penale: un confronto. -4. Gli strumenti della Giustizia riparativa e Mediazione. -5. Il principio di rieducazione nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano: è possibile rieducare il reo attraverso il modello riparativo? |
Giuseppe Maglione |
Bruce A. Green, Lara Bazelon |
Americam Bar Association |
Masahiro Suzuki,
Tamera Jenkins # The Role of (Self-)Forgiveness in Restorative Justice: Linking Restorative Justice to Desistance European Journal of Criminology (2020). Since interpersonal forgiveness has been considered a ‘gift’ that should not be forced on victims in restorative justice (RJ), the role of forgiveness in RJ remains peripheral. In this paper, we aim to advance the role of forgiveness in RJ. However, we do not focus on interpersonal forgiveness. We instead focus on another dimension of forgiveness: self-forgiveness for offenders. Because self-forgiveness is linked with both RJ and desistance respectively, self-forgiveness has the potential to function as a catalyst to connect RJ with desistance. Drawing on their relationship, we offer a process-based model of how offenders may or may not desist through RJ. |
Jasmin Wyatt # Boudin takes aim at the criminal justice system as SF’s new District Attorney https://bpr.berkeley.edu/ Berkeley Political Review, August 1, 2020 Another key policy that Boudin is pushing is restorative justice, specifically in his victims-first approach. Restorative justice views crime not just as breaking the law, but as a harm to people and community. It tries to address this harm through healing and accountability, focusing on what the victim wants and holding the person who committed the crime accountable. This process is publicly advancing in New York, and victims are documented as choosing this method in nearly every case when offered. It expands options for victims to heal in a way they feel appropriate while reducing re-traumatization, avoiding the old “one size fits all” approach. The focus is on rehabilitating, not punishing. |
Alex Lloyd, Jo
Borrill # Examining the Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in Reducing Victims’ Post-Traumatic Stress Psychological Injury and Law (2020) 13:77–89 Restorative justice is an alternative approach to criminal justice that can improve post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in victims of crime. The processes enacted in RJ are absent from other forms of criminal justice, which gives the approach characteristics that can produce psychological benefit for victimized individuals. This review has evaluated the quantitative evidence comparing RJ with customary justice and has found only moderate evidence in support of reductions of PTSS following RJ. |
Jiska Jonas-van Dijk, Sven Zebel, Jacques
Claessen, Hans Nelen |
Mimi E. Kim # The Carceral Creep: Gender-Based Violence, Race, and the Expansion of the Punitive State, 1973–1983 Social Problems, 2020, 67, 251–269 Talk of dismantling the ties between advocacy groups and law enforcement are now commonplace among conventional anti-violence providers alongside once suppressed critiques of the movement’s pro-criminalization legacy. Options for radical alter native strategies, such as transformative justice and restorative justice, championed largely by women of color at the peripheries of the feminist anti-violence movement, have moved to the forefront. As the social movement’s gaze averts from the carceral state, new emancipatory possi bilities have been raised, some of which recast visions from the dawn of this contemporary movement. |
Diletta Stendardi Premessa. –1.La Restorative Justice secondo le indicazioni di Nazioni Unite, Consiglio d’Europa e Unione Europea. –2.Le disposizioni a matrice riparativa presenti nel d.lgs. 231/2001 e la scelta di politica criminale e sanzionatoria sottostante. –3.Le condizioni richieste dagli artt. 12 e 17 per la riduzione delle sanzioni pecuniarie e l’esclusione delle sanzioni interdittive e i possibili margini di manovra per la Restorative Justice. –4.Spunti dalla giurisprudenza di legittimità e necessarie precisazioni. –5.Conclusioni |
Laura Spadano # Le recenti ipotesi di condotte riparatorie post delictum: verso un progressivo ripensamento della giustizia criminale in chiave riparativa? Archivio Penale, 1, 2020 1. Strumenti e logica della riparazione. - 2. La giustizia riparativa: un nuovo orizzonte culturale. – 3. Segue… Il senso della riparazione nelle pratiche di restorative justice. – 4. La messa alla prova per adulti e la giustizia riparativa. – 5. L’Art. 162-ter c.p. e la restorative justice. – 6. Qual è la logica che sottende i nuovi istituti riparativi? Alcune riflessioni. |
Giovanna Russo |
RAN Working
Groups, European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) # The role of restorative justice in preventing and responding to violent extremism https://ec.europa.eu/ 14/01/2020 About 40 participants with experience in violent extremism, restorative justice, or combining both, gathered in order to increase understanding of the role of restorative justice in relation to cases of violent extremism, terrorism, and political armed conflicts. The group included victims of terrorism, former members of extremist groups, mediators, social workers, exit workers, and psychologists... |
Thalia González |
Miriam Krinsky, Taylor Phares |
Annamaria Astrologo, Giovanni A. Lodigiani,
Brunilda Pali, Claudia Christen-Schneider, Grazia
Mannozzi, Roy Garré |
Grazia Mannozzi |
Raffaele Muzzica |
Sarah Mikva Pfander |
Meredith Rossner # Restorative justice, anger, and the transformative energy of forgiveness The International Journal of Restorative Justice 2019 vol. 2(3) pp. 368-388 I have suggested that one way of ‘mainstreaming’ restorative justice is not to offer a conference to all victims and offenders, nor to offer a modified version that can be used for street-level encounters. Rather, if we zoom in on the key principles – respectful ritual that allows for anger to be expressed, and a recognition of the transformative, if subtle, energy of forgiveness – then we can be creative in thinking about how such principles are incorporated into every stage of the criminal justice system. This is the larger civilising project that restorative justice seeks to achieve |
Patrizia Patrizi |
Elena Mattevi,
Gabriele Fornasari # Giustizia riparativa. Responsabilità, partecipazione, riparazione Quaderni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Ubiversità di Trento, Maggio 2019 |
Stanislao Sessa |
Grazia Mannozzi # Sapienza del diritto e saggezza della giustizia: l'attenzione alle emozioni nella normativa sovranazionale in materia di Restorative Justice Criminalia, 2019 La giustizia è attività umana. Occorre recuperare la capacità di metterla in pratica non solo per il tramite di una sapienza normativa, destinata a rimanere inevitabilmente astratta e distante, ma anche, laddove possibile, attraverso una saggezza concreta e prossima agli individui, che faccia leva su libere scelte di azione relative a un comportamento morale. In tale prospettiva, la complementarità tra giustizia riparativa e sistema penale appare una scelta obbligata. Il fare giustizia richiede, infatti, sophia e phronesis. |
Maynooth University |
Lorenzo Carella # I modelli di giustizia riparativa nell'ordinamento penale italiano Luiss, 2019 |
Marta Bertolino |
Maria Chiara Saporito ... pericolo, da molti denunciato, che la messa alla prova si risolva in un espediente processuale funzionale all’irrogazione di una vera e propria pena ante iudicatum, con grave attentato alla presunzione di innocenza. Le insidie che sembrano annidarsi in questo apparente stravolgimento tra cognizione ed esecuzione nascono, in realtà, dalla frettolosa equiparazione tra trattamento di prova e sanzione. Un’equiparazione che, come si vedrà, perde di pregio nel momento in cui il focus viene portato su un elemento portante della disciplina: la volontarietà che non solo investe la scelta del rito ma la stessa esecuzione delle prescrizioni. Tale volontarietà, in uno con il carattere riparativo degli impegni assunti, costituisce la cifra davvero originale dell’istituto e, allo stesso tempo, la chiave per un’interpretazione conforme ai canoni del sistema penale. |
Jacques Faget |
Marco Bouchard,
Tamar Pitch, Andrea Pugiotto # Sul protagonismo delle vittime. Dialogo con Tamar Pitch e Andrea Pugiotto https://dirittopenaleuomo.org/ 2 aprile 2019 1. Le tesi di Tamar Pitch e Andrea Pugiotto. – 2. L’insicurezza. – 3. I diritti delle vittime. – 4. La vulnerabilità. – 5. La giustizia riparativa. |
Antonio Da Re # Il desiderio riparatore Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XXI, 2019, 2, pp. 339-345 |
Valeria Montaruli |
Autorità garante per l’infanzia e
l’adolescenza |
Gian Paolo Demuro 1. Premessa. — 2. La riparazione come pena. — 3. La riparazione come sanzione mista civile-penale. — 4. Un primo commento critico: i problematici limiti della riparazione in campo penale, anche dal punto di vista costituzionale. — 5. La riparazione nella pena. — 6. La riparazione senza giudizio. — 7. La riparazione come causa di estinzione del reato |
Roberto Bartoli |
Maria Beatrice Magro |
Silvia Corti |
Jacopo Della
Torre # La giustizia penale negoziata in Europa Università degli Studi di Udine, 2018 |
CM/Rec(2018)8 | 03/10/2018 |
Ika Darmika |
Catherine; Edwards, Alan; Hartman, Matthew; Haslett,
Jennifer; Lyons, Aaron # Serving Victims through Restorative Jusice: A Resource Guide for Leaders and Practitioners Alberta Restorative Justice Association This Guide, composed by a team of restorative justice researchers and practitioners, is based on interviews with crime victims and key stakeholders throughout Alberta, a review of international research examining the role of victims in restorative justice, and the authors’ decades of combined professional experience supporting people in the aftermath crime through restorative approaches. Based on victims’ justice needs identified within the research, the Guide offers strategies for developing and managing restorative justice services from a leadership and administrator’s perspective.... |
Goodmark # Restorative justice as feminist practice The International Journal of Restorative Justice 2018 vol. 1(3) pp. 372-384 But the use of restorative justice, which fosters just these kinds of opportunities, has long been controversial in cases involving violence against women. As Howard Zehr noted, ‘Domestic violence is probably the most problematic area of application and here great caution is advised’. Although restorative processes have been used in the context of rape, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and other types of violence against women, the use of restorative justice to address gender-based harms has been pointedly questioned... |
Lynn Stewart, Jennie Thompson, Janelle N.
Beaudette, Manon Buck, Renée Laframboise, Tania
Petrellis |
Gaia Spinelli # Quando la "vittima" diventa carnefice: la Restorative Justice privata delle grandi catene della distribuzione americana altro non è che estorsione Diritto Penale Contemporaneo, 24 luglio 2018 Nonostante i pregevoli caratteri che la connotano, la giustizia riparativa può talora essere utilizzata in maniera distorta e strumentale, celando vere e proprie pratiche estorsive: è quanto è accaduto in un curioso caso di restorative justice privata statunitense, che ben esemplifica l’uso strumentale che di essa può essere fatto. |
Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità
d'accoglienza (CNCA) |
Massimo Donini |
Giorgio Bazzega
| Andreina Baccaro # «Io, mio padre ucciso dalle Br e Occhipinti». «Vivevo nell’odio ma la giustizia non è vendetta. E adesso mi sento libero» Corriere di Bologna, Sabato, 7 luglio 2018 ... Davanti a me ho trovato un uomo devastato dal dolore e dalla sofferenza, faceva fatica a parlare, venne lì con sua figlia e pensare che ha dei figli mi ha aiutato a capire che noi vittime non abbiamo il monopolio del dolore. Ci sono persone che uccidono, ma quello che fanno devasta le vite anche di chi gli sta intorno, non solo le nostre. |
Elvio Fassone |
Brice Deymié |
Mimi E. Kim # From carceral feminism to transformative justice: Women-of-color feminism and alternatives to incarceration Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 30 may 2018 Racial injustice at the intersections of interpersonal and state violence sets the stage for this examination of mainstream responses to domestic and sexual violence. At one end of this continuum is carceral feminism, a term signaling feminist reliance upon law enforcement as a dominant intervention strategy. At the other end is a growing tide of responses to gender violence alternative to criminalization, largely led by people of color. These restorative and transformative justice interventions offer new anti-violence options. They also prompt a re-imagining of the role of social work in relationship to social justice and social movements. |
Francesco Cascini |
Ian Marder # Restorative justice and the police: Exploring the institutionalisation of restorative justice in two English forces National University of Ireland, Thesis for Ph.D., February 2018 |
D'Amato # La giustizia riparativa tra istanze di legittimazione ed esigenze di politica criminale Archivio Penale, n. 1, 2018 1. La crisi del Welfare Statee l’affermazione di modelli consensuali di risoluzione dei conflitti. –2. Principi, strumenti e tecniche dei modelli di restorative Justice. –2.1. La mediazione pena-le: nozione, metodo e fasi del procedimento. –3. Gli spazi normativi ‘interstiziali’ per gli interventi di giustizia riparativa. La riforma ‘Orlando’ e l’estinzione del reato per condotte riparatorie anche contro la volontà della persona offesa: un’altra occasione persa. –4. La giustizia riparativa e la pena come inte-grazione sociale. La mediazione penale come strumento di politica criminale. –5. La mediazione e il processo penale. –6. La giustizia riparativa e il paradosso relazionale nel diritto penale contemporaneo |
Università della Calabria ...Il ricorso ai servizi di giustizia riparativa può avvenire solo a determinate e imprescindibili condizioni: a) il ricorso ai servizi di giustizia riparativa deve sempre essere funzionale al perseguimento degli interesse della vittima, la quale deve fornire il suo consenso libero e informato; b) prima del consenso, la vittima deve ricevere le informazioni circa il procedimento penale, il suo potenziale esito e le modalità di esecuzione di un eventuale accordo; c) l'autore del reato deve almeno riconoscere i fatti essenziali della vicenda; d) l'accordo deve essere raggiunto volontariamente e rilevare in ulteriori procedimenti penali; e) è fatta salva la riservatezza e le interlocuzione potranno essere rese pubbliche solo su accordo delle parti o per motivi di interesse pubblico laddove lo disponga la legge nazionale. |
Laura Paoletti, Umberto Curi, Grazia
Mannozzi, Giovanni Angelo Lodigiani, Luciano
Eusebi, Marco Bouchard, Antonio Da Re, Giovanni
Grandi, Simone Grigoletto, Laura Sanò, Alberto
Giacomelli, Silvia Mocellin Ripensare la pena: tra Kant, Giobbe e l'ultimatum game | Verso un nuovo paradigma | La giustizia riparativa come forma di Umanesimo della giustizia | Nozioni ed obiettivi della Giustizia riparativa. Il tentativo di un approccio olistico | La colpa e la pena: ripensare la giustizia | Vittime e giustizia riparativa. Agli albori della giustizia riparativa in Italia | Giustizia riparativa e relazionale | Libero consenso e volontarietà. Aspetti della 'partecipazione attiva' ai processi riparativi | Una questione di conio. Modelli di Giustizia a confronto per un ripensamento della pena | Perdono e riparazione | «La vostra fredda giustizia non mi piace». Riflessioni critiche tra giustizia retributiva e riparativa a partire da Nietzsche | Ripensare la giustizia nella prospettiva della comunità: dai nuovi paradigmi del welfare alla Restorative Justice |
Adrien Bascoulergue, Jean-Pierre Bonafé-Schmitt,
Philippe Charrier, Gerald Foliot
Patrizia Patrizi |
Raffaele Muzzica |
Emma Charlene
Lubaale # Learning from the New Zealand approach to restorative justice SA Crime Quarterly n. 61, September 2017 South African courts, in at least two reported cases, have dealt with restorative justice (RJ) in sentencing offenders. In both cases, the Supreme Court of Appeal gave limited regard to RJ, with the presiding judges ‘[cautioning] seriously against the use of restorative justice as a sentence for serious offences’. However, in countries such as New Zealand, courts have handed down custodial sentences in cases of serious offences while giving due regard to RJ at the same time. |
Sebastiano Corso |
Antonio Ciccia Messina Il diritto penale fa un passo indietro e apre la strada alle condotte riparatorie. La legge n. 103 del 23 giugno 2017 sottrae campo di azione alla punizione penale. Lo stato ripone l’arma della sanzione più grave e proscioglie l’autore del reato se ha riparato le conseguenze del danno... |
Donald H.J. Hermann |
Sered # Accounting for Violence: How to Increase Safety and Break Our Failed Reliance on Mass Incarceration www.vera.org/ Vera Institute of Justice, 2017 From the perspective of survivors, restorative justice can be among the most satisfying alternatives to prison. Restorative justice practices bring together people most affected by a crime to address the harm, hold the responsible person accountable, and support the well-being of those harmed. Among victims of crime in the United States who have taken part in restorative processes, 80 to 90 percent have reported being satisfied with the process and its results. Restorative justice has also been shown to significantly reduce posttraumatic stress symptoms in victims and to substantially reduce recidivism among the people who committed harm. |
A. Pemberton, P. G. M. Aarten, E. Mulder |
Lorenzetti, Roberta Ribon # Giustizia riparativa e violenza di genere: alla ricerca di un possibile dialogo giudicedonna.it, n.4/2017 Se pensata in chiave di genere, infatti, la giustizia riparativa rischia di riflettere e al tempo stesso riprodurre un sistema gerarchico, in un rapporto di circolarità e mutua influenza, celando meccanismi che tendenzialmente svantaggiano la parte più debole processualmente, dunque le donne, e divenendo così un dispositivo in grado di aumentare il potere del più forte. Il tema era ben presente nei dibattiti femministi, in particolare su giustizia-equità, dai quali era emersa una generale criticità nei confronti della giustizia informale.. |
Elena Mattevi La giustizia riparativa è un tema complesso, invocato frequentemente in chiave di riforma da prospettive diverse, talvolta sovrapposte in alcuni profili, ma più spesso contrastanti: vi si riferisce, infatti, chi difende un modello completamente nuovo o addirittura una visione abolizionistica del sistema penale; chi attribuisce alla riparazione una funzione punitiva; chi valorizza la posizione e le esigenze della vittima nella giustizia penale o, infine, semplicemente, chi assegna un ruolo sempre più importante alle forme di definizione alternativa del procedimento penale che si fondano sul consenso e sulla riparazione... |
Widodo |
Elise C. Lopez, Mary P. Koss |
Donatella Ferranti |
Rocco Gustavo Maruotti
Maria Chiara Saporito |
Rosie Olliver |
Masarone # L’attuale posizione della vittima nel diritto penale positivo: verso un diritto penale “per tipo di vittima”? Archivio Penale, n. 3, 2017 |
Sara Paiusco |
Roberto Cornelli, Oriana Binik,
Massimiliano Dova, Annalisa Zamburlini |
Francesca Tugnoli Per le offese più significative, per le quali il bisogno di pena rimane, sarebbe opportuno che il giudice potesse sostituire il carcere con sanzioni che in qualche modo recepiscano i risultati dell'accordo ristorativo, anche per evitare che lo stesso rimanga lettera morta per tutta la durata della condanna, perdendo così di qualsiasi significato |
Fabrizia Muia ... Nulla toglie che si possa immaginare per il futuro... che i programmi di restorative justice possano costituire la chiave d’accesso ad un percorso penitenziario individualizzato. Sarebbe sicuramente da valorizzare la previsione di uno strumento, a forte componente risocializzante, quale quello della mediazione o comunque degli strumenti latu sensu restorative, e che allo stesso tempo sia in grado di fornire un incentivo al reo, rispetto alla tenuta di una certa condotta. |
Brian T.M. Mammarella |
Maria Flick # Una nuova cultura della pena? www.rivistaaic.it/ 21.12.2016 1. L’insegnamento di Sandro Margara sul carcere. – 2. Le conclusioni del Ministro della Giustizia sugli Stati Generali dell’esecuzione penale. – 3. Il carcere e la Costituzione tradita. – 4. I paradossi del carcere. – 5. Verso una giustizia riparativa? – 6. La proporzionalità della pena al reato secondo la Corte Costituzionale: un passo verso la svolta. |
Andrea Baiguera Altieri |
Troncone # La sospensione del procedimento con messa alla prova. Nuove esperienze di scenari sanzionatori senza pena www.iris.unina.it/ 2016 |
Ted Wachtel |
Ministry of Justice - New Zealand
Government |
9th International Conference of the
European Forum for Restorative Justice |
Gregorini # La giustizia riparativa tra teoria e prassi. Le sempre più diffuse esperienze a livello internazionale e le timiode aperture del legislatore interno Università di Pisa, Anno Accademico 2015/2016 |
Lorenzo Pulito # Profili di inammissibilità della richiesta di messa alla prova dell’adulto www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 26 Maggio 2016 # Nota a ordinanza Tribunale Taranto, GIP Rosati, 22 settembre 2015, imp. Battista 1. Premessa. - 2. Messa alla prova degli adulti a domanda di parte. - 3. Il programma di trattamento. - 4. La messa alla prova come procedimento eventuale sottoposto al potere valutativo del giudice. - 5. Il moderno fondamento dell'inammissibilità ed il principio di tipicità. - 6. Rilievi conclusivi. |
Roberto Bartoli # Il carcere come extrema ratio: una proposta concreta www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 12 Maggio 2016 1. L'inedito radicalismo dell'attuale "contestazione" del carcere. - 2. Le ragioni di questa contestazione così radicale. - 2.1. Il punto: sovraffollamento carcerario e processo di umanizzazione della pena. - 2.2. La linea: il carcere come pena espressione di un diritto penale escludente ... - 2.2.1. ... in netto contrasto con il diritto penale inclusivo forgiato dal moderno costituzionalismo. - 3. Il carcere come extrema ratio. - 3.1. Il sistema sanzionatorio necessariamente carcerario e l'applicazione della liberazione condizionale come strumento di probation. - 3.2. Il sistema sanzionatorio potenzialmente carcerario. - 3.2.1. L'applicazione in entrata della sospensione condizionale della pena come strumento di probation. - 3.2.2. L'applicazione in uscita della liberazione condizionale come strumento di probation. - 3.3. Il sistema sanzionatorio non carcerario e l'applicazione della sospensione condizionale della pena in funzione di prevenzione speciale mediante intimidazione. - 4. Il quadro complessivo del nuovo sistema sanzionatorio: riepilogo. - 5. Messa alla prova e giustizia riparativa nel nuovo scenario di un sistema sanzionatorio non più carcero-centrico. |
Caroline Peloso |
Tim Hughes | New Zealand |
Gema Varona
Martínez # Impacto victimal, resiliencia e interpelación: encuentros entre víctimas del terrorismo y entre víctimas y estudiantes universitarios Instituto Vasco de Criminología, Bilbao 2016 |
Delvecchio # La nuova fisionomia della vittima del reato dopo l'adeguamento dell'Italia alla Direttiva 2012/29/UE www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 11 Aprile 2016 1. Inputs sovranazionali in tema di tutela della vittima da reato. Premesse per una difficile attuazione interna. – 2. Una sommaria ricognizione iniziale: le direttrici dell’intervento. – 3. Buone premesse terminologiche. – 4. La carta dei diritti della vittima: profili rivoluzionari del nuovo meccanismo informativo. – 5. L’assistente linguistico della vittima alloglotta compare sulla scena. – 6. Lo statuto della prova dichiarativa della vittima vulnerabile made in Italy. – 7. Il nuovo processo “antropocentrico”. |
Domenico Pulitanò |
Cinotti, Beatrice Lippi, Salvatore Nasca, Susanna
Rollino # La messa alla prova in Toscana: analisi statistica dalla sua emanazione ad oggi Uepe Toscana - Aprile 2016 |
Janie Bugnion | Association Nationale del
Médiateurs |
Osterman, Isla Masson # Working with women who offend: A guide for restorative justice practitioners www.restorativejustice.org.uk/ 2016 This study aimed to explore female offenders’ access to, and experiences of, restorative justice. The ultimate objective of the project was to develop an evidence-based set of recommendations for the effective and ethical use of restorative justice with women who have offended, with a view to increasing the number of female offenders accessing restorative justice and ensuring that those women who do take part have a positive experience of it. |
Roni Elias |
David R. Karp, Olivia Frank |
William Wood,
Masahiro Suzuki # Four Challenges in the Future of Restorative Justice Victims & Offenders 11(1):149-172 · February 2016 Restorative justice (RJ) emerged in the late 1970s as an alternative to conventional youth and criminal justice practices. Since this time, RJ has experienced rapid growth in theory and practice. At the same time, much of this growth has come from expansion in lower-end criminal justice responses to crime, and in the increasing use of the term “restorative” for a widening host of practices and interventions. RJ has also faced problems related to its increasing institutionalization, resulting in divergence from earlier aims and goals. In this article, we set forth what we see as the four biggest challenges facing the future of RJ, namely problems related to definition, institutionalization, displacement, and relevance of RJ practices. We follow with discussion of possible future directions of RJ. |
Dandurand # Alternative Approaches to Preventing Recidivism: Restorative Justice and the Social Reintegration of Offenders https://icclr.org/ 2016 The evidence on the impact of restorative justice programmes on reoffending is limited, but recent reviews indicate that restorative justice may be more effective for prolific offenders and even serious offenders than for offenders involved in less serious crimes, and more effective after rather than prior to sentencing. Some programmes seem to have a greater impact than others on preventing recidivism. This is the case, for example, of face-to-face restorative justice conferences... |
Andrea Orlando Le azioni riparatorie non sono meno dure della sanzione meramente punitiva, ma certamente maggiormente dense di significato e di risvolti utili. Resta fermo peraltro che, per quanto limitato, il ricorso alla pena detentiva rimane inevitabile per alcuni reati, specie allorquando ricorra l’assoluta necessità di interrompere legami criminali in grado di interferire con il buon andamento della vita sociale e lo stesso sviluppo democratico. La privazione della libertà e, quindi, il carcere rimane insomma nel contesto attuale una forma sanzionatoria ineludibile, anche se limitata ai casi di effettiva necessità. Non a caso, del resto, la Costituzione si riferisce alle "pene", declinando questa parola al plurale, e non già alla "pena". Così chiarendo che appartengono al sistema complessivo della pena sanzioni diverse. |
CQ Researcher # Restorative Justice. Can it help victims and rehabilitate criminals? www.cqresearcher.com/ Feb. 5, 2016 Does restorative justice reduce recidivism? Should restorative justice be used in cases of violent crime? Can restorative justice address racial disparities in the criminal justice system? |
Ministero della Giustizia - Stati Generali |
Martina Cagossi # Nuove prospettive per le vittime di reato nel procedimento penale italiano. Prime annotazioni al # d.lgs. 15
dicembre 2015, n. 212 (Attuazione della
2012/29/UE del Parlamento europeo e del
Consiglio, del 25 ottobre 2012, che istituisce norme
minime in materia di diritti, assistenza e
protezione delle vittime di reato e che sostituisce
la decisione quadro 2001/220/GAI) # Procura di Trento - Indicazioni operative per l'applicazione del d.lgs. 15 dicembre 2015, n. 212 |
Bartoli # Il diritto penale tra vendetta e riparazione Riv. It. Dir. Proc. Pen 1/2016 |
Tramontano # Intorno all’idea di giustizia riparativa Minorigiustizia, n. 1-2016 |
Verwey-Jonker Institute (the Netherlands), IARS International Institute (UK), Institute of Conflict Research (IKF) Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS)(Austria), National Organization of Women’s Shelters (LOKK) (Denmark), European Public Law Organization (EPLO) (Greece), Department of Criminal Policy of the Ministry of Justice (Finland), European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ)
Justice and Domestic Violence. A Guide for
practitioners |
Thom Brooks # Punitive Restoration www.ucl.ac.uk/ Durham University, 20th January 2016 Punitive restoration offers a distinctive view about restorative justice. It is a single practice taking the form of a conference setting where the victim, the offender, their support networks and some local community members are represented. Punitive restoration is restorative insofar as it aims to achieve the restoration of rights infringed or threatened by criminal offences. This is accomplished through recognition of the crime as a public wrong leading to a contractual arrangement agreed by stakeholders. Punitive restoration is punitive because it extends the available options for a restorative contract to achieve restoration and this may include forms of hard treatment, such as drug and alcohol treatment in custody, suspended sentences or brief imprisonment. |
Jeff Bouffard,
Maisha Cooper, Kathleen Bergseth # The Effectiveness of Various Restorative Justice Interventions on Recidivism Outcomes Among Juvenile Offenders Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 1-16, 2016 The study, based on 551 youth who were assigned to restorative justice or traditional court proceedings between 2000 and 2005, found that 40 percent of the juveniles committed a new offense within the average 3.5-year study period. Youth processed through juvenile courts reoffended nearly 50 percent of the time, while those in a minimal restorative justice educational program committed new offenses only 31 percent of the time. More intensive restorative justice programs also had fewer new offenses than juvenile court cases, including 24 percent for community panels, 27 percent for indirect mediation, and 33 percent for direct mediation. |
Pulitanò # Sul libro di un incontro fra vittime e responsabili della lotta armata www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 18 Gennaio 2016 1. Voci da un incontro liberamente accettato. - 2. La via italiana della risposta alla lotta armata. - 3. Quale giustizia dell'incontro? - 4. Uno spazio al di là della giustizia legale. - 5. Dialogare con i precetti. |
Marco Bouchard |
Diana McKibben, Phil Penko Restorative justice is not a panacea, but restorative justice champions ideas which are inherent to civil society— honesty, accountability, and community engagement. Also, it provides an important role for victims, and costs next to nothing compared to jail and most rehabilitative programs. |
Valeria Bove |
Roberto Bartoli |
New Zealand Law Commission |
Kathleen Daly |
Katinka Lünnemann, Annemieke Wolthuis |
Antonietta Foddai # Prevenire, punire, riparare: la responsabilità personale tra diritto dello Stato e diritto della Chiesa Stato, Vhiese e pluralismo confessionale, n. 35, 16 novembre 2015 |
Why me?
Victims for Restorative Justice # Barriers and Solutions to Restorative Justice delivery in England and Wales www.why-me.org/ October 2015 There is a danger that RJ will be associated with the soft option for low level offences, which will not be popular with the public. For the victims, it does necessarily give them the opportunity to get their questions answered. It is of particular concern that they may feel that they are being used to reduce crime rather than gaining benefit for themselves (see RJC poll about RJ affecting sentence). Equally, remorse on the offender’s part may not be as genuine and therefore the opportunity to have a positive effect on their attitude may be missed. |
M. E. Mele, L. Varrone (a cura di) |
M. G. Mannozzi 1. La non neutralità delle scelte terminologiche nella traduzione giuridica. — 2. Opzioni terminologiche e dinamiche ermeneutiche. — 3. Dall’italiano all’inglese e ritorno: alla ricerca delle origini remote del termine «giustizia riparativa». — 4. Attività cognitiva e attività linguistica: il ruolo della terminologia nella traduzione giuridica. |
Andrei Poama |
Davis, Daniel Kim, Robert Spicer, Andrew Becroft,
Sacha Norrie # Restorative Practices in Action: A Conference for School and Justice Practitioners New York State Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, 2015 Restorative measures (or practices, approaches, discipline) can be organized into tiered levels of support, focusing on fair practices that: 1.Affirm relationships as a means of building community in the classroom and school, 2.Teach theskills of relationship to develop internal strength and 3.Use the power of relational connections to provide direction forrepairing or rebuilding relationships. At the tier one level, Restorative Measures teach social and emotional skills with an emphasis on building community — relationships between students and students and adults and students, practiced though class meeting or the circle process. |
Francesca Marsh, Nadia M. Wager |
Thom Brooks |
Moonkwi Kim # Essai sur la justice restaurative illustré par les exemples de la France et de la Corée du Sud tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/ Université Montpellier, 2015 En dépit de ces circonstances défavorables à la prospérité d’une justice restaurative dans les deux pays, nous avons vu récemment semée une graine d’espoir. L’espérance est grande tout particulièrement dans le cas de la France, en raison de la réforme pénale, effectuée l’été 2014, qui a fait entrer la justice restaurative dans le code de procédure pénale (art. 10-1), et de la circulaire annoncée pour 2015 qui devrait préciser les contours de la justice restaurative |
Thom Brooks # Defending Punishment. Replies To Critics Philosophy and Public Issues (New Series), Vol. 5, No. 1 (2015), 73-94 |
Fania E. Davis, Mikhail Lyubansky, Mara
Schiff |
Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather Strang,
Geoffrey Barnes, Daniel J. Woods, Sarah Bennett,
Nova Inkpen, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Meredith
Rossner, Caroline Angel, Malcolm Mearns and
Molly Slothower |
Giovanni Rossi
# Giovanni
Rossi, La direttiva 2012/29/UE: vittima e
giustizia riparativa nell’ordinamento
penitenziario , Archivio Penale, n. 2, 2015 |
Stefani # Alternative alla detenzione: quali prospettive in Europa? Analisi, buone prassi e ricerca in sette Paesi dell’Unione Europea Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza – Vol. IX – N. 2 – Maggio-Agosto 2015 Novità della normativa italiana è l’utilizzo anche in fase cautelare dell’istituto della messa alla prova (probation), istituito nel 2014 ma già utilizzato nel procedimento penale minorile, che, oltre ad agevolare il reinserimento sociale del reo, in un’ottica di giustizia riparativa permette allo stesso di riparare il reato commesso, attraverso il lavoro gratuito alla comunità, fornendo così una prova concreta del riconoscimento del suo errore. |
D'Aiuto # Messa alla prova da giudizio sul fatto a giudizio sull’imputato Processo penale e giustizia n. 6 | 2015 La probation, è funzionale ad un giudizio sulla personalità del soggetto, in conformità alla finalità rieducativa e risocializzante della sanzione. Nel nuovo rito, però, novità più interessante, la probation si realizza nel corso del processo e non in fase di esecuzione. Al sistema retributivo classico, come già negli apparati normativi più moderni europei ed extraeuropei, si vuole affiancare un modello di giustizia ripartivo. L’obiettivo è favorire la conciliazione tra la persona offesa e l’autore del reato chiamato a porre in essere condotte riparatorie utili a neutralizzare o compensare i danni cagionati. In un simile sistema l’imputato diviene il soggetto che, consapevole del disvalore della sua azione, è disposto ad eliminare le conseguenze dannose o pericolose del reato. La prova è l’occasione processuale per manifestare tale disponibilità. |
Dewey Cornell, Susan P. Limber |
Stefano Finocchiaro |
Luigi Annunziata Con Legge n. 67/2014 si introduceva l'istituto della sospensione del processo per la messa alla prova dell'imputato (c.d. probation processuale), mutuato dal rito minorile. La natura ibrida dell'istituto e le peculiarità della relativa disciplina hanno generato difficoltà finanche in ordine al suo inquadramento sistematico: procedimento speciale o causa estintiva del reato? Tali difficoltà si sono riverberate sull'applicazione pratica della normativa di nuovo conio; ciò nonostante, si è registrata una proliferazione di richieste di accesso alla probation. La concreta risoluzione delle criticità emerse è stata e sarà rimessa agli interventi della giurisprudenza di merito e di legittimità, cui resta affidata la coerente applicazione dell'istituto: in questo quadro, l'opera esegetica dell'interprete non pare poter prescindere dal costante confronto con gli approdi giurisprudenziali succedutisi in materia. |
Maria Francesca Cortesi, Emanuele La
Rosa, Lucia Parlato, Nicola Selvaggi -Coord.
Roberto Flor Introduzione: Maria Francesca Cortesi, Emanuele La Rosa, Lucia Parlato, Nicola Selvaggi | La protezione della vittima del reato quale autonomo scopo del diritto penale: Marco Venturoli | Vulnerabilità e predisposizioni vittimologiche: una politica criminale più sensibile alle vittime deboli: Marta Lamanuzzi | Tra riscatto e fuga: le parole della vittima nel contraddittorio processuale: Riccardo Germano | Tutela della vittima e prerogative dell’imputato nel segmento cautelare: un difficile bilanciamento: Marcello Stellin | Alla ricerca della funzione non punitiva della confisca: Chiara Battaglini | L’incidenza della prescrizione sulla piena tutela dei diritti fondamentali della vittima del reato: Carmela Pezzimenti | I confini della Restorative justice nella più recente normativa europea a tutela della vittima: ragionevole attuazione di una victim-centred justice o inevitabile condanna al destino di Sisifo?: Francesco Parisi | Vittima e decreto penale: Emanuela Strina |
Laruffa # La “messa alla prova”: novità applicative e criticità di uno strumento giuridico di deflazione carceraria Rassegna Avvocatura dello Stato, n. 4, 2015 La messa alla prova interviene prima ancora del dibattimento e della sentenza definitiva, quando ancora l’imputato è (o meglio, dovrebbe essere) considerato presunto innocente. Nel programma di trattamento applicato all’imputato che è stato "messo alla prova", si possono riscontrare tutti gli elementi che tipicamente sono presenti nelle misure punitive, tra questi: la tipizzazione all’interno del codice penale delle modalità di applicazione dell’istituto, come ad esempio lo stabilire aprioristicamente la durata della messa alla prova prevista per un determinato reato; il rimando all’art. 133 c.p. quale principio generale indispensabile per la commisurazione della pena ma, soprattutto, l’aver previsto l’estinzione del reato all’esito positivo della messa alla prova, come a configurare uno sconto di pena anticipata. |
Francesco Parisi |
Gaudreault # The Limits of Restorative Justice Proceedings of the Symposium of the École nationale de la magistrature, Paris: Édition Dalloz, 2005 |
Victorian Law Reform Commission Of course, the criminal justice system is not just a theoretical construct. Every year in Victoria, hundreds of criminal trials and thousands of guilty plea hearings impact directly on the lives of victims, accused and witnesses. Listening to the experiences of these people—and of the people who work in the criminal justice system—is crucially important. It allows for a systematic identification of the issues that exist, and an informed consideration of practical initiatives for improvement which have been implemented or championed in Victoria and around the world. Practice and theory are interrelated. They inform each other. The Commission encourages an approach to this reference which considers what we can learn from theory and what we can learn from practice, both individually and together. |
Grande # L’“ingiustizia riparativa” nel nome di Nils Christie. Rischi e pericoli di una composizione privata del conflitto Antigone, 2, 2015, pp. 31-49 |
Lauwaert and Ivo Aertsen (editors) # Desistance and restorative justice Mechanisms for desisting from crime within restorative justice practices European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ), 2015 The project ‘Desistance and restorative justice. Mechanisms for desisting from crime within restorative justice practices’ focuses on the benefit offenders can get in a desistance perspective from participating in a restorative justice (RJ) process... Recidivism research has looked into the link between RJ and reoffending. The results are not conclusive, but show that at least there is a potential for RJ to reduce crime. Recidivism research, with its mainly quantitative approach, does not, however, provide insight in why this influence occurs. Therefore this project has investigated 1) how participation in restorative justice processes influences the desistance journey of people who have offended, and 2) which factors within restorative justice practices support subjective and social changes that help initiate or maintain desistance from crime. |
Shannon M.
Sliva # The Adoption of Restorative Justice Legislation as a State Policy Response to Criminal Justice Concerns: A Mixed Methods Inquiry The University of Texas at Arlington, May 2015 Over the past two decades, 32 states have enacted legislation supporting the use of restorative justice as crime response... More supportive restorative justice legislation in a state was predicted by a higher percentage of female legislators, a higher proportion of Black Americans, and a higher state incarceration rate. Higher crime rates slightly decreased the likelihood of more supportive adoptions. Party affiliation, state fiscal capacity, tribal populations, and victims’ rights policy preferences were not predictive of more or less supportive adoptions. |
Mark S.
Umbreit, Ted Lewis # Victim Offender Mediation Training Manual. A Composite Collection of Training Resource Materials Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, University of Minnesota, May 2015 With an ever increasing emphasis upon retribution, there still exist contradictory impulses between punishment and rehabilitation among many correctional policy makers and practitioners. A lack of clarity exists about the basic purpose of sentencing. Is it meant to rehabilitate and change offender behavior? Are criminal sentences meant to deter others from committing crimes? Or, should the purpose of sentencing be to simply incapacitate, or remove, the criminal from circulation in society for a set period of time? These and other goals contribute to on-going confusion about what courts are trying to achieve... |
Massimo Donini |
Raffaele Muzzica |
Anna Lorenzetti |
Robert Cario # L’impact des theories victimologiques sur le(s) droit(s) des personnes victimes d’infraction en France Thyma 25/03/2015 Issue de pratiques ancestrales, assez universelles, de régulation des conflits de nature criminelle, la Justice restaurative a été (ré)inventée à la fin des années 70 dans les pays anglo-saxons sous l’impulsion de travailleurs sociaux investis dans les champs de la probation et de l’aide aux victimes. Plus timidement, elle a fait son apparition en France au début des années 80 au travers de la médiation pénale et de la réparation à l’égard des mineurs. |
Chris Cunneen, Barry Goldson |
Francesco Trapella |
Marco Bouchard |
Giulio Ubertis |
Adam Crawford # Temporality in Restorative Justice: On Time, Timing and Time-Consciousness Theoretical Crimninology:an International Journal, 19(4), 2015 Restorative justice has been the subject of much theoretical criminological debate and policy innovation. However, little consideration has been given explicitly to issues of temporality and the challenges they raise. Yet, at its heart, restorative justice provides a rearticulated understanding of the relationship between the past and future; one that seeks to marry otherwise tense and ambiguous dynamics of instrumental and moral reasoning, along with risk-based and punitive logics. This article explores a number of dimensions in which questions of time, timing and time- onsciousness are implicated in conceptions and practices of restorative justice. |
Giovanni Rossi |
Davide Galliani |
Camillo Regalia, Sara Pelucchi, Francesca
Giorgia Paleari, Claudia Manzi, Maria Brambilla Group Precesses & Intergroup Relations, 2015 The study presented is amongst the first to examine the role of restorative justice in intergroup forgiveness. The pattern of results is consistent with the idea that adopting a restorative justice perspective and building empathy and trust might be fruitful ways to enhance a positive motivational change towards the terrorists of Italy’s Years of Lead |
Marie-Odile Delcourt, André Dupleix, Guy
Escalettes, Alberto Giasanti, Etienne Le Roy,
Leonardo Lenzi, Jacqueline Morineau, Christine
Tavares, Filippo Vanoncini, Bertrand De Villeneuve |
Martina Cagossi |
Marc Toullier |
Lezahne van Wyk |
Carmen Cuadrado Salinas |
Nancy Hurley, Sarah Guckenburg, Hannah
Persson, Trevor Fronius, Anthony Petrosino |
Ricarda Lummer,
Otmar Hagemann, Sónia Reis (eds) | Schleswig-Holstein
Association for Social Responsibility in Criminal
Justice; Victim and Offender Treatment # Restorative Justice at Post-Sentencing Level in Europe www.fh-kiel.de/ 2015 |
Lorenzo Pulito |
Giuseppe Tabasco |
Marcello Stellin |
Anne Gregory, Kathleen Clawson, Alycia
Davis, Jennifer Gerewitz |
Pauline Raynaud |
Lisanne Drost,Birgitt Haller, Veronika
Hofinger, Tinka van der Kooij, Katinka Lünnemann,
Annemieke Wolthuis |
Darren John McStravick |
Gustavo Zagrebelsky Studi sono in corso, promossi anche da raccomandazioni internazionali. Si tratta di una prospettiva nuova e antichissima al tempo stesso che potrebbe modificare profondamente le coordinate con le quali concepiamo il crimine e il criminale: da fatto solitario a fatto sociale; da individuo rigettato dalla società a individuo che ne fa pur sempre parte, pur rappresentandone il lato d'un rapporto patologico. Qualcosa si muove, nella giustizia minorile, nei reati punibili a querela. Ma molto resterebbe da fare. |
Stefanovska # Some Restorative Justice Benefits to Offenders and Victims of Crime Balkan Social Science Review, Vol. 4, December 2014, 7-25 Benefits to the criminal justice system, means that restorative justice release the court from judicial cases, accelerate he procedure and upon successfully completed mediation, judicial cases will be closed successfully, i.e. court proceedings will be terminated. At last, restorative justice gives voice to the parties themselves to resolve the conflict which is afterwards confirmed by the judiciary. |
Tadrous # La place de la victime dans le procès pénal https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/ 1er décembre 2014 - Submitted on 14 Sep 2015 Au fil du temps, la victime a acquis une place bien solide et dispose aujourd’hui d’un rôle considérable au sein du procès pénal. En effet, à l’exception de la phase de l’exécution des peines, la victime intervient effectivement dans le procès répressif en qualité de partie. De plus, la victime qui n’exerce normalement que l’action civile pour la réparation du préjudice subi par une infraction pénale s’immisce dans l’action publique au point de brouiller les frontières qui existaient auparavant entre l’action privée et l’action publique. Il s’est produit un renouveau du sens du procès pénal, ses finalités ont été ébranlées, la réponse pénale s’est diversifiée et le rôle des acteurs par là-même modifié. L’étude des droits qui lui sont octroyés et du rôle qu’elle exerce au sein du procès répressif a révélé l’ambiguïté de son action. Il est donc apparu nécessaire de clarifier la place de la victime au sein du procès pénal. |
Giuseppe Luigi Fanuli |
Francesco Parisi |
David Karp, Duke Fisher |
Gian Piero Turchi Mario Tocci Michele
Romanelli (a cura di) |
Mary Keenan # Sexual Trauma and Abuse: Restorative and Transformative Possibilities? A Collaborative Study on the potential of Restorative Justice in Sexual Crime in Ireland School of Applied Social Science, University College Dublin, Ireland - November 27th 2014 Three main questions underpinning the research: 1. Were there unmet needs following involvement in the criminal justice and other systems [such as therapy, commissions of investigation, redress boards etc]? 2. Was there a need for Restorative Justice in Cases of Sexual Violence in Ireland? 3. If a programme for Restorative Justice were to be established in Ireland in cases of sexual violence, what would need to be carefully considered? |
Matteo Murgia La giustizia riparativa è una teoria e allo stesso tempo un movimento sociale di carattere internazionale che riforma il modello tradizionale di giustizia penale. In questa nuova proposta si pone che il crimine – o delitto – è fondamentalmente un danno contro una persona concreta e le sue relazioni interpersonali; ciò differenzia questo modello dalla giustizia penale convenzionale di carattere retributivo dove il delitto è una lesione a una norma giuridica e la vittima principale è lo Stato... |
Mark Halsey,
Andrew Goldsmith, David Bamford # Achieving restorative justice: Assessing contrition and forgiveness in the adult conference process Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 2014 Our clearest finding from this study has been that restorative justice conferences are greatly valued by victims. In general terms, this is due to the structured opportunities provided for victims to deepen their sense of participation within the criminal justice system. Specifically, it gives them the opportunity to be heard as an express element of the criminal justice process, a feature often absent from the ‘mainstream’ criminal justice system. It also gave them the opportunity to communicate with the offender and to try and understand the reason for the offender’s behaviour. For offenders, the conference was often exacting and moving. Having to confront the victim provided an occasion in which an apology could be offered personally or a gesture of remorse could be made. |
Bertolini # Esistono autentiche forme di 'diversione' nell'ordinamento processuale italiano? Primi spunti per una riflessione www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 18 Novembre 2014 Con la diversione si intendono sottrarre al procedimento penale quei reati per i quali il processo, nella sua forma classica, viene ritenuto superfluo, se non dannoso. Ciò non significa che lo Stato rinuncia a reagire al reato in assoluto, ma che esso viene affrontato in maniera diversa, tramite modalità informali che si rifanno al paradigma della giustizia riparativa. L'ordinamento austriaco ne ha predisposto una disciplina particolarmente dettagliata. Alla luce di questa si compie una prima analisi del tessuto normativo italiano, allo scopo di verificare se istituti che vengono spesso presentati come vicini alla diversione abbiano davvero le caratteristiche che la contraddistinguono, arrivando a conclusioni perlopiù critiche. Il mancato pieno accoglimento delle alternative al processo nel nostro ordinamento sarebbe dovuto soprattutto alla "barriera all'ingresso" costituita dall'obbligatorietà dell'azione penale, barriera che tuttavia potrebbe non doversi considerare realmente ostativa. |
Grazia Mannozzi, Giovanni Angelo Lodigiani |
Désirée Fondaroli |
Mick Ryan, Tony Ward |
Gema Varona |
Devona Gruber, Lauren Hansen, Katrina
Soaper, Aaron J. Kivisto |
Beau Kilmer and Jesse Sussell |
Cezary Kulesza |
Gerry Johnstone # Restorative Justice in Prisons: Methods, Approaches and Effectiveness Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 29 September 2014 In recent decades, many who have voiced such criticisms of imprisonment have suggested that ‘restorative justice’ is the way forward. Restorative justice is most commonly presented as a viable alternative to imprisonment for many offenders.iii On this view, restorative justice interventions can perform many of the functions we expect imprisonment to perform, such as discouraging crime and reoffending, changing the outlook of offenders, and satisfying victims and society that something meaningful is being done in response to crime. |
Kevin J. Derajtys, Lana A. McDowell |
Stephane Jasmin Kirven |
Giovanni Rossi |
John Braitwaite |
James Ptacek |
Andy Engen |
Daryl Higgins, Kristen Davis |
Rachel Harding # Restorative Injustice. Barriers to Victim Engagement in Restorative Justice: Perspectives of Victims of Assault in Derby Internet Journal of Criminology, 2014 Despite this lack of public confidence, research has shown that Restorative Justice works significantly more effectively than imprisonment in terms of rehabilitation, and has also been shown to positively alter both the victim’s and offender’s attitudes towards the crime... |
Daniel Willyam da Silva Cordeiro, Diana
Patrícia da Silva Leal Roque |
Marie Lefebvre-Billiez |
Gavrielides # Reconciling the Notions of Restorative Justice and Imprisonment The Prison Journal, 2014 We have concluded that RJ and prisons are not mutually exclusive as some commentators have argued (e.g. Guidoni, 2003). This proposition is, of course, open for debate. The article also endorsed the idea of “restorative punishment” and rejected the proposition that RJ can only be approached as an abolitionist concept. |
Massimo Donini |
Valeria Bove # Messa alla prova per gli adulti: una prima lettura della L. 67/14 Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, 9-11 giugno 2014 |
Filippo Giunchedi |
Maya Pagni
Barak # Re-Imagining Punishment: An Exercise in “Intersectional Criminal Justice” Laws 2014, 3, 693–705 |
Chad Flanders # Can Retributivism be Saved? Brigham Young University Law Review. 2014 |
James Ptacek |
Brunilda Pali
and Christa Pelikan # Con-texting restorative justice and abolitionism: exploring the potential and limits of restorative justice as an alternative discourse to criminal justice Restorative Justice: An International Journal (2014) vol 2 issue 2 In this paper, we try to go beyond Christie’s anti-terminology exercise and read between his lines and those of the authors responding to his essay. The core question that has surfaced from the whole provocation, and the one that guides our reflection (and the field of RJ in general), is whether RJ can be seen today to constitute a viable alternative ‘discursive practice’ to the current criminal justice system (CJS). Christie’s ‘Words on words’ and the reactions it has provoked offer fertile ground for thinking and theorising about this... |
Michael D.
Bush, Kimberly D. Dodson # Police Officers as Peace Officers:A Philosophical and Theoretical Examination of Policing from a Peacemaking Approach Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, September, 2014, 6(3): 194-205 |
Jenni Ward |
Normando # Modelli alternativi di giustizia in materia penale: l’intervento del mediatore Processo penale e Giustizia, n. 2, 2014 Gli strumenti riparativi, svincolati dal rigore formale del processo e dalla logica retributiva ed ispirati ai valori della riconciliazione, consentono di affrontare i conflitti in modo più efficiente rispetto al tradizionale sistema penale, in chiave di complementarità e di integrazione, non “contro” l’apparato giudiziario ma “accanto”. |
Galavotti # Dalla sociologia della devianza alla sociologia della vittima: teorie, percorsi e prassi operative Università di Pisa, 2014 |
Galavotti, Gerardo Pastore, Elisa Corbari (a cura di) # Dalla teoria alle buone prassi: percorsi per la creazione dei Centri di Supporto alle Vittime www.istitutofde.it/ 2014 |
Alessandra Dal Moro |
Tony Ward,
Kathryn J. Fox and Melissa Garber # Restorative justice, offender rehabilitation and desistance Restorative Justice: An International Journal (2014) vol 2 issue 1 ... We present the concept of desistance and examine its relations to RJ and traditional offender rehabilitation, drawing from the resources of the Good Lives Model... Finally, we end the paper with some reflections on the conceptual links between RJ, rehabilitation theory and programmes, and desistance ideas, and comment on their possible contribution to correctional intervention with offenders and to the growing literature on the situated condition of offenders within RJ. |
David Taylor |
Sandri, Marzia Tosi # Proposte metodologiche per una “Società Riparativa” Crimen et Delictum, VII (April 2014) Resta eventuale la quinta ed ultima fase di cui il progetto si compone e che si realizza solo ove colui che abbia partecipato al percorso s'impegni in azioni in senso lato riparatorie, da intendersi come il mettere in campo un facere inclusivo e coinvolgente, che prende vita con gli altri e non per gli altri. Le possibilità qui offerte sono di fatto quelle consentite dal nostro ordinamento, forse con un particolare favor – ma questo dipende in larga parte dalle fattispecie criminose con cui dobbiamo confrontarci – rivolto allo svolgimento di attività volontaria e non retribuita di utilità collettiva. |
Pierre Noreau, Alexandra Pasca |
State of Maine - Judicial
BranchForeclosure Diversion Program |
Sonia Chiaravalloti |
Menna # Mediazione - omologata dall’Autorità giurisdizionale - con gli offesi e con gli enti rappresentativi di interessi diffusi Diritto e Giustizia Minorile, 1/2014 La mediazione penale è oggi confinata in uno spazio in cui lo Stato rinunzia ad affermare la propria pretesa punitiva per consentire alla sola persona offesa – soprattutto in relazione a reati bagatellari - di dichiararsi o meno soddisfatta. Ci si chiede, invece, se la mediazione ovvero la giustizia riparativa possa diventare tendenzialmente alternativa a quella “retributiva” nel senso che, al di là della spesso oleografica conciliazione – in particolare per reati bagatellari - con la persona offesa, specie se persona fisica, sia possibile sostituire alla filosofia della “retribuzione” la filosofia della riparazione che come tale non presupponga l’accertamento del fatto, non tenga conto di un parametro rigido e formale di sindacato della violazione di un bene giuridico e di reazione ad essa, ma incentri tutto su un ripristino patteggiato e, come si dirà, eventualmente “creativo” dell’ordine violato. Se così fosse la mediazione o, recte, la giustizia riparativa potrebbe estendersi anche ai reati più gravi. |
Restorative Justice Colorado -
Legislative Report The completion status of participating offenders is tracked by noting whether the offender has fulfilled the expectations of their restorative justice agreement, by the completion date established in the restorative justice process. When the agreement is completed by the assigned completion date the process is considered successful. When an agreement is not completed by the assigned date the process is considered unsuccessful and noted as ‘Did Not Complete’. At the time of this survey there were also many processes that were pending completion. Some processes do not have a written agreement as an outcome or do not reach an agreement within the process. These processes are not considered in the completion rates below. The anticipated success rate of the pending cases is approximately 90% based on the average outcomes of restorative justice programs statewide. |
Mary P.
Koss # The RESTORE Program of Restorative Justice for Sex Crimes: Vision, Process, and Outcomes Journal of Interpersonal Violence, online 24 December 2013 The most satisfied group was survivor victims who attended their conference. Responsible person supporters were the most dissatisfied group across all indicators. Even so, 90% were satisfied that justice was done and 95% would recommend RESTORE. Surrogate victims were least satisfied with the justice outcome. Most surrogate victims were advocates at local sexual assault centers. |
Elmar G. M.
Weitekamp # Developing Peacemaking Circles in a European Context http://euforumrj.org/ November 2013 First and foremost, evaluation studies have established beyond doubt that restorative approaches have no negative effects on recidivism. Although some evaluations conclude that VOM and conferencing have no significant impact on re-offending (Hayes, 2005) or results are mixed at best (Braithwaite 1999). Several more recent large scale evaluation studies conducted of victim-offender mediation and conferencing revealed more promising findings (Strang & Sherman, 2004, 2007; Latimer, Dowden & Muise, 2005; Hayes, 2007; Shapland et al., 2011). |
Ibrahim Koodoruth |
European Parliament. Directorate
General for Internal Policies | Sylvia Walby,
Philippa Olive, Jude Towers, Brian Francis,
Sofia Strid, Andrea Krizsán, Emanuela Lombardo,
Corinne May-Chahal, Suzanne Franzway, David
Sugarman, Bina Agarwal, |
Luca Poltronieri Rossetti |
Massimo Donini |
Cornacchia # Vittime e giustizia criminale Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procedura Penale, fasc. 4, 2013 |
Natalie Hogan # Repairing the Harm. Restorative Justice and its Implications on the Criminal Justice System https://spea.indiana.edu/ Spring 2013 Many experts in the field of restorative justice are hopeful for its continued growth and implementation, especially in local communities and schools across the United States. However, many do agree that for more impactful, structural change in the criminal justice system, a new way of thinking must be implemented from the top down. Obviously, this will require American policymakers to examine more closely and re-evaluate the current criminal justice system while comparing the aspects of the retributive system to the components of a restorative system. If programs are implemented and supported by local and state governments effectively, the potential for restorative justice success is great especially with respect to juveniles... |
Rebecca Wallace, Karen Wylie, Robert Gordon |
Jan van Dijk # Victim-centred restorative justice Restorative Justice, 1(3), 426-429, 2013 |
Giovanni Rossi |
Keith V.
Bletzer, Mary P. Koss # Restorative Justice and Sexual Assault: Outcome Appraisal through Textual Analysis The Open Area Studies Journal, 2013, Volume 5, pages 1-11 Based on the rubric that we adapted from a template developed by Stephen Webster, we assessed the veracity of apology letters written by adult sex offenders, who earned the right to apologize to their victim, following participation in a 12-month program based on principles and practices of Restorative Justice. Content of the apology letters demonstrated anticipated changes in classic features of sexual assault as a harm-causing, ego centered, trauma-producing, control-seeking, relationship-imposing act. Despite individualized formulation by each responsible person, the letters from misdemeanor and felony cases were similar in acknowledgment of harm and in the articulation of gratitude, but varied in responsibility acceptance and trauma discontinuation. |
Marin County Civil Grand Jury |
Martha Jones
Russell # How Can Restorative Practices Decrease “School to Prison Pipeline” Occurrences for Black Male Students? Drexel University, August 2013 The “School to Prison Pipeline” refers to the set of policies and practices that make the criminalization and incarceration of children and youth more likely and the attainment of a highquality education less likely... Restorative practices have given us a way to help the kids process the things in the front of their minds that make learning secondary to them. In the classroom, it’s about getting to a state where we can work, rather than seeing how much punishment we can heap on a student. |
Francesca Tugnoli |
Adam Hunsberger |
Lorenzo Passerini Glazel |
Poltronieri Rossetti # Il diritto alla riparazione per le vittime di crimini internazionali: problemi e prospettive a partire dalle decisioni della CPI nel caso Lubanga Università degli Studi di Trento, 2013 |
Centro per la mediazione di Trento e
Bolzano |
Piemonte | Sara Caruso, Eleonora Guidi (Associazione
Amapola) # Gestire i conlitti prima che sia troppo tardi. Quando si assiste una vittima di reato www.regione.piemonte.it/ Manuale a dispense sulla sicurezza urbana / dispensa n°8 / maggio 2013 |
Monica M. Gerber, Jonathan Jackson |
Alexandra Smith |
Centro per la mediazione - Regione Autonoma
Trentino-Alto Adige |
Don Weatherburn, Megan Macadam |
Karkošková # Conditions of Victim-Offender Mediation in Cases of Intimate Partener Violence in Slávka Karkošková, Lenka Holá, et al, Resolving Disputes in the 21st Century, P-T Muhely Ltd., Budapest, Hungary, 2013 There are some fundamental conditions for application of VOM in domestic violence cases. The baseline condition is the preparedness of the mediator and preparedness of the system on which the mediator depends. The central requirement is the appropriate disposition and attitude of the victim and the offender. And the complementary condition is the appropriate disposition of the community of persons associated with the victim and the offender which (even without their direct VOM participation) can have an indirect influence on the process.. |
Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie,
Andrew J. Wistrich |
Kerstin Braun # Giving Victims a Voice: On the Problems of Introducing Victim Impact Statements in German Criminal Procedure German Law Journal, v. 14, n. 09, 2013 In the 1970s and 80s, the victims’ rights movement and scholarship focusing on victims of crime emerged, pointing out deficits in the treatment of victims by the criminal justice system and challenging the conception of victims as mere witnesses without their own rights in the criminal justice process.4 The academic debate on victims and their role in the criminal justice system shifted from theory to the adoption of an international instrument. In 1985, the United Nations (“UN”) General Assembly unanimously adopted the United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power recognizing that “millions of people throughout the world suffer[ed] harm as a result of crime and the abuse of power and that the rights of these victims ha[d] not been adequately recognized.” |
Mario Ferreira Monte |
Heather Strang, Lawrence W Sherman, Evan
Mayo-Wilson, Daniel Woods, Barak Ariel. |
Shawn M. Flower # Community Mediation Maryland. Reentry Mediation Recidivism Analysis http://re-entrymediation.org/ Choice Research Associates, April 2013 In summary, participation in mediation has a strong impact by reducing the probability of arrest by 10%; and repeated engagements in the service further shores up the impact by 6% for each added mediation session. In addition, analysis reveals that those who participate in mediation appear to survive a longer period of time before a post-release arrest event, compared to those who did not mediate, (although this difference was not statistically significant). |
Denis C. Bracken |
Chris Cunneen # Restorative Justice, Globalisation and the Logic of Empire University of New South Wales Law Research Paper No. 2013-2 The purpose... First, to explore more fully the relationship between restorative justice and what is here termed the ‘logic of empire,’ by examining the role of restorative justice in neoliberal crime control strategies and the broader role played by these strategies in reproducing a particular cultural logic or hegemonic norm about the nature of offending and victimization. Second, to consider the role of restorative justice in the global exchange of crime control strategies, with particular attention paid to the place of restorative justice in achieving justice in transitional societies. The author argues that the universal good that restorative justice promises is firmly captured within a very particular set of processes, which can be understood more generally as neoliberal approaches to crime control. Thus, to the extent that neoliberalism dominates a new globalised world order, restorative justice takes its place without any significant challenge to the values that underpin the new order. |
Pierluca Massaro |
Procura della
Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Milano - Pool reati
informatici # Vittim@ ineffabile. Crimine informatico, persona offesa, processo penale - Working paper http://www.procura.milano.giustizia.it/ 2013 Alla vittima, all'ambiente sociale aggredito dal reato, si deve dare miglior voce. Come all'autore del reato, di essa si deve raccontare grazie alle istituzioni, entro logiche di laglità, ricostitutive del legame sociale, lontano da attese vendicative. Una vittima destinataria di azioni riparative in senso ampio... |
Brian Gregory Sellers |
CNCDH - Commission Nationale Consultative
des Droits de l'Homme |
Robert Cario |
Anne Hayden |
Silvio Civello
Conigliaro # La nuova normativa europea a tutela delle vittime di reato. Una prima lettura della direttiva 2012/29/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 25 ottobre 2012 (GUUE 14.11.2012) www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 22 Novembre 2012 |
Marilena Colamussi |
Bianchini # L’istituto della riabilitazione tra cancellazione del reato e riparazione alla vittima: la sua applicazione nelle realtà europee italiana e belga Università di Bologna, 2012 |
Elena Mattevi |
Erwan Dieu |
Comité Interministériel de Prévention de la
Délinquance # Guide sur la médiation sociale en matière de tranquillité publique http://ville.gouv.fr/ Juin 2012 |
Jennifer Rubin, Lila Rabinovich,
Michael Hallsworth, Edward Nason |
Kathleen J.
Bergseth, Jeffrey A. Bouffard # Examining the Effectiveness of a Restorative Justice Program for Various Types of Juvenile Offenders International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2012 57(9) 1054–1075 Meta-analyses have demonstrated varying degrees of program success in recidivism reduction, which may in part reflect differential effectiveness of the RJ approach for various kinds of offenders. This study examined whether an RJ program for juvenile offenders had differential impacts on recidivism across various offender characteristics (including age, gender, racial group, offending history, and current offense). Results generally support the effectiveness of the program for many types of offenders. |
Prison Reform Trust |
Jung Jin
Choi, Gordon Bazemore, Michael J. Gilbert # Review of research on victims' experiences in restorative justice: Implications for youth justice Children and Youth Services Review 34 (2012) 35–42 |
Rebecca Brooks |
Sara Balgoyen, Leigh Courtney, Natalie
Defreitas, Jasmine Garfield |
Colleen Pawlychka |
Mimi E. Kim |
Jillian M. Furman |
Marco Venturoli |
Francesco Maisto |
Steffek # Mediation in the European Union: An Introduction https://e-justice.europa.eu/ june 2012 The purpose of mediation is to allow the parties to find a resolution to their conflict in a sus-tainable and self-determined way. The procedure is constructive and involves the chance for personal development and social growth for the parties of the conflict. The principle of volun-tariness and the development of the solution by the parties themselves carry with them the expectation of substantive justice. It is expected that the results agreed with benefit both par-ties or, at least, avoid that anyone is worse off after the mediation. |
www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 2012 |
Roberto Flor, Elena Mattevi (a cura di) |
Josh Bowers, Paul H. Robinson |
Ted Wachtel |
Benetti # Mediazione e violenza interpersonale intima: un “matrimonio” possibile? Accenni al Progetto Concordo www.lexop.org/ 2012 Alcuni teorici della Giustizia Riparativa sostengono che, nei casi di violenza intrafamiliare, la mediazione tra vittima e carnefice è improponibile e rischiosa. Si è osservato che la violenza difficilmente cessa dopo l’intervento della mediazione. Numerose ricerche hanno infatti dimostrato che durante la fase di mediazione si corre il rischio che l’autore delle condotte violente (generalmente il maschio) manifesti il proprio rimorso e ammetta le proprie responsabilità solo apparentemente, fingendo di impegnarsi a controllare i propri agiti violenti (riappacificazione apparente e strumentale). Si sono quindi individuati dei limiti di applicabilità della mediazione in tutte quelle dinamiche relazionali caratterizzate da episodi di violenza... |
James Forsaith, Barrie Irving, Eva
Nanopoulos, Mihaly Fazekas |
Robert A.
Baruch Bush, Joseph P. Fogler # Mediation and Social Justice: Risks and Opportunities Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol. 27:1 2012 Mediation can offer a unique opportunity to help preserve and advance social justice while also achieving other very desirable private and public benefits. This by no means suggests that mediation should be regarded as the only or the best means of attaining social justice |
Kieran McEvoy, Kirsten McConnachie |
Gianluca Tramontano |
Vezzadini (a cura di) # I Centri di assistenza e supporto alle vittime di reato www.assemblea.emr.it/ 2012 |
www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 3 Febbraio 2012 |
# Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Venezia,
Ordinanza 7 gennaio 2012, n. 5 - Pres. Pavarin Ciò che emerge dall’ordinanza, in definitiva, è una «misura progettuale della pena, capace di dare rilievo alla realtà umana del soggetto che ad essa risulti sottoposto, ma anche alla possibile ricomposizione dei legami intersoggettivi sui quali abbia inciso la frattura costituita dal reato». In quest’ottica si collocano peraltro alcune pronunce della Corte di cassazione attraverso la cui filigrana testuale e linguistica si percepisce il superamento dell’idea rieducativa intesa come percorso individuale che muove da «pentimento» e «resipiscenza». Il cambio di prospettiva si coglie dunque già dalle scelte lessicali, specchio fedele di modelli teorici consolidati oppure «in embrione». |
Massimiliano Dova |
Sandu, Simona Damian # Applying Appreciative Inquiry Principles in the Restorative Justice Field Postmodern Openings, 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2, June, pp: 37-52 Although the convergence between appreciative ideology and the ideologies derived from the need of preserving human dignity is not complete, they can be seen in a single paradigm of affirmative action. Although restorative justice principles are not inspired by appreciative inquiry methodology, are at least converging with it, both of them focusing on human potential positivity. Moving the accent from the offense and its due retribution, on the recovery of prior state offense, both for the victim and the offender, this can be interpreted as waiving the deficiency paradigm, and integrating positive experiences resulting from mediation offender-victim relationship in an appreciative paradigm. Application of appreciative inquiry in restorative justice and in probation systems is a unique area in the world, it being applied only on an experimental level in some restorative justice programs. |
Gaddi # Les médiations: pratiques et enjeux. Le cadre d’action de la médiation Informations sociales | Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales n° 170, 2012/2 |
Carlo Alberto Romano |
Theo Gavrielides, Vasso Artinopoulou |
Richard A. Bierschbach, Stephanos
Bibas |
Suzan van der Aa |
Jack B. Hamlin |
Pascal Pignol |
Grazia Mannozzi |
Mcglynn # Feminism, Rape and the Search for Justice Oxford Journal of Legal Studies · November 2011 In After the Crime, Susan Miller offers another possibility, that of restorative justice. After providing rich, in-depth narratives which tell the positive stories of victims and offenders engaging in dialogue, Miller suggests that the potential for the use of restorative justice in cases of ‘gendered violence’ is ‘vast’. Nonetheless, she continues that it is only post- conviction restorative justice programmes which can guard against the ‘host of legitimate concerns’ over the use of restorative justice in such cases. |
Elvira Calluso |
Jana Bednarova |
Brooks # The Utility of Restorative Justice in Urban Communities For Afro Americans Males 12-17 http://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/ 2011 Restorative justice is facilitated by shared values within the community whereby retributive justice is meted out for more serious transgressions. Restorative justice practices underpin the notion that several components of the restorative justice may be valuable in reducing recidivism for youth. Equally important, at the core of restorative justice programming is the multifaceted approach that engages the community of stakeholders in a comprehensive effort to reduce youth involvement in the juvenile justice system. |
Craig Lambert, Gerry Johnstone, Simon
Green, Rebecca Shipley |
Jon Kidde, Rita Alfred |
Tinsley, Elisabeth McDonald # Is There Any Other Way? Possible Alternatives to the Current Criminal Justice Process Canterbury Law Review, Vol 17, 2011 Under a restorative justice model, the criminal act is seen as an act against both the community and the victim. Offending behaviour is seen as damaging human relationships, and restorative justice aims to restore victims, offenders and the community. It seeks to undertake this restoration – a remedying of harm – through collective participation by all those affected by the offence. It aims for re-integration and repair rather than punishment and retribution, although in reality many manifestations of restorative justice combine elements of retribution and restoration... |
Giovanna Fanci |
Robert Cario |
Tony Susan Goldbach |
Jo-Anne Wemmers, Tinneke Van Camp |
Eva Achjani
Zulfa # Restorative Justice in Indonesia: Traditional Value Indonesia Law Review, May - August 2011 |
W. Isaac # Restorative Justice in Schools: An examination of peace circles within Monroe High School Rochester Institute of Technology, April 2011 Literature suggests that restorative justice programs can have improved outcomes when examining recidivism rates and satisfaction levels of both victim and offender in many instances compared to traditional approaches. Partners in Restorative Initiatives implemented peace circles and community conferencing, both restorative justice programs, within James Monroe High School in Rochester, NY. The practice of peace circles within Monroe High School was explored in comparison to theory and current national and international uses of peace circles. This paper discussed the restorative justice approach of using peace circles within James Monroe High School in Rochester, NY and how it affected perceptions of safety, respect, violence, and communication amongst teachers and students. |
Anthony J. Nocella II |
Arianna Silvestri (ed) |
Tommaso Edoardo Frosini |
Mark S. Umbreit, Marilyn Peterson
Armour Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 36, 2011 Rooted in the juvenile justice systems of North America, with a focus on non-violent property crimes, restorative justice policy and practice are now present at virtually all levels of adult and juvenile justice systems, even handling severely violent crimes. Restorative justice and dialogue have now moved far beyond the justice systems of the world and are found in school settings, workplaces, faith communities, and even in the context of deeply-entrenched political violence, such as in Israel and Palestine, and in post-conflict societies such as Northern Ireland, South Africa, Liberia, and Rwanda. |
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of
Crime |
Danila Certosino |
Nicole Concordia |
Marco Bouchard |
Mediares -
semestrale sulla mediazione - n. 17-18;
gennaio-dicembre 2011 Martin Wright, Restorative justice: a new response to crime and conflict | Andrea Cannone, I diritti delle vittime nel panorama legislativo internazionale | Gianpaolo Impagnatiello, La mediazione penale nel quadro degli strumenti di alternative dispute resolution | Anna Coppola De Vanna, La mediazione come strumento d’intervento sociale | Andrea Tünde Barabás, Procedural rights and dignity of victims in Hungary | Armando Saponaro, Paradigmi e modelli di victim-oriented justice nel sistema penale | Olivia Mons, Panorama européen des organismes d’aide aux victimes | Silvio Ciappi, Sicurezza urbana tra repressione, partecipazione e nuova punitività | Lídia Ayora Mascarell, Criminalità minorile: riflessioni dal punto di vista riparativo | Johan Deklerck, The Mediation Process.Going from “Autumn” to “Spring” | Antonio Buonatesta, La place de la médiation dans une politique en faveur des victimes. Réflexion au départ du modèle belge | Ignazio Grattagliano, Ascolto delle vittime: aspetti criminologici e psichiatrico forensi |
Zachary Hoskins |
Lode Walgrave |
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of
Crime |
Tramontano # Mediazione e processo nel sistema penale Rivista Penale, 3/2011 |
Ivo Aertsen,
Daniela Bolívar, Vicky De Mesmaecker, Nathalie Lauwers # Restorative justice and the active victim: exploring the concept of empowerment Temida, 14(1):5-19, 2011 This paper departs from the observation that the victim image leading public discourse has transformed in recent years: increasingly victims reject the traditional victim label implying helplessness and dependency to adopt the image of the emancipated victim that wishes to participate in the criminal proceedings. Restorative justice at first sight provides an answer to these emancipated victims’ wishes, offering them participation in criminal proceedings. |
Anne Opie # Homecomings, border encounters and hospitality: Alfred Shutz’s and Jacques Derrida’s contributions to conceptualizing a transition from prison European Journal of Probation, Vol. 3, No.2, 2011 A significant body of the desistance literature emanating from England and Scotland is concerned with the orientation and focus of offender management services. It brings to its critique of the dominant concern about risk assessment and management in these countries‟ correctional policies and practices discussion of the demonstrated possibilities and value of an alternative, humanistic approach. This approach does not discount risk as an issue to be addressed, but in place of what in some jurisdictions has become a deterministic practice, foregrounds the importance of a person- entred, strengths-based approach. |
Estelle Zinsstag, Marlies Teunkens,
Brunilda Pali |
Guido Acquaviva, Roberto Alfonso,
Giovanni Armone, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Luisella De
Cataldo Neuburger, Angelo Giarda, Flavia Lattanzi,
Nicoletta Parisi, Valentina Petralia, Eugenio
Selvaggi Centro di documentazione europea -
Università di Catania - Online Working Paper 2010/n.
26 - Dicembre 2010 |
Kate Bloch # Reconceptualizing Restorative Justice HeinOnline -- 7 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 201, winter 2010 Through both the Classic RJ and the Hybrid RJ models, California has an opportunity to rethink its sentencing practices. These models seek to illumine and address more broadly the human impact of crime and offer more contextual approaches to sentencing. Research suggests that these approaches can, at least in some circumstances, reduce recidivism and leave those involved with a greater sense of satisfaction with the justice process. They offer hope of reducing recidivism and overcrowding, as well as improving the outcomes for victims and offenders, and consequently enhancing public safety. |
Pamela Podda |
Gianluca Tramontano |
Maria Chiara Di Gangi |
Anne Hayden This study critically examines the reasons for non-reporting of intimate partner violence (IPV). It explores the thesis that the use of restorative justice processes could impact on the rate of reporting and victims seeking early interventions for this form of offending, or giving victims more choice, and therefore power... |
Rodotà # Antropologia dell'homo dignus Università di Macerata, 6 ottobre 2010 |
Wright # Taking action on rights, support and protection of victims of crime and violence http://restorativejustice.org/ September 2010 Yes, a restorative justice process should be the norm, as in New Zealand and Northern Ireland (but for all ages, not only for victims of juvenile offenders as in those countries). Exceptions should only be made in specific circumstances, for example where here is a danger of physical or psychological harm, or of course where one party refuses to take part. Each government should support a national NGO whose governing body would include practitioners. It would draw up standards for mediators and mediation services, in consultation with them. It would then make arrangements for these standards to be applied through a system of accreditation, including a programme of continuing professional development. |
Jac Armstrong |
Stubbs # Relations of Domination and Subordination: Challenges for Restorative Justice in Responding to Domestic Violence UNSW Law Journal Volume 33(3) 2010 Without a strong normative commitment to anti-subordination and a clear theoretical framework for understanding victimisation, generic models of RJ cannot be relied on to promote victim interests in cases of gendered violence, nor to challenge racism or other forms of prejudice. |
Law Reform Commission |
Mimi E. Kim # Alternative Interventions to Intimate Violence: Defining Political and Pragmatic Challenges In J.Ptacek (Ed.), Restorative justice and violence against women (pp.193–217). New York, NY: Oxford University Press |
David Wood # Punishment: the Future University of Melbourne Law School Research Series, 2010 A companion to “Punishment: Consequentialism” and “Punishment: Nonconsequentialism”, which examine attempts to justify punishment as a state institution, this paper considers possible alternatives to punishment. On the assumption that there are two elements to punishment, an element of condemnation and of hard treatment, the paper considers first, the alternative of condemnation without hard treatment, and secondly, of hard treatment without condemnation. The paper then looks ahead to possible developments in thinking and theorising about punishment. |
Rosansky # “Reducing Recidivism: Stopping the Trend of Criminal Relapse in America” Sabiduria, vol. 2.1, 2010 Two thirds of the inmates released from United States’ correctional institutes will be incarcerated again. There are, however, steps that can be taken to reduce the recidivism rate. Many people feel that our punitive practices of incarceration stigmatize criminals and lead to large inmate populations. They promote programs of restorative justice instead. Other programs including drug rehabilitation, family services, and education have all proven to reduce recidivism rates. The United States must reverse its trend of increasing prison populations and reduce recidivism by involving convicted criminals in these programs. |
Natalie Jaynes The concept of ―restorative justice‖ has in recent years been widely invoked in the transitional justice literature. The term is however often used loosely, inconsistently and in apparently different senses. This minor dissertation addresses this dilemma by bringing together three influential bodies of work on restorative justice and exploring what each body of work means by the term ―restorative justice‖. The three bodies of work are that of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, criminal justice theorists and accounts of African Traditional Justice Mechanisms. With a clearer picture of what these respective sources mean when referring to restorative justice, the discussion then turns to the potential relevance and significance of these conceptions of restorative justice for transitional justice. |
Pelikan # On the Efficacy of Victim-Offender-Mediation in Cases of Partnership Violence in Austria, or: Men Don’t Get Better, But Women Get Stronger: Is it Still True? Outcomes of an Empirical Study Eur J Crim Policy Res (2010) 16:49–67 Against this background the VOM intervention is apt to effectuate then the next decisive step: these men are induced to move from: ‘Violence must not happen within an intimate relationship’ towards the insight: : ‘I have been acting violently. I have – physically and emotionally – hurt my partner.’ |
Fiona Hanlon To the extent that restorative justice conferencing approaches are included in the management of criminal cases, they tend to be confined to the post-adjudicative phase. Increasingly, courts are adopting criminal conferencing approaches in the pre-trial, pre-adjudicatory phase of the management of a criminal case as dispute resolution tools. The paper considers whether the distinction between the pre and post adjudicative phases is compelling. |
Martin Wright |
Hee Joo Kim,
Jurg Gerber # Evaluating the Process of a Restorative Justice Conference: an Examination of Factors That Lead to Reintegrative Shaming Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice, Vol. 8 No. 2 2010 This paper evaluates the process of diversionary restorative justice (RJ) conferences. Based on Braithwaite’s theory of reintegrative shaming (1989), RJ conferences are considered a successful means of effective crime control. Australian Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE) have been examined in many ways. Previous studies, while defining the impact of RJ conferences very narrowly, focused on general effects such as victim satisfaction, recidivism rates, and changes in the attitudes of offenders ... |
F. Georgia Paleari, Camillo Regalia, Frank
D. Fincham Do forgiveness and conflict tactics (compromise, aggression, and avoidance)in response to conflicts instigated by a romantic partner's offence uniquely predict effective arguing and relationship quality? Using 92 Italian couples we tested a mediational model in which each partner's responses to conflict predicted bothe partners' perceived effective arguing that, in turn, predict their own relationship quality. For both men and women, negative responses to conflict (unforgiveness, aggression, and avoidance) overlapped and jointly predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality, directly and indirectly via effective arguing. Positive responses investigated (benevolence and compromise) did not overlap for either men or women. Men's positive positive responses to conflict uniquely predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality via effective arguing, whereas women's positive responses did not predict them independently of their male partner's tactics. |
World Health
Organization/London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine # Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence World Health Organization, Geneva 2010. |
Melinda Gyökös, Krisztina Lànyi #
European best practices of restorative
justice in the criminal procedure |
Marian Liebmann, Lindy Wootton |
House of Commons Justice Committee |
Carlton Waterhouse |
Lode Walgrave |
Tanya Rugge, Terri-Lynne Scott |
David Leo Milward |
Harry Mika, Mary Achilles, Ellen Halbert,
Lorraine Stutzman, Howard Zehr |
Ugo Pioletti # La Mediazione penale in Atti del Convegno “Conciliazione civile e mediazione penale”, Roma, 22 giugno 2009 - http://docenti.unicam.it/ 2009 |
John A. Humphrey, Gale Burford, Meredith P.
Huey |
Michael M.
O'Hear # Rethinking Drug Courts: Restorative Justice as a Response to Racial Injustice Stanford Law & Policy Review, 463, 2009 Court-based diversions may be the best we can do. Although the most popular alternative seems to be the treatment- ased drug court, there are good reasons to favor the development of a different sort of drug court-one that is built around the principles and practices associated with restorative justice. An RJ-based drug court would be a more inclusive venue for handling drug cases than a treatment-based court, welcoming and empowering members of the offender's community through the conferencing process. |
Office for Victims of Crime, Office of
Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice |
Leonardo Carpentieri Restorative justice is not a well known concept in France today. Although mediation between victims and offenders is favoured and encouraged, restoration is not yet a leading principle for conflict resolution. Nonetheless, Restorative justice is slowly developing and getting a foothold into the French legal system. Restorative justice is largely based on social and community-oriented initiatives, which clashes with major French legal principles. More strikingly, French law professionals and policy makers have a hard time integrating restorative approaches mainly because of the lack of legal basis for Restorative justice as an autonomous alternative tool for dispute resolution. |
Marco Venturoli |
Sgubbi # La tutela della vittima nel processo penale La Magistratura, Gennaio-Giugno 2009 |
Michelle Funk |
Jean Ferguson # Professional Discretion and The Use Of Restorative Justice Programs in AppropriateDomestic Violence Cases: An Effective Innovation American University Criminal Law Brief, v. 4, Issue 2, 2009 The restorative justice movement is having an increasing impact upon the criminal justice system throughout the world. 282 Programs throughout the united States have found ways to integrate elements of restorative justice into the current criminal justice system and/or provide restorative justice alternatives with positive results. |
Michele Riondino |
Philippe Landenne SJ La comunità cristiana sembra spesso silenziosa e a disagio. Talvolta essa sembra addirittura gridare al vento e rassegnarsi ad appoggiare una visione repressiva della giustizia. È come se non percepisse più che la giustizia biblica è radicalmente interessata ad aprire percorsi di guarigione e di riconciliazione. Una mancanza di formazione e di informazione di qualità sulle poste in gioco di un’assunzione di responsabilità solidale volta a promuovere un modello inclusivo di giustizia riparativa conduce insidiosamente la comunità cristiana a manifestare indifferenza, se non ostilità, nei confronti delle persone coinvolte nella realtà criminosa. Crediamo ancora che la pietra scagliata sia chiamata a diventare la pietra angolare del Regno? E osiamo dire che una giustizia costruita sull’esclusione non trova posto in un progetto di società ispirato dal Vangelo? |
David Polizzi, Bruce A. Arrigo |
Tony Ward,
Robyn Langlands # Repairing the rupture: Restorative justice and the rehabilitation of offenders Aggression and Violent Behavior 14 (2009) 205–214 The major conclusion in this paper is that restorative justice and rehabilitation models are distinct, although overlapping, normative frameworks and have different domains of application in the criminal justice systemand that it is a mistake to attempt to blend them in any robust sense. Once the normative and capacity building aspects of offender rehabilitation are understood, then there is a natural resonance between restorative justice policies and GLM guided offender rehabilitation |
Joseph Moloney # Peacemaking Criminology The Undergraduate Review, vol. 5, 2009 |
R. A. Duff # Can we Punish the Perpetrators of Atrocities? In: Brudholm Thomas, Cushman Thomas (ed.). The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 79-104, 2009 ... but by talking of communication, rather than merely of expression, I want to emphasise the way in which punishment should be not just a one-way process of expressing something to or at someone, but a two-way process that aims to engage, and to solicit an appropriate response from, another rational, responsible agent. If all that we do to the offender is to express our anger; or threaten him with sanctions to deter him or others from future crimes; or subject him to restraints to incapacitate him from future crimes; or impose on him some quantum of suffering that is meant to match, in some cosmic balance, the wrong he committed: we cease to address him as a responsible citizen ... |
Keith A. Findley By focusing solely on criminal sanctions, we neglect the need of some victims for other methods to redress wrongs, including “family conferencing, restorative justice, and victim-offender reconciliation” and other forms of “re-integrative shaming through informal, non-punitive and non-adversarial interventions which shame offenders for their crimes, but offer support and re-integration through families and communities.” |
Maria Ferrara # La mediazione sociale: uno strumento di intervento sociale oppure una tecnica di controllo sociale? www.unisob.na.it/ Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Annali 2009 |
Mirjan R. Damaska |
Lisa J. Laplante |
Giovanna Maciariello # Il
diritto come mediazione. Conflitto e relazione
nella costruzione sociale Il diritto in qualità di prodotto culturale e parte integrante dei processi vitali, assume una funzione creativa delle relazioni e diventa veicolo di principi quali legalità e moralità. In qualità di terzo esso produce mediazioni. Tale mediazione non consiste in un’attività di compromesso tra le parti, ma diventa un’attività di comprensione dell’altro diverso da sé, di affermazione ed autocomprensione di sé in funzione della presenza dell’altro,di creazione di uno nuovo stato rappresentativo delle parti successivamente al processo di mediazione. |
Giuseppe Maglione Rispetto alla commissione di un reato, la condanna del colpevole e la commisurazione della pena, dosata in base alla gravità del fatto commesso ed al bisogno di risocializzazione del suo destinatario, lasciano il posto all'esigenza di riconoscere primariamente la sofferenza insita in ogni esperienza di vittimizzazione. Il presupposto logico dell'acquisizione, da parte del reo, della consapevolezza dei contenuti lesivi della propria condotta è costituito dal riconoscimento della vittima che cessa di apparire come un oggetto impersonale per concretizzarsi a pieno titolo come persona, con il suo vissuto di sofferenza, di insicurezza, di umiliazione. La caratteristica principale legata alla Giustizia riparativa e fondante la sua essenza, è la possibile apertura all'incontro e al dialogo tra la vittima e l'autore di reato. |
Joanna Shapland |
Open Society Foundation for South Africa
(OSF-SA) | Department of Correctional Services
(DCS). |
Michael Wenzel, Tyler G. Okimoto, Norman
T. Feather, Michael J. Platow |
Margherita Saraceno |
Jennifer Rubin, Federico Gallo, Adam Coutts |
Sarah Thiessen
# Victim Offender Reconciliation Program Recidivism Study Center for Community Justic, 18 June 2008 |
Joanna Shapland, Anne Atkinson, Helen
Atkinson, James Dignan, Lucy Edwards, Jeremy
Hibbert, Marie Howes, Jennifer Johnstone, Gwen
Robinson, Angela Sorsby A key aim for the restorative justice schemes was that those who received restorative justice should be reconvicted less often (or less frequently, or for offences of lower seriousness) than those who did not experience restorative justice, represented by the control group. However, one has to be realistic in expectations for reconviction... |
Ministere de la Justice | Service des
Affaires Europeennes et Internationales Paris |
Antony Pemberton, Frans-Willem Winkel, Marc S. Groenhuijsen #
Evaluating Victims
Experiences in Restorative Justice |
Ministere de la Justice | Service des
Affaires Europeennes et Internationales Paris |
Clara Casado Coronas | European Forum for
Restorative Justice |
Strimelle # La justice restaurative : une innovation du pénal ? Champ Pénal, 2008 L’introduction de mesures plus réparatrices au sein d’institutions à vocation essentiellement pénale n’est pas sans susciter des interrogations portant justement sur les rapports et la possible coexistence entre les deux modèles de justice. Quels accommodements sont pris de la part des deux modèles mis en présence? Faut-il parler d’hybridation des modèles ou d’appropriation de l’un par rapport à l’autre? En d’autres termes, ce processus contribue-t-il à transformer et à déformer les principes de justice restaurative? |
Fernando Carvajal Sánchez |
Grande, Ugo Mattei # Giustizia allo specchio www.ledijournals.com/ Antropologia, 8, 2008 |
Paula Kenny # Exploring Restorative Justice in Ireland www.netcare-ni.com/ Greenhouse Press 2008 The main argument made by advocates of Restorative Justice is that sentences should move away from punishment of the offender towards restitution and reparation, aimed at restoring the harm done to the victim and to the community. Restorative Justice is not a new idea in criminology or in crime control; most traditional systems of justice in continents such as Africa and Asia have been based on restorative justice. Aboriginal and Native American forms of justice are just two examples of systems that operate on the basis of restoration and reparation. |
Susan Bandes |
Michael Davis # Punishment Theory’s Golden Half Century: A Survey of Developments from (about) 1957 to 2007 The Journal of Ethics, March 2008 |
Mirjan R.
Damaska # What is the Point of International Criminal Justice? Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 341 2008 And even if international criminal trials were largely free of bipolar pressures, as they someday might be in the International Criminal Court, downplaying the aspiration to satisfy victims' interest in criminal prosecution would still be worth considering. The main reason is that effective measures to provide victims with satisfaction require that elements of restorative justice be injected into criminal proceedings, and, as is well known, retributive and restorative forms of justice do not mix very well. |
Linda Henderson Restorative conferencing (victim/offender face-to face meetings) provides an avenue where victims’ voices can be heard in a way that the traditional court process is unable to provide. In interviews with victims of childhood sexual abuse, Jülich found that many victims wanted the chance to tell the offender how the abuse affected them and expressed a desire for accountability on behalf of the perpetrator. |
Roberto Rella |
Mary Koss,
Mary Achilles # Restorative Justice Responses to Sexual Assault www.vawnet.org/ February 2008 Although it is true that sexual assault survivor/victims are vastly more satisfied with the help they receive from these agencies compared to conventional justice, an array of arguments exist against this position. There are elements of the criminal justice system that neither survivor/victims nor advocates are ready to give up, including the power to force or coerce participation of the offender. Given the size and richness of the restorative justice literature, the minimal number and small scale of programs for sexual assault is notable. The reality is that policy, system, and resource barriers hinder their development more than for other crimes. |
Intervista a Marco Bouchard |
Alberto Caperna |
Kathleen Daly # Seeking Justice in the 21st Century: Towards an Intersectional Politics of Justice www98.griffith.edu.au/ 19 November 2007 ... calls attention to the danger of “putting too much responsibility onto victims and offenders and their ‘communities of care’ for crime reduction,” which absolves the state of its responsibilities and obligations. In particular, the state must provide adequate resources for effective rehabilitation of offenders and for services and support for victims. |
John Braithwaite |
Enrico Molinari, Andrea Ceccarelli |
Chris Cunneen |
Jessica Ames |
Arie Nadler,
Samer Halabi, Gal Harpaz-Gorodeisky # Inter-Group Helping as Status Organizing Processes: Implications for Inter-Group Misunderstandings www.humiliationstudies.org/ April 2007 Intergroup helping can result in group misunderstandings and increased intergroup tensions. Further, both examples are emblematic of helping relations that occur between differentially advantaged groups during times of social change towards greater equality. Affirmative action programs are designed to facilitate a transition to more equal relations between ethnic and racial groups, and peace building projects are designed to facilitate a shift from conflict between differentially powerful groups to co-existence between equals. |
Brunilda Pali, Christa Pelikan |
Megan Stephens |
Carrie Menkel-Meadow |
Lawrence W Sherman, Heather Strang |
Anne Lemonne,
Tinneke Van Camp, Inge Vanfraechem | Institut National
de Criminalistique et de Criminologie Bruxelles # Recherche relative à l’évaluation des dispositifs mis en place à l’égard des victimes d’infraction https://nicc.fgov.be/ Rapport final - Juillet 2007 |
Shapland, Anne Atkinson, Helen Atkinson, Becca
Chapman, James Dignan, Marie Howes, Jennifer
Johnstone, Gwen Robinson, Angela Sorsby # Restorative justice: the views of victims and offenders. The third report from the evaluation of three schemes www.restorativejusticescotland.org.uk/ Ministry of Justice Research Series 3/07, June 2007 |
Jarem Sawatsky # Rethinking Restorative Justice: Ehen the Geographies of Crime and of Healing Justice Matter Peace Research, bol. 39, n. 1-2, 2007 ... One option is for restorative justice to learn from those who practise the geography of healing justice. Of course, this has already been happening. Arguably, the main processes of restorative justice have roots in such communities—North American Mennonites (Victim-Offender Conferencing), the Maori in New Zealand (Family Group Conferencing), and Aboriginal peoples of North America (Circle processes). Furthermore, we can point to restorative justice advocates who try to draw on biblical justice, on Aboriginal justice, and on many other traditions. |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime |
Alfonso Peter Castro, Antonia Engel |
Robert Cario |
Jessica Metoui |
C. Bezuidenhout # Restorative Justice with an Explicit Rehabilitative Ethos: Is This the Resolve to Change Criminality? Acta Criminologica, 20(2):43-60, 2007 The question of how society should respond to wrongdoers is problematic. To suggest that restorative justice will be more effective when accompanied by an explicit rehabilitative ethos before it has been settled and accepted as the future of criminal justice, is premature. Rehabilitation is a complex process and would usually not be accomplished after one restorative justice meeting. Proper macro-scale research is needed before the question is answered and policymakers can be influenced. |
Patrizia Ciardiello La constatazione della "complessità e delicatezza della materia e la rilevazione della forte diversificazione delle prassi poste in essere in alcune realtà territoriali "per iniziativa soprattutto della Magistratura di sorveglianza" ha sollecitato i vertici del Dipartimento dell'Amministrazione penitenziaria ad un approfondimento teorico, affidato ad una Commissione istituita ad hoc, conclusosi nel 2005 con l'emanazione di "Linee di indirizzo sull'applicazione nell'ambito dell'esecuzione penale' di condannati adulti" in grado di assicurare "... l'adozione di modelli (implicitamente plurali, n.d.r.) negli interventi di giustizia riparativa che risultino conformi alle Raccomandazioni delle N.U. e del Consiglio d'Europa...". |
Simona Tigano |
Jennifer Larson
Sawin, Howard Zehr # The ideas of engagement and empowerment in Handbook of Restorative Justice, Routledge, 2006 In societies governed by democratic principles, a basic ethical precept of decision-making is to include in the decision process those who will be most directly affected by it. Restorative justice practitioners and theorists argue these parties need to be included in seeking justice... |
Mirjan R.
Damaska # L’incerta identità delle Corti penali internazionali Criminalia, 2006 Esistono altri strumenti utili a soddisfare gli interessi delle vittime. Ampi schemi di risarcimento delle vittime, restituzioni forzate dei proventi del crimine, cause civili, e varie altre forme di giustizia riparatoria sono disponibili come alternative. Dal momento che la loro applicazione non dipende dalla soddisfazione dell’elevato onere della prova richiesta per la condanna penale, essi sono – in questo senso – molto più facilmente accessibili alle vittime. La pena inflitta dai tribunali internazionali non è neppure l’unica misura disponibile per dare soddisfazione a quelle vittime, i cui sentimenti di vendetta e la cui domanda di punizione non possono essere appagati dagli strumenti della giustizia risarcitoria. |
Joanna Shapland, Anne Atkinson, Helen
Atkinson, Becca Chapman, Emily Colledge, James
Dignan, Marie Howes, Jennifer Johnstone, Gwen
Robinson, Angela Sorsby |
Marie A.
Failinger # Lessons Unlearned: Women Offenders, the Ethics of Care, and the Promise of Restorative Justice Fordham Ur. L. J., vol. XXXIII, 2006, pp. 101-137 |
Jacques Faget The French Phantoms of Restorative Justice:
The Institutionalization of ‘Penal Mediation’, In,
I. Aertsen, T. |
Mario Chiavario |
Maria Francesca Ghirga |
Arie Nadler, Nurit Shnabel |
Hal Pepinsky |
Derek Brookes, Ian McDonough |
Council of California - Administrative Office of the
Courts # Balanced and Restorative Justice: An Information Manual for California www.courts.ca.gov/ 2006 Restorative justice is not a program, but a practiced theory that can be viewed as a continuum, with certain practices being more restorative than others. Restorative justice theory is a principle-driven philosophical framework focused on the beliefs that crime harms people and that justice, in turn, should facilitate healing. Restorative justice is a collaborative process in which all stakeholders are offered an opportunity to have a voice in the justice system and are empowered to ensure that their needs are met. Victims, communities, and offenders have the opportunity to come to the table... |
Yossawan Boriboonthana |
Joycelyn M.
Pollock # The Rationale for Imprisonment in Ashley G. Blackburn,Shannon K. Fowler,Joycelyn M. Pollock, Prisons Today and Tomorrow, 2006 The idea of restorative justice is that victims must be made whole; however, part of the solution might be meeting the needs of the offender as well. An important component of this philosophy is that the offender is not to be condemned, but rather, is helped to see how he or she can repair the damage. The idea that the offender continues to be a part of the community is very important. Far from being banished or stigmatized by the experience, the offender should feel more fully integrated into his or her community... |
George Pavlich |
Sandrine Lefranc # Le mouvement pour la justice restauratrice : ”an idea whose time has come” Droitet Société, Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence : Lextenso éditions/L.G.D.J., 2006, pp.1-17. |
Tom R. Tyler # Restorative Justice and Procedural Justice: Dealing with Rule Breaking Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 62, No. 2, 2006 The goal of this review is to point to common elements shared by this procedural justice approach, the restorative justice movement, and a focus on morality and moral development. These approaches are united by their common goal: to encourage the development or activation of people’s internal values so that they will become more motivated to engage in self-regulatory behavior. It is suggested that a civil society is most effective when its members buy into commonly held values and follow rules because they are motivated to do so, rather than because they are motivated by incentives or sanctions. |
Natapoff # Underenforcement Fordham Law Review, vol.75, Issue 3, 2006 Underenforcement casts a long shadow over the viability and legitimacy of our criminal system. Like overenforcement, rampant underenforcement makes the rule of law into a democratic luxury; it renders full, fair, and balanced law enforcement an experience limited to those who can bend the government to their will. To address this democratic deficit, underenforcement should be better recognized as a potentially destructive phenomenon in its own right. In recognition of the linkages between overand underenforcement, underenforcement needs to be approached qualitatively, as a call not for harsher but for more responsive policing. |
Mark S. Umbreit, Betty Vos, Robert B.
Coates # Restorative Justice Dualogue: Evidence-Based Practice Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking. An International Resource Center in Support of Restorative Justice Dialogue, Research and Training, January 1, 2006 Victim Offender Mediation. The vast majority of studies reviewed reported in some way on satisfaction of victims and offenders with victim offender mediation and its outcomes. Expression of satisfaction with VOM is consistently high for both victims and offenders across sites, cultures, and seriousness of offenses. Typically, eight or nine out of ten participants report being satisfied with the process and with the resulting agreement... |
Toran Hansen |
Terry O’Connell |
Mark S. Umbreit, Betty Vos, Robert B.
Coates, Elizabeth Lightfoot |
Jeff Latimer,
Craig Dowden, Danielle Muise # The Effectiveness of Restorartive Justice Practices: A Meta-Analysis The Prison Journal, Vol. 85 No. 2, June 2005 This article provides an empirical synthesis of the existing literature on the effectiveness of restorative justice practices using meta-analytic techniques. The data were aggregated from studies that compared restorative justice programs to traditional nonrestorative approaches to criminal behavior. Victim and offender satisfaction, restitution compliance, and recidivism were selected as appropriate outcomes to adequately measure effectiveness. Although restorative programs were found to be significantly more effective, these positive findings are tempered by an important self-selection bias inherent in restorative justice research. A possible method of addressing this problem, as well as directions for future research, are provided. |
Brenda Morrison, Beta Blood, Margaret
Thorsborne |
Greg Mantle, Darrell Fox, Mandeep K. Dhami |
Braithwaite, ValerieBraithwaite, Eliza Ahmed # Reintegrative Shaming in Stuart Henry & Mark Lanier (eds.), The Essential Criminology Reader, Westview Press, Boulder USA, pp. 286-297, 2005. |
Marinetta Cannito |
Adriaan Lanni # The Future of Community Justice Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Vol. 40, 2005 The community justice initiatives have flourished within their niche dealing with quality of life and minor crimes. Perhaps the movement will continue to expand in new cities and states, but I have tried to show that extending community justice practices to the serious criminal docket is unlikely and unwise. Sentencing circles, reparative boards, community courts, and community prosecution groups are coalitions of the willing with neither the resources nor the representative legitimacy required to dole out serious punishment, particularly in light of the due process problems inherent in the informality of these community justice practices. |
Shaneela Khan |
Zvi D. Gabbay |
Kathleen Daly That there exist limits on what RJ can achieve should not be grounds for dispensing with it, nor for being disillusioned, once again, with a new justice idea. My reading of the evidence is that face-to-face encounters between victims and offenders and their supporters is a practice worth maintaining, and perhaps enlarging, although we cannot expect it to deliver strong stories of repair and goodwill most of the time. |
John Braithwaite |
Paul Takagi and
Gregory Shank # Critique of Restorative Justice Social Justice Vol. 31, No. 3 (2004) Restorative justice has become a business beyond U.S. federal agencies. A college located in rural California advertised the study of restorative justice as a new and growing occupational future. Established departments of criminology now offer a specialized curriculum called “Balanced and Restorative Justice.” The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota is lodged in the School of Social Work. There are several national organizations, among them The Center for Justice and Reconciliation at Prison Fellowship. Another is the Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA), and there are many private consulting firms... |
Kay Pranis # Restorative Justice in Minnesota and the USA: Implementation and Outcomes Visiting Experts' Papers, 123rd International Senior Seminar, Resource Material Series No. 63, pp. 124-135, 2004 Restorative justice is not a particular programme or a fixed set of practices. It is a framework for guiding our actions in large and small ways in every part of the justice system. Additionally, restorative justice places a high value on: 1) empowering those closest to the problem (including the offender) to design a specific solution tailored to the problem and 2) viewing every problem as an opportunity to learn. Consequently, fluid, flexible approaches are essential to maintain the spirit of restorative justice – to leave key decisions to the stakeholders and to continually incorporate new learnings. So, in many ways restorative justice is a journey, more than it is a destination. If the journey is guided by the principles and values of restorative justice, the destination may be one that no one anticipated, but it will be one that serves all the stakeholders. |
Ministero della Giustizia |
Elena Rocco # Riparazione e pena. Profili giuridici e pedagogici di una rinnovata concezione della pena Università degli Studi di Padova, 2004 |
Ronald Claassen |
Loraine Gelsthorpe |
Michael Kearns |
Arie Nadler # Going beyond guilt and revenge: The effects of admitting responsibility and expressing empathy for the enemy's suffering on inter-group reconciliation Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, November 18-19, 2004, at Columbia University, NY There are many differences between socio-emotional and trust-building/instrumental reconciliation. One stands out quite clearly- A different temporal focus: While socio-emotional reconciliation asserts that confronting the pains of the past is the key to a reconciled future, trust building reconciliation suggests that cooperation in the present is the key to a reconciled future. Other differences include the goal of reconciliation (i.e., social integration vs. social separation, and whether the change is evolutionary or revolutionary). |
Francesco Giacca |
Ted Wachtel,
Paul McCold # From Restorative Justice to Restorative Practices: Expanding the Paradigm www.iirp.edu/ Thursday, August 5, 2004 |
Carolyn Boyes-Watson |
Fulvia D’Elia
(a cura di) # Forum. Voci di Pasquale Andria,Silvio Ciappi, Adelmo Manna Mediares, n. 3, 2004 Ritengo che una giustizia autenticamente riparativa, rispetto alla quale la mediazione costituisce una grande risorsa e, prima ancora, una cultura in grado di alimentarla, sia la sola adeguata a tutelare efficacemente la vittima. Il risarcimento del danno è sicuramente un aspetto importante, ma tuttavia non esaustivo, in quanto vi sono interessi e diritti compromessi dal reato che non possono essere ripristinati se non attraverso una più ampia attività di mediazione. |
Sarah Anne
Behtz # Justice for All?: Victim Satisfaction with Restorative Justice Conferences Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 974. http://dc.etsu.edu/etd/974 2004 |
Howard Zehr, Ali Gohar |
Erik Luna # Introduction: The Utah Restorative Justice Conference Utah Law Review, 2003 In the end, restorative justice proves to be a fascinating topic and a provocative foil for challenging contemporary crime and punishment in the United States. The Utah Restorative Justice Conference may be the first of its kind in American legal academe, providing a much-needed forum to hash out the arguments for and against restorativism vis-à-vis traditional approaches to the criminal process. |
Sara Johnson |
Paul Crosland,
Marian Liebmann (eds) # 40 Cases. Restorative Justice and Victim-Offender Mediation http://restorativejustice.pbworks.com/ October 2003 How can we connect our vision of Restorative Justice with the real ways in which victims, offenders and communities seek to address the aftermath of a crime? Case studies are a valuable tool in enabling us to build bridges between theories and practice. They also widen our imagination to see more of the actual range of issues, feelings, needs and strategies that either do or don’t help people and communities meet their individual and collective needs. This book provides a diverse range of first hand accounts from mediators and facilitators offering some means of communication between victims and offenders... |
Paul H. Robinson |
John Braithwaite # Principles of Restorative Justice in A. von Hirsch, J.V. Roberts, A.E. Bottoms, K. Roach and M. Schiff (ed.), Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice: Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms?, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1-20, 2003 |
Paul McCold, Ted Wachtel | IIRP |
Loretta M. Frederick, Kristine C. Lizdas |
Irvin Waller |
Tony Peters, Ivo Aertsen, Katrien Lauwaert,
Luc Robert |
Mazzucato # Giustizia e riparazione Dignitas, giugno 2003 Si ha talvolta l'impressione che l'esperienza abbia preso il via prima della sedimentazione della cultura riparativa, con il concreto e grave pericolo che si usino strumenti nuovi con una mentalità antica. Il punto è delicatissimo e ci si augura di poter continuare ancora la riflessione insieme al lettore; basti per ora un cenno indifferibile: se il modello di giustizia è, e continua a essere, la ritorsione retributiva é facile cadere nella trappola di un'applicazione repressiva della restorative justice. La trappola potrebbe consistere, per esempio, nell'aggiunta della mediazione a percorsi già definiti sul piano processuale, nella irrilevanza giudiziaria dell'incontro positivo tra reo e vittima, nella previsione di comportamenti riparativi obbligatori... |
Andrew Woolford, R.S. Ratner |
John Blad |
Alan Edwards, Jennifer Haslett |
Danielle S.
Allen # Punishment in Ancient Athens www.stoa.org/ March 23, 2003 When it came time to punish, the Athenians acted out of anger and to cure anger, but this does not mean that they acted in anger. Rather, they interposed an extensive institutional system between the moment when an angry victim pointed to a wrong-doer and the infl iction of punishment. The purpose of this system was to allow the citizens to convert a moment of private anger into a public decision crafted with a view to curing the community through a restoration of peace... |
Sara Sun Beale |
Stephen P.
Garvey # Restorative Justice, Punishment, and Atonement Utah Law Review, 303, n.1, 2003 I argue here for two claims. First, I argue in Part II that restorative justice cannot have it both ways: it cannot achieve the restoration of the victim it seeks without the punishment it rejects. If restorative justice really wants to fully restore victims of crime, then it cannot eliminate punishment. Second, I argue in Part III that restorative justice does not, despite what its proponents say, really insist on the total elimination of punishment. Instead, it insists on its transformation. |
Katherine van
Wormer # Restorative Justice: A Model for Social Work Practice With Families Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, vol 84, n. 3, 2003 |
Restorative Justice and its Relation to
the Criminal Justice System Nadia Biermans, Restorative justice and the prison system: For the last two years, together with a group of people working in Flemish prisons, I have had the chance to take restorative justice initiatives in prisons. It is based on this experience that I would like to raise some questions and share some thoughts with you this afternoon. I hope that this will provide an incentive to do into more detail during the conference, look for an answer and who knows – actually find one |
Anna Mestitz From a session presented at "Dreaming of a
New Reality," the Third International Conference on
Conferencing, Circles and other Restorative
Practices, August 8-10, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota Victim-offender mediation (VOM) was introduced in Italy in the mid 90s. The present study was aimed at providing a first overview of the characteristics and functioning of the VOM services throughout the country. Specifically, the investigation focused on the organization of VOM services, and resources available, as well as on the characteristics of the profession of the mediator (i.e., training, motivations, perceptions). It should be noted that VOM practice in Italy is currently limited to the juvenile criminal justice system... |
Julie Stubbs #
Violence and Women's Safety: Feminist Challenges
to Restorative Justice Restorative justice has made strong claims about providing better outcomes for victims than conventional criminal justice system practices and these claims are analysed with reference to empirical data concerning domestic violence. The chapter also examines the extent to which restorative justice practices mobilise resources for the protection of women and children - this is especially crucial at a time when resources are being withdrawn from the formal legal system and from the community. |
Jim Dignan # Restorative Justice and the Law: The Case for an Integrated, Systemic Approach In, Lode Walgrave, ed., Restorative Justice and the Law. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing. Pp. 168-190 |
Barb Toews # Offenders and Restorative Justice. Listening to prisoners raises issues about prison-based restorative justice VOMA Connections, Summer 2002 |
Brian Tkachuk |
R. Coates, M. Umbreit, B. Vos |
Mark S.
Umbreit, Robert B. Coates, Betty Vos # The Impact of Restorative Justice Conferencing: A Review of 63 Empirical Studies in 5 Countries Regents of the University of Minnesota Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking School of Social Work, College of Education & Human Development May 1, 2002 |
Christa Pelikan |
Kathleen Daly # Restorative justice: The real story Punishment & Society, 4, 2002 |
Jo-Anne Wemmers, Marisa Canuto |
Scardaccione # Contributi significativi al dibattito sulla giustizia riparativa: presentazione Rassegna penitenziaria e criminologica, n. 3, 2002 La giustizia riparativa e la mediazione in particolare ribaltano sotto molti aspetti i principi della giustizia retributiva e riabilitativa e pur senza voler essere una panacea introduce dei principi del tutto nuovi quali a). la rivalutazione della vittima nel processo nella sua esecuzione e nei suoi esiti, b). l'attribuzione al reo e alla vittima della capacità di contrattare gli esiti processuali, c). la creazione di una nuova figura professionale che è quella del mediatore, d). lo spostamento dell'interesse sul danno e sul conflitto piuttosto che sulla violazione della norma giuridica e). il maggiore impatto sui principi della sicurezza sociale e il coinvolgimento della comunità. |
Gaetano De Leo |
Martin Wright La giustizia riparativa, piuttosto che portar via il procedimento dagli stessi attori, offre la possibilità sia alla vittima che all'autore del reato di parlarne e decidere come gestirlo, attraverso la mediazione vittima/autore del reato, o una sua estensione nota come 'conferenza' (conferencing), ove vittima e autore del reato possono portare anche membri della loro famiglia....Ci sono almeno cinque modi per fare ciò... |
Eligio Resta
della giustizia riparativa Il mediatore a differenza del giudice non è equidistante, ma equi-prossimo, non esita cioè a sporcarsi le mani nel confrontarsi con i conflitti, anche se deve come mediatore assumere un ruolo non sbilanciato. In tal senso nell'amministrazione della giustizia il mediatore non deve essere un giudice in miniatura cioè con poteri ridotti poiché la giustizia riparativa implica l'attuazione del perdono che non può essere di competenza del giudice. La mediazione infatti adotta un paradigma che impone di non parlare delle proprie colpe, ma delle proprie responsabilità, asserendo che sussiste responsabilità solo nel momento in cui dobbiamo rispondere a qualcuno. |
Justice Options for Women | Status of Women
Canada |
John Braithwaite |
Laura Nader |
Grazia Mannozzi
# Collocazione sistematica e potenzialità deflattive della mediazione penale In De Francesco-Venafro, Meritevolezza di pena e logiche deflattive, Giappichelli, Torino, 2002, pp. 117-140 |
Grazia Mannozzi |
Braithwaite # Restorative Justice and a new criminal law of substance abuse Youth & Society, Vol. 33 No.2, December 2001 I have suggested an alternative to targeting and arrest. This is prearrest conversations with such offenders that their pattern of offending is known to the police. They are advised that a judge has approved that there is "reasonable suspicion" for their being targeted for special surveillance. However, they are given the opportunity to get off this targeting program before it succeeds in arresting them by participating in a healing circle with their loved ones about the problems that are besetting their life... |
Arie Nadler |
Carol E. Davies and Rev. Kathy Lancaster
Staff |
V. E. Jantzi August 2001 |
Melanie Spiteri |
Massimo Pavarini, Paolo Zancan, Franco
Giordana, Livio Pepino, Laura D'Amico, Antonio
Rossomando, Rudolf Schaller, Desi Bruno, Duccio
Scatolero, Angelo Cutolo, Libero Mancuso |
Michael E.
Smith # What Future for “Public Safety” and “Restorative Justice” in Community Corrections? www.ncjrs.gov/ Sentencing & Corrections, June 2001 |
Caritas Ambrosiana (a cura di) |
David R. Karp # Harm and Repair: Observing restorative justice in Vermont Justice Quarterly, 18:4, 727-757, 2001 Below I advance two versions of restoration, "thin" and "thick," and I examine the restorative justice practices in light of each. The thin version of restoration can be defined as any positive act directed toward a crime victim and/or the affected community. In this version, criminal harm is offset by prosocial behavior. The thick version of restoration is defined as a positive act directed at the victim and/or the affected community that is linked specifically to the identified harm of the crime. Under this model, what specifically has been damaged must be repaired. This damage may be material, interpersonal, or communal. Any restoration that is insufficient to the task or tangential to the specified harm falls short of achieving this justice ideal. Therefore, identification of arm is crucial to assessment, as is the effectiveness of the strategy in repairing the damage. |
CSM Consiglio
Superiore della Magistratura # Tutela dei diritti, efficacia e tempi della giurisdizione Quaderni del CSM, n. 120, Anno 2001 Un terreno privilegiato su cui sperimentare la costruzione di una vera alternativa alla risoluzione in sede giudiziaria dei conflitti in ambito penale è costituito dal sempre maggiore interesse che suscita nel dibattito istituzionale, non solo italiano, il concetto di mediazione, inteso come modalità autonoma di regolamentazione dei conflitti. Con tale espressione si vuole indicare quel processo attraverso il quale una persona neutrale rispetto alla lite si adopera, attraverso l’organizzazione di scambi tra le parti, per consentire loro di confrontare i propri punti di vista ed individuare, con l’aiuto del mediatore, una soluzione al conflitto che li oppone. |
Tracy M. Godwin # The Role of Restorative Justice in Teen Courts: A Preliminary Look www.globalyouthjustice.org/ 2001 There are three primary stakeholders and three primary goals of restorative justice. Primary stakeholders are victims, offenders, and the community. Goals of restorative justice include accountability, competency development, and community protection. The emphasis on victims’ roles in restorative justice is about choice. Restorative justice cannot exist without giving victims the opportunity to participate in the justice process and making every effort to respond to their needs and desire for participation. The level of their participation may vary... |
Augusto Balloni |
Lois Presser, Emily Gaarder |
Mark S.
Umbreit, Jean Greenwood # Guidelines for Victim-Sensitive Victim-Offender Mediation: Restorative Justice Through Dialogue U.S. Department of Justice, April 2000 The guidelines offered in this monograph are grounded in more than 20 years of practical experience in the field of victimoffender mediation in North America, numerous conversations with individual victim advocates and staff members of victim advocacy organizations, and the results of the recently completed national survey of victim-offender mediation programs in the United States (appendix A). The number of VOM programs is increasing in communities throughout the country, and these guidelines will help lead to the development of the highest quality victim-sensitive mediation services possible. Considerable room, however, remains for continued experimentation in this emerging field. |
Gordon Bazemore |
Karin Jewel Stone |
Craig Proulx |
Adriano Morrone Ispirato, quindi, dalla finalità di deflazione del carico giudiziario pendente presso i tribunali, nonché dall'esigenza di avvicinare la giustizia alle esigenze quotidiane del cittadino, il legislatore non si è limitato ad attribuire la competenza penale al giudice di pace, ma ha introdotto nel codice di procedura penale un vero e proprio procedimento speciale, corredato da un apparato sanzionatorio del tutto autonomo dal sistema delle pene contenuto nel codice Rocco. |
Anna C. Baldry # Mediazione e violenza domestica. Risorsa o limiti di applicabilità? Rassegna penitenziaria e criminologica, n. 1, 3, 2000 Una delle espressioni della giustizia riparativa maggiormente utilizzate in varie parti di Europa e negli Stati Uniti, è la mediazione fra vittima e autore del reato. L'obiettivo della mediazione è quello di dare la possibilità alle parti coinvolte di esprimere il proprio punto di vista, fare domande con l'aiuto di un "terzo neutrale" e imparziale che facilita la comunicazione e l'ascolto. La vittima può così esprimere i propri vissuti e, se lo vuole, anche concordare con l'autore del reato una forma di "riparazione" soddisfacente. Tale riparazione può essere fatta sotto forma di restituzione, o risarcimento ma in molti casi può anche trattarsi di forme di riparazione simboliche come una lettera di scuse, o anche la sola manifestazione di pentimento... |
Claudius Messner |
Jeff Latimer,
Steven Kleinknecht # The Effects of Restorative Justice Programming: A Review of the Empirical Research and Statistics Division - Department of Justice Canada, Jamuary 2000 |
Leena Kurki |
Paul G. Cassell
# Barbarians at the Gates? A Reply to the Critics of the Victims' Rights Amendment Utah Law Review, 1999 Today the criminal justice system too often treats victims as secondclass citizens, almost as barbarians at the gates that must be repelled at all costs. The widely shared view is that this treatment is wrong, that victims have legitimate concerns that can—indeed must—be fully respected for the system to be fair and just. The Victims’ Rights Amendment is an indispensable step in that direction, extending protection for the rights of victims while doing no harm to the rights of defendants and of the public. |
William R.
Nugent, Mark S. Umbreit, Lizabeth Wiinamaki, Jeff
Paddock # Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation Reduces Recidivism. A Study of 1,298 Juveniles Finds a 32% Reduction in Recidivism VOMA Connections - Summer 1999, Number 3 |
Ernesto U. Savona - Silvio Ciappi - Guido
V. Travaini |
Lode Walgrave |
Dennis Cooley | Law Commission of Canada |
Tony E. Marshall “Restorative Justice is a process whereby all the parties with a stake in a particular offence come together to resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future” |
Kathleen Daly # Revisiting the Relationship between Retributive and Restorative Justice Presented at Restorative Justice and Civil Society Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, February 1999 Restorative justice practices assume mentally competent and hence morally culpable actors, who are expected to take responsibility for their actions, not only to the parties directly injured, but perhaps also to a wider community. As such, restorative justice practices embrace retributive justice assumptions of individual culpability and they also include a wider notion of community (or, at times, familial) responsibility for those acts... |
Journal on Criminal Policy and Research # Communities and Crime Volume 7 No. 4 1999 |
Francesca Vianello |
Serge Charbonneau, Denis Béliveau |
Kathleen Daly, Russ Immarigeon |
Bob Gaucher # Punitive Justice & the Victims’ Movement Journal of Prisoners on Prisons Vol. 9 No. 2 (1998) |
Jean-Pierre Bonafé-Schmitt |
Daniel Van Ness, Pat Nola |
Kay Pranis # The Minnesota Restorative Justice Initiative: A Model Experience The Crime Victims Report, May/June 1997 "Restorative justice," "community justice," "transformative justice"whatever term we like bestthe vision is one calling us to build a society which honors the individual dignity of every human being and the centrality of relationships which give meaning to our lives. The cycle of despair concerning crime, fed by anger and fear, can become a cycle of hope when we create processes in which every participant is valued and every voicethe victim, the community, the offenderis heard in its pain, anger, fear, remorse, anguish or hope. |
Luciano Eusebi Prima ancora di esigere una certa caratterizzazione contenutistica delle sanzioni, l’indirizzo rieducativo sancito dalla Costituzione sembra indicare una scelta precisa fra le possibili strategie politico criminali: una scelta fondata sulla consapevolezza del fatto che la forza dei precetti penali dipende soprattutto dal livello più o meno elevato della loro capacità di imporsi al consenso dei cittadini – perfino al consenso di chi li abbia trasgrediti – per ragioni che vadano al di là di quelle legate alla mera dimensione coercitiva. |
Gilda Scardaccione La giustizia riparativa rappresenta un nuovo modello di giustizia penale che si differenzia dai modelli di giustizia che si sono succeduti nel tempo quali quello retributivo e trattamentale. Tale nuovo paradigma è soprattutto orientato verso la rivalutazione della parte offesa del reato all'interno del processo e verso una finalità più riparativa che punitiva attribuita alla pena applicata nei confronti del reo. La mediazione penale costituisce la fondamentale modalità applicativa della giustizia riparativa. Viene effettuata una rassegna internazionale delle esperienze di mediazione in ambito giudiziario penale non priva di spunti e valutazioni critiche. |
Shruti Gola
Gulati # Healing the Circle: Exploring the Conjuncture of Peacemaking Criminology and Native Justice Initiatives University of Ottawa, 1996 |
Jacques Faget |
FWM McElrea # Accountability in the Community: Taking Responsibility for Offending Legal Research Foundation, 1995 |
Françoise Tulkens |
Lucia Zedner |
Victorian Parliament Law Reform Committee |
Ute I. Hartmann |
Jacques Faget # La médiation pénale : une dialectique de l'ordre et du désordre Déviance et société. 1993 - Vol. 17 - N°3. |
David Garland # Sociological Perspectives on Punishment Crime and Justice, Vol. 14 (1991),115-165 |
Richard C.
Boldt # Restitution, Criminal Law, and the Ideology of Individuality Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, vol. 77, 1987 |
Howard Zehr |
Richard Dagger # Restitution, Punishment, and Debts to Society http://scholarship.richmond.edu/ In Victims, Offenders, and Alternative Sanctions, edited by Joe Hudson and Burt Galaway, 3-13. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1980. |
Roger Pilon |
Randy E. Barnett |
Nils Christie |
John Rawls # Two Concepts of Rules The Philosophical Review, Vol. 64, No. 1 (Jan., 1955), pp. 3-32 |
# Decreto Legislativo 15 dicembre 2015, n. 212 Attuazione della direttiva 2012/29/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 25 ottobre 2012, che istituisce norme minime in materia di diritti, assistenza e protezione delle vittime di reato e che sostituisce la decisione quadro 2001/220/GAI. (15G00221) (GU n.3 del 512016) |
Stati Generali dell'Esecuzione Penale # Tavolo
n. 13 -
Giustizia riparativa, mediazione e tutela delle
vittime del reato. Coordinatore Grazia Mannozzi,
docente Università degli Studi dell'Insubria (finale) www.giustizia.it/ aggiornamento: 12 ottobre 2015 |
Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice |
www.senato.it/ dicembre 2013 - n. 89 |
Michelle Girard, Etienne Mullet |
Hafnidar, L. Chang, H. Lin |
Ministry of Justice |
Direttiva 2012/29/UE
del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio dell'Unione
Europea del 25 ottobre 2012 che istituisce
norme minime in materia di diritti, assistenza e
protezione delle vittime di reato e che sostituisce
la decisione quadro 2001/220/GAI | English |
Justice Council # Best Practice Guidance for Restorative Practice www.restorativejustice.org.uk/ February 2011 |
project ‘Restorative Justice and Crime Prevention’ # Restorative Justice and Crime Prevention. Presenting a theoretical exploration, an empirical analysis and the policy perspective http://euforumrj.org/ April 2010 |
National Commission on Restorative Justice
- Ireland |
European Commission for the Efficiency of
Justice (CEPEJ) |
Lhuillier | European commission for the efficiency of
justice (CEPEJ) - Working Group on Mediation
(CEPEJ-GT-MED) # The Quality of Penal Mediation in Europe Strasbourg, 22 August 2007 |
European Commission for the Efficiency of
Justice (CEPEJ) |
United Nations | Office on Drugs and Crime |
26th Confrence of European Miniters of
Justice (Helsinki, 7-8 April 2005) www.coe.int/ MJU-26 (2005) Resol. 2 Final |
delle Comunità Europee # Libro verde sul ravvicinamento, il reciproco riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle sanzioni penali nell’Unione europea Bruxelles, 30.04.2004 | COM(2004)334 definitivo |
United Nations 1. “Restorative justice programme” means any programme that uses restorative processes and seeks to achieve restorative outcomes. 2. “Restorative process” means any process in which the victim and the offender, and, where appropriate, any other individuals or community members affected by a crime, participate together actively in the resolution of matters arising from the crime, generally with the help of a facilitator. Restorative processes may include mediation, conciliation, conferencing and sentencing circles. |
Gazzetta ufficiale delle Comunità europee |
Home Office # Justice for All www.cps.gov.uk/ July 2002 ... Expanding the use of restorative justice schemes, where the offenders can meet with victims (should the victim wish to), community representatives and others to resolve how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and implications for the future. These can help the victim convey to the offender the consequences of their crime and influence the reparation which the offender makes for that crime ... |
Consiglio dell'Unione Europea |
United Nations Tenth United Nations Congress on the
Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders,
Vienna, 10-17 April 2000 |
Council of Europe - Committee of Ministers |
Council of Europe Committee of Ministers # Recommendation n. R(92) 16 - (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 october 1992 at the 482th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies) --> # IT |
Council of Europe Committee of Ministers |
Council of Europe Committee of Ministers |
Council of Europe Committee of Ministers |
Consiglio d'Europa |
Autorità Garante per
l'Infanzia e l'Adolescenza (a cura di Benedetta
Bertolini, Graziana Corica) # La giustizia riparativa in ambito penale minorile. Indagine nazionale su effetti, programmi e servizi Ministero della Giustizia, Roma, ottobre 2023 |
Aliprandi # Alla Consulta il divieto al 41bis di colloqui via Skype con i minori Il Dubbio, 21 gennaio 2021 # Tribunale per i Minorenni di Reggio Calabria - Ordinanza del 9 giugno 2020 |
Manfred Nowak
# United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty https://www.ohchr.org/ November 2019 For All Invisible and Forgotten Children Deprived of Liberty... More than 7 million children are suffering in various types of child-specific institutions, immigration detention centres, police custody, prisons and other places of detention. |
Franco Della Casa 1. La pluridecennale assenza di una regolamentazione ad hoc dell’esecuzione penitenziaria minorile. – 2. Una retrospettiva sulla vita longeva di una disposizione transitoria (art. 79 co. 1° ord. penit.). – 3. Le tappe di avvicinamento alla riforma penitenziaria del 2018. – 4. Dalle direttive della legge delega al promettente articolato Cascini e ai successivi arretramenti. – 5. La perfettibilità della nuova regolamentazione rapportata al clima del dopo-riforma: l’inizio di una nuova fase di attesa. |
Autorità garante per l’infanzia e
l’adolescenza ... Importante che si contribuisca alla costruzione in Italia di una cultura condivisa della giustizia riparativa in ambito minorile. In un momento, infatti, in cui essa è sovente citata ma ancora poco praticata, occorre uno sforzo di condivisione, anzitutto dei suoi significati e fini, in continuità con le indicazioni internazionali e sovranazionali già esistenti... |
Anlan Zhang, Ke
Wang, Jizhi Zhang, Jana Kemp, Melissa Diliberti,
Barbara A. Oudekerk | U.S. Department of #
Education | U.S. Department of
Justice # Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2017 www.bjs.gov/ March 2018 A total of 47 student, staff, and nonstudent school-associated violent deaths occurred between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015, which included 28 homicides, 17 suicides, and 2 legal intervention deaths. Between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015, a total of 20 of the 1,168 homicides of school-age youth (ages 5–18) occurred at school. During the same period, there were 9 suicides of school-age youth at school, compared with 1,785 total suicides of school-age youth that occurred in calendar year... |
Antigone # Guardiamo oltre. Quarto rapporto di Antigone sugli Istituti Penali per minorenni - Presentazione www.antigone.it/ Roma, 18 dicembre 2017 |
Giustizia minorile e di comunità # Dati statistici www.giustizia.it/ 15 novembre 2017 |
Bepi Castellaneta |
Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura -
Sesta Commissione |
Global Center on Cooperative Security and
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism The report states that children have always been among the most vulnerable victims of violence and, at times, some of its brutal purveyors. They have played various roles in furthering violent extremism and participating in acts of violence, ranging from inciting propaganda online to carrying out deadly attacks. “One of the central themes we hit on in this report is that this is a group that precludes easy generalisation. Rather than exceptionalising Juvenile Violent Extremists (JVEOs), management approaches and interventions for their treatment in detention must be grounded in juvenile justice standards”, says Junko Nozawa |
Valerie A.
Earnshaw, Marc N. Elliott, Sari L. Reisner, Sylvie
Mrug, Michael Windle,Susan Tortolero Emery, Melissa F.
Peskin, Mark A. Schuster # Peer Victimization, Depressive Symptoms, and Substance Use: A Longitudinal Analysis Pediatrics, Volume 139, number 6, June 2017 Youth who experienced more frequent peer victimization in the fifth grade were more likely to use substances in the tenth grade, showing that experiences of peer victimization in early adolescence may have a lasting impact by affecting substance use behaviors during mid- to late adolescence. Interventions are needed to reduce peer victimization among youth and to support youth who have experienced victimization. |
Dipartimento Giustizia minorile e di
comunità |
Lloyd D. Johnston, Patrick M. O’Malley,
Richard A. Miech, Jerald G. Bachman, John E.
Schulenberg |
Caspi, Renate M. Houts, Daniel W. Belsky, Honalee
Harrington, Sean Hogan, Sandhya Ramrakha, Richie
Poulton, Terrie E. Moffitt # Childhood forecasting of a small segment of the population with large economic burden www.nature.com/ nature human behaviour, 12 december 2016 Policymakers are interested in early-years interventions to ameliorate childhood risks. They hope for improved adult outcomes in the long run that bring a return on investment. The size of the return that can be expected partly depends on how strongly childhood risks forecast adult outcomes, but there is disagreement about whether childhood determines adulthood. We integrated multiple nationwide administrative databases and electronic medical records with the four-decade-long Dunedin birth cohort study to test child-to-adult prediction in a different way, using a population-segmentation approach. A segment comprising 22% of the cohort accounted for 36% of the cohort’s injury insurance claims; 40% of excess obese kilograms; 54% of cigarettes smoked; 57% of hospital nights; 66% of welfare benefits; 77% of fatherless child-rearing; 78% of prescription fills; and 81% of criminal convictions. Childhood risks, including poor brain health at three years of age, predicted this segment with large effect sizes. Early-years interventions that are effective for this population segment could yield very large returns on investment. |
Sentencing Project # How Tough on Crime Became Tough on Kids: Prosecuting Teenage Drug Charges in Adult Courts www.sentencingproject.org/ 2016 It is widely understood that serious offenses, such as homicide, often are tried in adult criminal courts. In fact, for as long as there have been juvenile courts, mechanisms have existed to allow the transfer of some youth into the adult system. During the early 1990s, under a set of faulty assumptions about a coming eration of “super-predators,” 40 states passed legislation to send even more juveniles into the adult courts for a growing array of offenses and with fewer procedural protections... |
Altieri Andrea # La riforma del diritto penale minorile in Canton Ticino www.diritto.it/ 17 ottobre 2016 |
Giustizia minorile e di comunità # I Servizi della Giustizia minorile - Dati statistici www.giustizia.it/ 15 ottobre 2016 |
La Giudice dell'Udienza Preliminare del
Tribunale di Roma Paola Di Nicola www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 7 ottobre 2016 Sentenza del Tribunale di Roma sul risarcimento, in un caso di prostituzione minorile, mediante acquisto in favore della vittima di opere sulla condizione femminile |
Center for
American Progress (CAP) # Unjust: How the Broken Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems Fail LGBTQ Youth www.lgbtmap.org/ August 2016 LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in juvenile detention centers: the percentage of LGBT and gender nonconforming youth in juvenile detention is double that of LGBTQ youth in the general population. LGBTQ youth, particularly LGBTQ youth of color, face discrimination and stigma that lead to criminalization and increased interactions with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. |
Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura |
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention |
Barbara A.
Oudekerk, Rachel E. Morgan # Co-Offending Among Adolescents in Violent Victimizations, 2004–13 Bureau of Justice Statistics, July 2016 From 2004 to 2013, the simple assault victimizing rate decreased 36% among adolescents who acted alone. Adolescents who acted alone committed 34.1 victimizations per 1,000 in 2004, which decreased to 21.8 simple assaults per 1,000 adolescents in 2013. During the same period, the rate of simple assaults committed by adolescents who co-offended with other adolescents increased 72%, from 6.9 to 11.8 simple assaults per 1,000 adolescents. The simple assault victimizing rate among adolescents who acted with young adults did not change significantly from 2004 to 2013. |
Giustizia minorile e di comunità | Maria Stefania
Totaro, Viviana Condrò, Monica Nolfo, Irene Pergolini
# Analisi dei flussi di utenza dei Servizi della Giustizia Minorile. Anno 2015 Roma, giugno 2016 |
Silvio Civello
Conigliaro # Alle origini del giusto processo minorile europeo. Una prima lettura della Direttiva 2016/800/UE sulle garanzie procedurali dei minori indagati o imputati nei procedimenti penali www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 13 Giugno 2016 # Direttiva (UE) 2016/800 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio dell'11 maggio 2016 sulle garanzie procedurali per i minori indagati o imputati nei procedimenti penali, Gazzetta Ufficiale dell'Unione Europea, 21.5.2016 |
Anlan Zhang,
Lauren Musu-Gillette, Barbara A. Oudekerk | BJS -
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) # Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2015 www.bjs.gov/ May 2016 In 2013, approximately 3 percent of students ages 12–18 reported being victimized at school during the previous 6 months. Two percent of students reported theft, 1 percent reported violent victimization, and less than one-half of 1 percent reported serious violent victimization. Between 1995 and 2013, the percentage of students ages 12–18 who reported being victimized at school decreased overall, as did the percentages of students who reported theft, violent victimization, and serious violent victimization... In 2013, about 27,600 criminal incidents on campuses at postsecondary institutions were reported to police and security agencies, representing an 8 percent decrease from 2012 (29,800 incidents). The number of on-campus crimes reported per 10,000 full-time-equivalent students also decreased, from 19.8 in 2012 to 18.4 in 2013. |
Parlamento Europeo |
Trevor Fronius, Hannah
Persson, Sarah Guckenburg, Nancy Hurley, Anthony
Petrosino |
J.O.D.A. Juvenile Offenders Detention
Alternative in Europe |
Robert Eme # Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2016 The article reviewed the status of the Life Course Persistent category of antisocial behavior some two decades plus from its original formulation as well as the finding from the landmark Dunedin longitudinal study of antisocial behavior that this category is comprised almost entirely of males. The importance of this category for forensic psychology is the robust and remarkable finding that the small group of individuals (5-10%) who tend to cluster in this category are responsible for over half of all crimes in the United States and other developed countries, and an even greater proportion of violent crimes. |
Ramona R.
Rantala, Allen J. Beck # Survey of Sexual Violence in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, 2007–12 - Statistical Tables http://www.bjs.gov/ January 2016 |
Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento
per la Giustizia Minorile |
dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) e
Consiglio d'Europa # Manuale di diritto europeo in materia di diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali e Consiglio d’Europa, 2015 Il presente manuale sul diritto europeo in materia di diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza nasce da una redazione congiunta dell’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) e del Consiglio d’Europa con la cancelleria della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo... I minori sono titolari di diritti a pieno titolo. Il presente manuale pertanto mira a sensibilizzare e migliorare le conoscenze delle norme di legge che proteggono e promuovono questi diritti in Europa... |
Jesuit Social Services |
Heller, Sara B., Anuj K. Shah, Jonathan
Guryan, Jens Ludwig, Sendhil Mullainathan, Harold A.
Pollack |
J. McLeod One stud found that among youth with similar backgrounds, those incarcerated as juveniles were 38 times more likely to reoffend as adults. Even limited contact with the system, such as through arrest, can decrease the odds of high school graduation by more than 70 percent. Poor educational outcomes, in turn, lead to poor employment prospects. Youths incarcerated before age 20 are more likely to be unemployed and have lower wages a decade or more after incarceration |
Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento
per la giustizia Minorile |
Garante per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza – CISMAI –
Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia, # Indagine nazionale sul maltrattamento dei bambini e degli adolescenti in Italia. Risultati e Prospettive www.terredeshommes.it/ 2015 La raccolta dei dati e il monitoraggio sul fenomeno del maltrattamento all’infanzia costituiscono uno strumento indispensabile per la conoscenza del fenomeno, l’adozione di efficaci politiche di contrasto e prevenzione, la misurazione dei risultati di queste politiche. Già # l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), nel suo primo rapporto su violenza e salute, richiamava la necessità di un approccio di salute pubblica alla violenza, fondato su una “rigorosa impostazione del metodo scientifico”, che aveva come primo step l’individuazione della “maggiore quantità di conoscenze di base relative a tutti gli aspetti della violenza – attraverso una sistematica raccolta dei dati sulle dimensioni, la portata, le caratteristiche e le conseguenze della violenza a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale”. |
John Pitts |
Terry Fain,
Susan Turner, Sarah Michal Greathouse # Los Angeles County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act. Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Report www.rand.org/ Rand Corporation 2015 California's Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act was designed to provide a stable funding source for juvenile programs that have proven effective in curbing crime among at-risk and young offenders. It provides funds to counties to add evidence-based programs and services for juvenile probationers identified with higher needs for special services than those identified for routine probationers, at-risk youth who have not entered the probation system but who live or attend school in areas of high crime or who have other factors that potentially predispose them to criminal activities, and youth in juvenile halls and camps. |
Justice des enfants & des adolescents |
Frieder Dünkel,
Philip Horsfield, Andrea Păroşanu (Eds.) # Research and Selection of the Most Effective Juvenile Restorative Justice Practices in Europe. Snapshots from 28 EU Member States International Juvenile Justice Observatory - European Council for Juvenile Justice, 2015 |
Jason P. Nance # Students, Police, and the School-To-Prison Pipeline Wash. U. L. Rev, vol. 93, 2015 Students’ increased involvement with the justice system is part of a growing concern that many dub the “school-to- prison pipeline.” The term “school-to-prison pipeline” (“Pipeline”) connotes the intersection of the K–12 public education system and law enforcement and the trend of referring students directly to law enforcement for ommitting offenses at school or creating conditions that increase the probability of students being arrested, such as suspending or expelling them. |
Newbury-Birch, Katherine Jackson, Tony Hodgson,
Eilish Gilvarry, Paul Cassidy, Simon Coulton,
Vicky Ryan, Graeme B. Wilson, Ruth McGovern,
Eileen Kaner The purpose of this paper is to examine the prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUDs) amongst young people in the criminal justice system (CJS) in the North East of England and to compare the ability of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to the Youth Justice Board ASSET tool in identifying alcohol-related need in Youth Offending Team (YOT) clients... |
Commission on Youth, Public Safety and
Justice |
Department of Juvenile Justice - Florida |
Istat # I giovani nelle strutture minorili della giustizia - Anno 2013 www.istat.it/ 29 dicembre 2014 |
Aaron J. Curtis |
U.S. Department
of Education Office for Civil Rights # Civil Rights Data Collection: Data Snapshot (School Discipline) http://ocrdata.ed.gov/ March 21, 2014 |
European Commission and the Council of
Europe | Matina Magkou (co-ordinator of the
editorial team) |
Barry Goldson |
Marta Munoz De Morales Romero Le cosiddette quattro “D” (cioè depenalizzazione, degiuridicizzazione, diversificazione e deistituzionalizzazione), la creazione di un sistema progressivo di giustizia minorile, la reintegrazione e il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali sono diventati progressivamente gli assi centrali del diritto penale minorile. Tuttavia per il recepimento di tali direttive si è dovuto tuttavia attendere fino alla legge organica 5/2000, regolatrice della responsabilità penale dei minori e alla sua regolamentazione attuativa (1774/2004), che ha disciplinato i profili organizzativi (polizia giudiziaria e team tecnico), nonché l’esecuzione delle misure detentive oltreché il regime disciplinare dei centri d’internamento dei minori. |
Kerrin C. Wolf ... The analysis reveals three troubling trends that have important policy implications. First, the use of arrests in response to student misbehavior has resulted in a great number of students being arrested for minor misbehaviors. Second, a highly disproportionate rate of black students faced arrests for their behavior in school, and female students seemed to experience differential treatment. Third, the juvenile justice system is forced to devote its scarce resources to processing a high volume of minor school arrests, a plurality of which lead to diversionary services that could have been offered directly through schools in a much more efficient manner. |
Ministry of Justice |
Department of
Justice Canada # Youth Criminal Justice Act: Summary and Background www.justice.gc.ca/ 2013 The Youth Criminal Justice Act is the law that governs Canada’s youth justice system. It applies to youth who are at least 12 but under 18 years old, who are alleged to have committed criminal offences. |
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report |
Istat |
Sebastiano Pennisi |
Theobald, David P. Farrington, Alex R. Piquero # Childhood broken homes and adult violence: An analysis of moderators and mediators Journal of Criminal Justice 41 (2013) 44–52 With regard to broken homes, we are interested in identifying what circumstances and for whom experiencing a family breakdown led to a violent conviction. We can test this moderator effect using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which tests the differential effect of the predictor variable on the outcome variable as a function of the moderator... |
JunSung Hong,Joseph P. Ryan, Yu-Ling Chiu,
Bushra Sabri |
Karen M. Abram,
Linda A. Teplin, Devon C. King, Sandra L. Longworth,
Kristin M. Emanuel, Erin G. Romero, Gary M.
McClelland, Mina K. Dulcan, Jason J. Washburn, Leah J.
Welty, Nichole D. Olson # PTSD, Trauma, and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Youth www.ojjdp.gov/ Juvenile Justice Bulletin, June 2013 Each year there are approximately 2.11 million arrests of youth, accounting for 16 percent of all violent crime and 26 percent of all property crime arrests (Puzzanchera, 2009). On a typical day, approximately 81,000 youth are detained (Sickmund, 2010). The number of youth with psychiatric disorders in the juvenile justice system is a considerable public health problem. Two-thirds of males and three-quarters of females in juvenile detention have one or more psychiatric disorders... |
Holly A. Wilson, Robert D. Hoge |
Isabella Mastropasqua |
Petitclerc, Uberto Gatti, Frank Vitaro, Richard E.
Tremblay # Effects of juvenile court exposure on crime in young adulthood Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54:3 (2013), pp 291–297 Rather than decreasing recidivism, juvenile court intervention increased both violent and nonviolent future crimes. Along with previous studies, this study highlights a pressing need for more research and knowledge transfer about effective interventions to reduce recidivism among youths who commit crime. |
Piercarlo Pazé |
European Forum for Urban Security |
Grant Duwe,
Valerie Clark # The Effects of Minnesota Prison-Based Educational Programming on Recidivism and Employment www.doc.state.mn.us/ April 2013 Several studies have linked poor academic performance among adolescents to juvenile delinquency and future offending, although the direction of the causal relationship remains unclear. A large proportion of adult offenders lack their General Educational Development (GED) or (HS) high school diploma. Although corrections administrators usually value educational programming, these programs require funding from prison budgets that have not kept pace with growing prison populations and operations costs. |
Department of Justice and Attorney General
- Youth Justice - Queensland |
Anthony Petrosino,
Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino, Sarah Guckenburg |
Ministry of Justice Statistics bulletin |
Workshop at Yale Law School | Hope Metcalf,
Sia Sanneh |
Leena Augimeri,
Margaret Walsh, Sarah Woods, Depeng Jiang # Risk Assessment and Clinical Risk Management for Young Antisocial Children: The Forgotten Group Universitas Psychologica, 11(4), 1147-1156, 2012 Centre for Children Committing Offences (CCCO), at Child Development Institute (CDI) in Toronto, Canada, developed Early Assessment Risk Lists (EARL-20B for boys; EARL-21G for girls), for young children at-risk for future criminality. In this first EARL prospective longitudinal study, 573 boys and 294 girls who participated in SNAP, a gender-specific evidencebased model for at-risk children (6-11 years), 8.2% of boys and 3.1% of girls had registered criminal offences at follow up (mean age 14.9 and 14.6 respectively). EARL Total, Family, Child, and Responsivity domain scores, including two gender-specific risk items and Overall Clinical Judgment predicted early onset of criminal activity. Findings suggest that gender-sensitive clinical risk assessment and management tools are important for effectively identifying and potentially reducing criminal outcomes. |
David M. Ramey # The Social Control of Childhood Behavior via Criminalization or Medicalization: Why Race Matters The Ohio State University, 2014 Recent rates of school suspension and expulsion have increased more than 33 percent and nearly one in four American boys will have been suspended or expelled from school at least once by the time they reach 10th grade (Bertrand and Pan 2013). Alongside this increase in the use of suspensions and expulsions, the numbers of diagnosed cases of ADHD increased by almost 400% and prescriptions for stimulant drugs, often marketed as treatment for the growing number of behavioral and conduct disorders, have increased tenfold... |
Marilyn Armour | North East Independent
School District |
Murray, David P. Farrington, and Ivana Sekol # Children’s Antisocial Behavior, Mental Health, Drug Use, and Educational Performance After Parental Incarceration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Psychological Bulletin, 2012, Vol. 138, No. 2, 175–210 Children with incarcerated parents have been referred to as the “forgotten victims” of crime (Matthews, 1983), the “orphans of justice” (Shaw, 1992a) and the “unseen victims of the prison boom” (Petersilia, 2005, p. 34). They can experience multiple emotional and social difficulties during their parent’s incarceration, which may develop into a range of adjustment problems in the long term. This article describes key aspects of children’s experiences during parental incarceration and reports results from a systematic review and meta-analysis on the associations between parental incarceration and children’s later antisocial behavior, mental health problems, drug use, and low educational performance. |
John W. Bailie
III # Power and Authority in the Student-Instructor Relationship in a Restorative Practices-Based Graduate Program www.iirp.edu/ Lesley University, 2012 |
Francesca Arancio, Diego Grassedonio,
Annapaola Specchio | Save the Children Italia |
Ann Skelton # From Cook County to Pretoria: A Long Walk to Justice for Children Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, vol. 6, Spring 2011 The turn of the twentieth century has again been a time for renewal. The first decade of the twenty-first century has seen positive developments for child offenders in both countries. The cases of Roper, Graham, and Sullivan in the United States, and the case of Centre for Child Law v. Minister of Justice in South Africa indicate recognition from the highest courts that children are different from adults; they are less mature, less culpable, and need to be treated in accordance with that reality. The work is not complete. Child rights and criminal justice campaigners in both countries must strive to steer a more restorative, proportionate response to child offenders. |
Cristina Oddone, Luca Queirolo Palmas |
Alex R. Piquero # Invited Address: James Joyce, Alice in Wonderland, the Rolling Stones, and Criminal Careers J Youth Adolescence (2011) 40:761–775 These authors reported an estimate of the present value of saving a 14-year old high risk juvenile from a life of crime to range from $2.6 to $5.3 million, and that saving a high risk youth at birth would save society between $2.6 and $4.4 million... A high rate chronic offender on average would exert a crime penalty of £1,494 ($2,381) per U.K. citizen. In sum, these and related studies indicate that offending over the life-course incurs a considerable amount of economic and social costs and that these costs are differentially distributed across offending trajectories... |
Matthew W. Burris |
David J. Deming # Better Schools, Less Crime? The Quarterly Journal of Economics (2011) 126, 2063–2111 In this article I estimate the longer-term impact on adult crime of winning an admissions lottery to attend a better middle or high school. I find that winning the lottery greatly reduces crime, and the impact is concentrated among the highest risk youth in the sample. The impacts persist beyond the years of school enrollment, 7 years after random assignment. The findings suggest that schools may be a particularly important setting for the prevention of future crime. Many high-risk youth in the sampledropout of school at a veryyoungageandareincarcerated for serious crimes prior to the age of high school graduation. For these youth on the margins of society, public schools may present the best opportunity to intervene... |
Charlotte Walsh |
Lizbet Simmons |
Cartuyvels, Fr. Bailleau, D.
Defraene # The criminalisation of youth and current trends: the sentencing game In: Cartuyvels Y., Bailleau Fr. (dir.), The Criminalization of Youth. Juvenile Justice in Europe, Turkey and Canada, VUBpress : Brussels 2010, p. 7-27 |
Kath CroninLampe, Ron CroninLampe |
UCLA School of
Law # The Impact of Prosecuting Youth in the Adult Criminal Justice System. A Review of the Literature www.campaignforyouthjustice.org/ July 2010 |
Willie McCarney # A Restorative Justice Approach to Working with Children in Residential Care Law&Justice Review, Volume:1, Issue: 1, September 2010 |
Stephen Machin, Olivier Marie, Sunčica
Vujić Making the assumption that an extra year of schooling at age 16 is equivalent to obtaining an educational qualification, we estimate that this would cost a little under £22 million to achieve a one percent change in this population. This leaves us with a net social benefit in terms of crime reduction of between £87 and 32 million ... |
Tiggey May,
Tracey Gyateng, Mike Hough, Bina Bhardwa, Isabella
Boyce, Juan-Carlos Oyanedel | Institute for Criminal
Policy Research # Differential treatment in the youth justice system www.equalityhumanrights.com/ Spring 2010 The study confirms that ethnic minority youngsters are disproportionally present in all stages of the youth justice system and that elements of discrimination are still evident. A greater proportion of young people are drawn into the youth justice system through reactive policing than through proactive policing tactics such as stop and search. However arrests through proactive policing still account for a significant minority of the total, leaving ample scope for differential policing to shape inflows into the system. |
Daniele Cologna, Elena Granata e Christian
Novak | Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli |
Cantone, Raffaele Sperandeo, Paolo Cotrufo, Alida
Giuseppa Labella # Comportamenti criminali e tratti di personalità: uno studio pilota in un campione di adolescenti detenuti Rivista di Psicologia Clinica n.2 – 2010 La maggioranza dei soggetti del nostro campione presenta almeno un Disturbo di Personalità, con un’elevata frequenza del Disturbo della Condotta e dei disturbi di tipo Paranoide, Borderline, Narcisistico, ed Evitante; molti soggetti presentono tre o più disturbi in comorbilità. La patologia caratteriale è data da una tendenza all’estroversione e all’irritabilità, e da una difficoltà nel contenere e gestire le emozioni aggressive che vengono estrovertite in modo incontrollato o bloccate con una modalità di ritiro sociale. |
Anthony Petrosino, Carolyn
Turpin-Petrosino, Sarah Guckenburg Justice practitioners have tremendous discretion on how to handle juvenile offenders. Police officers, district attorneys, juvenile court intake officers, juvenile and family court judges, and other officials can decide whether the juvenile should be “officially processed” by the juvenile justice system, diverted from the system to a program, counseling or some other services, or to do nothing at all (release the juvenile altogether). An important policy question is which strategy leads to the best outcomes for juveniles. |
Eleonora Riva # Cambiamenti sociali e ricostruzione del sé : un percorso di negoziazione tra appartenenza ed identità nelle bande di “latinos” italiani In Psicologia dello sviluppo sociale e clinico, Unicopli 2009 All’interno di questi gruppi la “latinità” diventa un’appartenenza che unifica al di là delle varie provenienze nazionali, pertanto anche ragazzi che provengono da paesi d’origine storicamente e culturalmente in antagonismo tra loro si riuniscono in una nuova forma di fratellanza, sotto l’egida del “sangue latino”, della “pelle morena”. All’interno del gruppo, come accennato, possono venire accolti anche ragazzi autoctoni o immigrati provenienti da paesi non latini. Rivali divengono le altre bande, o spesso la società civile in cui risiedono. Ogni bandadiventa una “Nazione”, che origina, affilia e protegge i propri adepti... |
Ted Wachtel |
Nancy A. Heitzeg |
CENSIS L’altro che invade i miei confini, che rappresenta un limite alla libera espressione della mia volontà diventa un antagonista con cui tendo a regolare i conti direttamente, per difendere me stesso e quello che sono o voglio mostrare di essere. Ed anche nell’incremento dei fenomeni di bullismo, segnalato dall’80,2% dei genitori intervistati in un’indagine Censis del 2008, può essere letto in questa chiave; nel bullismo si intravede un comportamento di affermazione di sé e nello stesso tempo di ricerca di riconoscimento ed identità giocato su una piccola appartenenza e sulla identificazione del “nemico” nel più debole, che sempre secondo i genitori (il 74,3% ritiene che sia diminuita l’età media del “bullo”) coinvolge peraltro sempre più precocemente i ragazzi... |
Unicef Albania # Implementing alternative measures to detention in penal cases – Introducing and sharing experiences on restorative justice and victim offender mediation application for juveniles and beyond www.unicef.org/ Tirana 25 -26 February 2009 |
Uberto Gatti,
Richard E. Tremblay, Frank Vitaro # Iatrogenic Effect of Juvenile Justice J. Child Psychol. & Psychiatry 50:8, 991–98 (2009) The results show that youths who are poor, impulsive, poorly supervised by their parents, and exposed to deviant friends are more likely, for the same degree of antisocial behavior, to undergo intervention by the Juvenile Court, and that this intervention greatly increases the likelihood of involvement with the penal system in adulthood. The results also show that the various measures recommended by the Juvenile Court exert a differential criminogenic effect; those that involve placement have the most negative impact. |
Paul J. Hirschfield |
Adele Colazzo # Dal disagio sociale alla microcriminalità: i vettori antisociali Psychofenia, Vol. XI n. 19/2008 Il gruppo, inoltre, riveste un ruolo di primaria importanza nel periodo adolescenziale perché consente ai giovani di maturare una propria identità, di trovare solidarietà e complicità nei pari e di superare le paure collegate al disorientamento e alla sofferenza... |
The Future of Children |
Carmela Cavallo
| Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento Giustizia
Minorile # Aggiornamento Linee di indirizzo e di coordinamento in materia di mediazione penale minorile www.giustiziaminorile.it/ 30.04.2008 |
Senato della Repubblica | Camera dei
Deputati | Commissione parlamentare per l'infanzia |
Simona Ardesi |
Ministero della Giustizia - Dipartimento
per la Giustizia Minorile |
Annie K.
Yessine, James Bonta # Pathways to Serious Offending www.publicsafety.gc.ca/ 2008 Although the shape of the curve describing criminal behaviour as a function of age is indisputable, theorists and researchers still voice disagreement over how best to explain the curve. Whereas some scholars contend that the adolescent peak in offending most likely represents a change in incidence, others argue that it is predominantly due to a change in prevalence. Does the age-crime curve mirror a transitory increment in the actual number of criminal acts committed by a small and constant sub-group of adolescents, or is the number of individuals willing to offend during adolescence simply greater? |
Adolfo Ceretti,
Claudia Mazzucato # Mediazione reo/vittima_ le "istruzioni per l'uso" del Consiglio d'Europa www.giustiziaminorile.it/ Nuove Esperienze di Giustizia Minorile 1-2008 |
John Howard Society |
Le mediazioni:
seminari internazionali di contaminazione tra le
pratiche mediative. # La mediazione penale minorile negli Stati Uniti | Incontro - laboratorio - scambio di esperienze con Mark Umbreit C. Eu. S. Nisida, 14-15 Settembre 2007 www.giustiziaminorile.it/ |
Lombardo # Le seconde generazioni di immigrati ed il concetto di metissàge Università degli Studi di Genova - 2007 Metissàge vuole dire non solo incontro ma anche “scontro”di cultura... La cultura maghrebina in Italia o quella definita “black” in Gran Bretagna sono classificate come “culture terze”, le quali trascendono sia le culture d’origine che quella di carattere dominante della società d’arrivo. Esse sono invenzioni meticcie che si fondano su “reinterpretazioni di forme culturali di diversa origine”. In sostanza queste forme culturali rappresentano composizioni di resistenza o espressione di strategie identitarie difensive da parte di quei gruppi sociali classificati come “esclusi”. |
Massimo Conte |
Barry Holman,
Jason Ziedenberg | # The Dangers of Detention: The Impact of Incarcerating Youth in Detention and Other Secure Facilities www.justicepolicy.org/ November 28, 2006 Despite the lowest youth crime rates in 20 years, hundreds of thousands of young people are locked away every year in the nation’s 591 secure detention centers. Detention centers are intended to temporarily house youth who pose a high risk of re-offending before their trial, or who are deemed likely to not appear for their trial. |
Nazioni Unite - Assemblea Generale
Sessantunesima sessione | Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro |
Knut Gundersen,
Frode Svartdal # Aggression Replacement Training in Norway: Outcome evaluation of 11 Norwegian student projects Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 50, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 63–81 |
ENAP # Mineurs délinquants. Une problématique à dimension européenne www.enap.justice.fr/ 15 et 16 mai 2006 Nous avions proposé de poursuivre la recherche avec un nouvel objectif : explorer l'hypothèse d'une influence croissante de l'idéologie néo- ibérale dans la production législative concernant les mineurs et dans le fonctionnement des tribunaux pour enfants... nous avons identifié différents changements législatifs, organisationnels ou au niveau de l'application des mesures/sanctions proposées dans le champ de la Justice pénale des mineurs permettant, de notre point de vue, de préciser cette tendance "néo-libérale"... (Francin Bailleau, La justice des mineurs sous influence neo-liberale?) |
Luca Queirolo Palmas |
William Bradshaw, David Roseborough The aim of restorative justice is to repair the harm done by the crime by bringing together the people most affected by the offense to determine how to deal with the offence. Dialogue, reparation, and accountability are critical components of all restorative interventions. This process aims to benefit victim, offender, and the community. The victims are able to express their feelings, get questions answered regarding the crime, and have input into the reparation plan. The offender is held personally accountable in providing restitution and the restorative process also promotes the support and reintegration of the victim and offender into the community. |
Anne M. Dannerbeck #
in Parenting Attributes, Experiences, and
Behaviors of Delinquent Youth With and Without a
Parental History of Incarceration A higher proportion of youth with a parental incarceration history had prior referrals. Early onset of criminal activity, lack of parental monitoring, disruptions in life, and lack of social support are common characteristics of these youth, characteristics that help in understanding criminal involvement. A pattern of delinquent behavior that begins early is more likely to continue. |
Centro Studi Opera don Calabria # "CROMLECH". Modelli di mediazione penale minorile www.giustiziaminorile.it/ 2004 |
Dana Peterson, Terrance J. Taylor,
Finn-Aage Esbensen |
Barbara Moretti |
Barry Krisberg, Vanessa Patino |
Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime
(ed.) |
Amendola, Rita Biancheri, Giorgio De Filippi, Barbara
Ferrone (a cura di) # Insicurezza, paura, criminalità. Lo studio di un caso: i giovani e la sicurezza sociale nella Provincia di Massa-Carrara http://portale.provincia.ms.it/ Report 2003 |
Mark S. Umbreit, William Bradshaw, Robert
B. Coates |
Lance Lochner, Enrico Moretti Our estimates suggest that a 1% increase in male high school graduation rates would save as much as $1.4 billion, or about $2,100 per additional male high school graduate. These social savings represent an important externality of education that has not yet been documented. The estimated externality from education ranges from 14-26% of the private return to high school graduation, suggesting that a significant part of the social return to education is in the form of externalities from crime reduction. |
Judith Greene,
John Doble # Attitudes Towards Crime and Punishment in Vermont: Public Opinion About an Experiment with Restorative Justice The National Institute of Justice, March 2000 By May 1999, a total of 44 reparative boards composed of over 300 citizen volunteers had been established throughout Vermont. To date. these boards have handled more than 3,000 cases. Upon conviction and referral by a judge, offenders must meet with their local reparative board to review their offense and learn how it harmed the community; they must then accept the terms of what is usually a multi-faceted, community-based sanction that may include some, or all, of the following: restitution. contributing up to 50 hours of community service, meeting with the victim. writing a letter of apology. doing research to learn how the offense damaged the community, being screened for alcohol or drug problems, being assessed for needs in regards to life skills, anger management classes, or getting help finding and keeping employment... |
William H.
Barton # Alternatives in Juvenile Corrections Indiana Family Impact Seminars - January 2000 Boot camps, a variation of shock incarceration, have become increasingIy popular. Resembling military basic training, boot camps focus on discipline, physical conditioning and authoritarian controi. The popular appeal of boot camps satisfies the public's retributive desire. They appear to be "tough," cost less than traditional prisons or training schools, and purportedly instill positive values. Evidence is mounting that boot camps are ineffective and inappropriate for juveniles. |
Finn-Aage Esbensen, L. Thomas Winfree |
Lawrence W.
Sherman, Denise C. Gottfredson, Doris L. MacKenzie,
John Eck, Peter Reuter, Shawn D. Bushway # Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn’t, What’s Promising National Institute of Justice, July 1998 Many crime prevention programs work. Others don’t. Most programs have not yet been evaluated with enough scientific evidence to draw conclusions. Enough evidence is available, however, to create provisional lists of what works, what doesn’t, and what’s promising. Those lists will grow more quickly if the Nation invests more resources in scientific evaluations to hold all crime prevention programs accountable for their results. These are the major conclusions of a 1997 report to Congress, which was based on a systematic review of more than 500 scientific evaluations of crime prevention practices |
Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention # Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives in the States 1994-1996 www.ncjrs.gov/ October 1997 State efforts to combat youth violence and delinquency have taken many forms. From prevention to deterrence through tough, accountability-based sanctions to innovative blended sentencing options, policymakers are searching for programs and policies that effectively stop juveniles from becoming lifelong criminals. |
John Scalia -
Bureau of Justice Statistics # Juvenile Delinquents in the Federal Criminal Justice System www.bjs.gov/ February 1997 In contrast to the Federal system, the State systems frequently charge juveniles with delinquency. During 1994 there were more than 1.5 million delinquency cases in courts with juvenile jurisdiction. Of these, almost 855,000 were formally processed in the juvenile justice system. Nearly half (49%) of those juveniles formally processed at the State level were charged with property offenses. Few (9%) were charged with drug offenses. Approximately 58% of those juveniles formally charged at the State level were adjudicated delinquent... |
Susanne Walther # Reparation and Criminal Justice: Can They Be Integrated? Israel Law Review, ns. 3-4, 1996 The role of the victim within the public criminal justice process has traditionally been one of supporting public prosecution. Without the victim's cooperation, police and prosecutors would neither be informed about the occurrence of crimes, nor be able to bring sufficient evidence to secure convictions or extra-judicial settlements. In Germany, for instance, about 90% of all prosecutions are initiated by private complaint. Compared to what the victim gives the state, the state traditionally gives little to the victim. |
Thomas Blomberg # Diversion and Accelerated Social Control The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, vol. 68, n. 2, 1977 |
Silvia Gusmano L'associazione Parents Circle - Families Forum (Pcff) riunisce famiglie israeliane e palestinesi. Tutte hanno perso un congiunto nel conflitto che da decenni insanguina la regione... La parola chiave che riassume il lavoro dell'associazione e dei tanti progetti che porta avanti - come, ad esempio, la banca del sangue israelo-palestinese - è vulnerabilità. E' infatti questo senso comune di vulnerabilità che Pcff cerca di portare alla luce... |
Marta Nussbaum # Excerpt from Anger and Forgiveness Oxford University Press 2016 The “road” of forgiveness begins, standardly, in terrible anger over a wrong one has suffered at the hands of another. Through a typically dyadic procedure involving confrontation, confession, apology, and “working through,” the wronged person emerges triumphant, unburdened from angry emotion, her claims fully acknowledged, ready to bestow the grace of her non-anger. That Is what I shall call “transactional forgiveness,” and it is both enormously influential historically and very common today. It is plausible to think of it as the canonical form of forgiveness in today‟s world. |
soldi spesi per le carceri, il perdono fa bene
(anche) all'economia |
Valeria Pini |
World Youth Parliament (WYP) Since our coexistence is ruled by the civil law, the purpose of this session is to ask ourselves whether it is possible that forgiveness, or the readiness to forgive- may transform the content of our rules of coexistence. And if this same line of thought could be extended to educational, legal, economic and political spheres. |
Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Jeni L. Burnette,
Ernest O’Boyle, Everett L. Worthington Jr., Donelson
R. Forsyth |
Nicola Lacey, Hanna Pickard |
Scott R. Braithwaite, Edward A. Selby,
Frank D. Fincham |
David Konstan # Before Forgiveness: Classical Antiquity, Early Christianity and Beyond New England Classical Journal 38.2 (2011) 91-109 Forgiveness is a virtue very much in vogue: but was it always? Did the modern conception of forgiveness even exist in ancient times? I am about to argue that it did not. In its place, there were other strategies of reconciliation between an offending and an offended party. What is more—and perhaps still more surprising—I will maintain that interpersonal forgiveness was not developed as a concept even in the Hebrew and Christian traditions (divine forgiveness, it will emerge, was adifferent matter). The origins of forgiveness are far more recent—and the idea itself may be more transient than we suppose. Let me begin with definitions. I take it to be a fundamental ... |
Collin D. Barnes, Mauricio Carvallo, Ryan
P. Brown, Lindsey Osterman |
Holly K. Orcutt |
Michael E.,
McCullough, Charlotte Vanoyen Witvliet # The psychology of forgiveness. Snyder, C. R. (Ed); Lopez, Shane J. (Ed), (2002). Handbook of positive psychology. , (pp. 446-458). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press, xviii, 829 pp. We first define the term forgiveness and differentiate three senses in which it can be applied as a psychological construct. Then we review the existing research on the psychology of forgiveness. The aim of positive psychology is to catalyze change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life. The field of positive psychology at the subjective level is about positive subjective experience: well-being and satisfaction (past); flow, joy, the sensual pleasures, and happiness (present); and constructive cognitions about the future--optimism, hope, and faith. At the individual level it is about positive personal traits--the capacity for love and vocation, courage, interpersonal skill, aesthetic sensibility, perseverance, forgiveness, originality, futuremindedness, high talent, and wisdom. At the group level it is about the civic virtues and the institutions that move individuals toward better citizenship: responsibility, nurturance, altruism, civility, moderation, tolerance, and work ethic. |
Michael E.
McCullough, C. Garth Bellah, Shelley Dean Kilpatrick,
Judith L. Johnson # Vengefulness: Relationships With Forgiveness, Rumination, Well-Being, and the Big Five Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, May 2001 Because forgiveness theory has tended to neglect the role of dispositional factors, the authors present novel theorizing about the nature of vengefulness (the disposition to seek revenge following interpersonal offenses) and its relationship to forgiveness and other variables. In Study 1, vengefulness was correlated cross-sectionally with (a) less forgiving, (b) greater rumination about the offense, (c) higher negative affectivity, and (d) lower life satisfaction. Vengefulness at baseline was negatively related to change in forgiving throughout an 8-week follow-up. In Study 2, vengefulness was negatively associated with Agreeableness and positively associated with Neuroticism. Measures of the Big Five personality factors explained 30% of the variance in vengefulness. |
David M. Lerman # Forgiveness in the Criminal Justice System: If it Belongs, then Why is it so Hard to Find? Fordham Urban Law Journal, 2000 This essay advocates the role of forgiveness within the criminal justice system, particularly from a prosecutor’s perspective, and discusses common impediments to its increased presence and the leadership needed to allow it to develop within the system. |