... Covid-19 ... |
Santomauro (ed) - COVID-19 Mental Disorders
Collaborators # Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic www.thelancet.com/ October 8, 2021 We estimated an additional 53·2 million (44·8 to 62·9) cases of major depressive disorder globally (an increase of 27·6% [25·1 to 30·3]) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such that the total prevalence was 3152·9 cases (2722·5 to 3654·5) per 100000 population. We also estimated an additional 76·2 million (64·3 to 90·6) cases of anxiety disorders globally (an increase of 25·6% [23·2 to 28·0]), such that the total prevalence was 4802·4 cases (4108·2 to 5588·6) per 100 000 population. Altogether, major depressive disorder caused 49·4 million (33·6 to 68·7) DALYs and anxiety disorders caused 44·5 million (30·2 to 62·5) DALYs globally in 2020... |
a balance between
decongesting prisons and
successful offender
reintegration: a critical
analysis of massive offender
releases in mitigating
against spread of COVID 19
in prisons
Letters July 2021
Sophie Charlotte Monachini |
Alexander Söderholm |
Joe Mullah,
Safya Khan-Ruf (eds) # State of Hate. Far-Right Extremism in Europe www.hopenothate.org.uk/ 16 february 2021 2020 saw a dramatic increase in the number of people engaging with conspiracy theories during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Across Europe we’ve witnessed the birth of a number of conspiracy theory-driven protest groups that have taken to the streets, driven by a strongly anti-elite, anti-lockdown and anti- vaccine agenda. Responsibility for the spread of conspiracy theories partially lies with digital platforms and social media, which has helped false information of all kinds spread faster and more aggressively... |
Jones, Polly Roy # Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine candidate appears safe and effective www.thelancet.com/ February 2, 2021 |
Bontempelli # Emergenza Covid-19 e ragionevole durata del processo penale https://sistemapenale.it/ 13 gennaio 2021 È significativo come nella riflessione svolta dalla Corte costituzionale, con la sentenza n. 278/2020, il principio della ragionevole durata del processo penale venga valorizzato, come si è detto, quale componente dello statuto delle garanzie difensive dell’imputato, a fianco della presunzione d’innocenza dello stesso e del principio di legalità di cui all’art. 25 comma 2° Cost., garanzia, questa, che in linea con la giurisprudenza costituzionale consolidata, viene «estes[a] fino a ricomprendere anche la determinazione della durata del tempo di prescrizione dei reati». In tal modo la Corte costituzionale ha esplicitamente sottolineato la dimensione individuale della garanzia della ragionevole durata, quale diritto fondamentale dell’imputato, con il quale dovrebbero entrare in bilanciamento gli interessi costituzionali in conflitto. |
Luciano Eusebi |
Milella # Vaccinare i detenuti rispetta la Costituzione. Ma politici e tecnici si dividono sui tempi La Repubblica, 4 gennaio 2021 |
Alessandro Delli Poggi, Giulia
Pintus, Luca Meani, Federico Ruta, Manuela
Batta, Emanuele Brai, Stefano Terzoni,
Paolo Ferrara |
Istat -
ISS # Impatto dell'epidemia Covid-19 sulla mortalità totale della popolazione residente. Periodo gennaio-novembre 2020 www.istat.it/ 30 dicembre 2020 |
Juliet Lyon CBE (Chair,
Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in
Custody) The prison population is getting older, partly due to sentencing, but also aging prematurely. Men, who make up around 95% of the prison population, are thought to be more vulnerable to the virus. Ethnic minorities and lower socio-economic backgrounds are over-represented within the prison population and more at risk to the virus.... Transmission is enhanced by the high movement of people between establishments and staff within the community. A recent study, led by IAP member Professor Seena Fazel and international colleagues and published last month in BMJ Global Health, reviewed 28 studies looking at outbreaks of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, influenza, measles and COVID-19, in prisons in high-income countries. It concluded that prisons “present high risk of rapid transmission from high population density and turnover, overcrowding and regular movement within and between establishments”... |
Siva # Experts call to include prisons in COVID-19 vaccine plans www.thelancet.com Vol 396 December 12, 2020 ... Prisons are high-risk settings for the transmission of contagious disease, with considerable challenges in managing outbreaks in this setting. “Our research suggests that people in prison should be among the first groups to receive any COVID-19 vaccine to protect against infection and to prevent further spread of the disease”, Fazel said... |
Ronconi # La salute globale ai tempi del Covid19 www.transform-italia.it/ 23 Dicembre 2020 Da quando, fin dagli esordi dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) e poi, in maniera più stringente, con la Dichiarazione di Ottawa del 1986, la salute cessa di essere “assenza di malattia” per divenire “stato di benessere fisico, psichico e sociale” di ogni individuo, la salute è diventata “un diritto che attraversa tutti i diritti” (un diritto inclusivo, nel linguaggio ONU), funzione complessa non solo dei sistemi di welfare e dell’accesso alle cure (che le malattie le prevengono, le curano o ne riducono l’impatto), ma di fattori ambientali e sociali, di variabili quali reddito, lavoro, istruzione, risorse abitative, nutrizione, qualità della vita urbana, coesione sociale, riduzione delle disuguaglianze, clima e qualità dell’aria e dell’acqua, non discriminazione, diritto alla vita. |
Vincenzo Giglio |
Caryn Rabin |
Chesa Boudin # The Opportunity in Crisis: How 2020's Challenges Present New Opportunities for Prosecutors Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Fall 2020 As San Francisco District Attorney, I was elected in late 2019 on an ambitious platform focused on ending mass incarceration and decreasing racial disparities in the criminal justice system.1 Little did I imagine that my first year in office would bring an acute national focus to the exact issues on which I had campaigned. Two phenomena have, thus far, largely defined the year 2020. First, the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to have a grossly disparate impact on communities of color and on those living and working in prisons and jails. Second, a national Black Lives Matter movement... |
Preti, Rossella Di Pierro,
Erika Fanti, Fabio Madeddu,
Raffaella Calati |
Angela Della Bella (ed) # Salute e diritti fondamentali dei soggetti privati della libertà personale al tempo del Coronavirus http://www.beccaria.unimi.it/ novembre 2020 Rapporto redatto dagli studenti della Clinica Legale di Giustizia Penale, in collaborazione con l’Ufficio del Garante dei diritti delle persone private della libertà personale del Comune di Milano: ... il punto sui problemi della tutela dei diritti fondamentali dei soggetti privati della libertà personale nella situazione di emergenza sanitaria. Ciò tanto con riferimento ai soggetti detenuti negli istituti penitenziari, quanto ai migranti, ristretti nei centri di detenzione amministrativa... |
of Oxford According to the New York Times (16 November 2020), more than 252,000 people in prisons and jails have tested positive for COVID-19, and at least 1,450 have died from complications. In the UK (31 October 2020), the Ministry of Justice reports 55 COVID-related deaths of people in prison. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 1,529 positive cases in the prison population in England and Wales across 99 establishments |
Riccardo De Vito
[Presidente di Magistratura
democratica] # Il carcere non è un posto sicuro: la pandemia dilaga, il governo riduca il sovraffollamento Il Domani, 20 novembre 2020 Abbiamo bisogno di un carcere meno affollato per tutelare in maniera integrale la salute di chi è dentro. Anche dei detenuti più pericolosi, dei mafiosi, dei terroristi. Rinunciare a questo obiettivo ci porrebbe fuori dalla Costituzione, dalla democrazia, dalla civiltà. Una resa di questo tipo regalerebbe alla criminalità organizzata fiumi di consenso nel carcere e nei territori. Nelle galere, inoltre, coverebbe rancore anziché riflessione critica sul passato. Occorre far presto... |
Macmadu, Justin
Berk,Eliana Kaplowitz,
Marquisele Mercedes,
Josiah D Rich, Lauren
Brinkley-Rubinstein Compared with the general population, the number of COVID-19 cases is 5·5 times higher among people who are incarcerated... The outsized effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who are incarcerated and Black communities elucidates the inextricable links between health, race, and incarceration. Through decarceration, the largest COVID-19 outbreaks can be mitigated, hazardous conditions of confinement can be alleviated, and racial disparities in health can be reduced. Decarceration is urgently needed, particularly during a persisting and prejudicial pandemic. |
Miriam E. Van Dyke,
Tia M. Rogers, Eric Pevzner,
Catherine L. Satterwhite,
Hina B. Shah, Wyatt J.
Beckman, Farah Ahmed, D.
Charles Hunt, John Rule Community-level mitigation strategies emphasizing use of masks, physical distancing, staying at home when ill, and enhanced hygiene practices can help reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2... The combining of community-level mitigation strategies including physical distancing and enhanced hygiene practices, in addition to consistent and correct use of masks, is a CDC-recommended approach... |
Sandra Berardi |
Marcelo F. Aebi and
Mélanie M. Tiago # Prisons and Prisoners in Europe in Pandemic Times: An evaluation of the medium-term impact of the COVID-19 on prison populations https://wp.unil.ch/ Strasbourg and Lausanne: 10 November 2020 In sum, the general trend observed in Europe is the following: The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by an overall decrease of European prison populations during the period of the lockdowns; that trend was stopped and, in several countries, reversed after the end of the lockdowns. The European trend can be explained combining three factors: • A decrease in the activities of the criminal justice system... • The release of inmates as a preventive measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19... • The lockdowns produced a crime drop... |
# Lettera di Francesco
Maisto, Garante dei
diritti delle persone
private della libertà
personale del Comune di
Milano, ai vertici degli
uffici giudiziari Milano, 4 novembre 2020 |
Strassle, E. Jardas,
Jorge Ochoa, Benjamin E.
Berkman, Marion Danis,
Annette Rid, Holly A.
Taylor |
Beaudry, Shaoling Zhong,
Daniel Whiting, Babak
Javid, John Frater,
Seena Fazel # Managing outbreaks of highly contagious diseases in prisons: a systematic review https://gh.bmj.com/ BMJ Global Health, Oct 2020 COVID-19 has developed into an international public health crisis accompanied by restrictions on daily life and more targeted measures (eg, travel bans, school closures and remote working). In prisons, barriers to translating such interventions are considerable, and there is a high risk of rapid transmission due to high population density and turnover, overcrowding and frequent movements within and between establishments.1 2 In addition, there is a high proportion of people in prison (PIP) who may be more vulnerable to severe COVID-19 due to underlying risk factors (such as male sex, older adults and having chronic underlying health conditions). |
Don Hummer # United States Bureau of Prisons’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Victims &
Offenders, october
2020 |
Mauro Marin |
Ministry of
Justice |
Sibilio |
Lukas M.
Muntingh |
Kelly Servick
[Traduzione di Andrea
Sparacino] I focolai negli istituti di pena evidenziano le disuguaglianze rispetto all'incidenza del virus. Tra gli afroamericani il tasso d'incarcerazione è più alto rispetto a quello tra i bianchi, e lo stesso vale per la durata delle condanne. Inoltre i detenuti presentano un tasso più elevato di malattie pregresse, un aspetto che li rende più esposti alle forme gravi di covid-19. Un altro elemento rilevante è il fatto che la salute dei detenuti è legata a quella della comunità che circonda i penitenziari. Il virus può entrare nelle strutture tramite i dipendenti (almeno 23mila persone che lavorano nelle carceri sono risultate positive) o essere portato dalle persone detenute per brevi periodi o trasferite da una struttura all'altra. |
The Lancet # COVID-19: a stress test for trust in science www.thelancet.com/ September 19, 2020 |
Africa |
Initiative |
of Justice |
Saloner, Kalind
Parish, Julie A.
Ward, Grace
DiLaura, Sharon
Dolovich # COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Federal and State Prisons JAMA August 11, 2020 Volume 324, Number 6 By June 6, 2020, there had been 42 107 cases of COVID-19 and 510 deaths among 1 295 285 prisoners with a case rate of 3251 per 100 000 prisoners. The COVID-19 case rate for prisoners was 5.5 times higher than the US population case rate of 587 per 100 000. The crude COVID-19 death rate in prisons was 39 deaths per 100 000 prisoners, which was higher than the US population rate of 29 deaths per 100 000... |
Lin II, Kim
Christensen # San Quentin's coronavirus shows why ‘herd immunity’ could mean disaster Los Angels Times, August 11, 2020 |
Antigone # Il carcere alla prova della fase 2. Salute, tecnologia, spazi, vita interna www.antigone.it/ 10 agosto 2020 |
Vigoni |
Chan | NSW
Bureau of
Statistics and
Research |
Spera |
Cecconi |
Hewson, Andrew
Shepherd, Jake
Hard, Jennifer
Shaw # Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners www.thelancet.com/psychiatry Vol 7 July 2020 To date, little focus has been given to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners; an area of concern given their high rates of pre-existing mental disorders, suicide, and self-harm, and the links between poor mental health, suicide, and self-harm, and reoffending behaviour... The effects of the pandemic are considerable but they also create opportunities for new, innovative methods of supporting prisoners. |
Lina Caraceni,
Fedeli # The COVID-19 Epidemic and the Prison System in Italy Journal of correctional health care: the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, 2020 Jul 6 The Italian Ministry of Justice and that of Health have established two strategies to limit the spread of COVID-19 in prisons: progressive isolation from the external world and adoption of practices to identify possible cases and to treat infected subjects. After the announcement of regulations revolts erupted in numerous Italian prisons. The motivations and effects of these strategy are discussed critically into the search for a balance between the right to health and other rights of prisoners in Italian prisons with the problem of an occupancy level of 121.75%. |
Committee |
Van Beusekom # US prison inmates among those hit hard with COVID-19 cidrap.umn.edu/ CIDRAP News | Jul 09, 2020 |
Kalind Parish,
Julie A. Ward,
Grace DiLaura,
Dolovich |
Alberto Pirni
del Cortile
dei Gentili) # Pandemia e resilienza. Persona, comunità e modelli di sviluppo dopo la Covid-19 (Prefazione di Giuliano Amato) www.cortiledeigentili.com/ Edizioni Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2020 |
- European
Centre for
and Control # Infection prevention and control and surveillance for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in prisons in EU/EEA countries and the UK www.ecdc.europa.eu/ 3 July 2020 According to the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (SPACE), on 31 January 2019 approximately 1.5 million inmates were in penal institutions with available data in the European region [13]. The median age of this population was 35 years old, with 15% aged over 50, and 95% male. Fifteen countries reported overcrowding, of which 10 (8/10 EU Member States) reported serious over-crowding... |
Welsh-Huggins At the end of June, the total number of coronavirus cases among prisoners had reached at least 52,649, an increase of 8% from the week before, according to data compiled by the Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization focusing on criminal justice, and The Associated Press. Of those, at least 35,796 have recovered, and at least 616 inmates have died, the data showed. Among staff, more than 11,180 cases of coronavirus have been reported, including 43 deaths... |
Buffa |
Nicolas G.
Quan, Shelley
Kon, Peter
Hotez, Andre´s
Martin Krsak |
Casagrande # The Enemy Which Sealed the World: Effects of COVID-19 Diffusion on the Psychological State of the Italian Population Journal of Clinical Medicine, June 2020 The high prevalence of anxiety evidenced in our sample highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased alert levels and generated a high level of state anxiety in the population, confirming results of previous studies on SARS, Influenza A virus subtype H1N1, and COVID-19. In our sample, 27.72% of the respondents presented PTSD symptomatology, and risk of PTSD higher than that reported in the general population, at least as regards the symptoms evaluated with the IES-R questionnaire... |
Lara Tavoschi,
Pantosti Al fine di fornire indicazioni per la prevenzione e controllo per COVID-19 nella popolazione di detenuti adulti e minori, presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) è stato costituito un Gruppo di lavoro formato da ricercatori ISS ed esperti esterni. L’attività scientifica del Gruppo ha portato in evidenza problemi sanitari a oggi ancora poco conosciuti e rappresenta una opportunità per affrontare importanti problemi di salute pubblica e superare le diseguaglianze di salute attraverso lo sviluppo di specifiche strategie di intervento dedicate a questo gruppo di popolazione vulnerabile. |
Marelli |
Maisto |
Widra, Dylan
Hayre | ACLU -
Prison Policy
Initiative www.aclu.org/ June 25, 2020 When the pandemic struck, it was obvious what needed to be done: take all actions possible to “flatten the curve.” This was especially urgent in prisons and jails, which are crowded facilities where social distancing is impossible, sanitation is poor, and medical resources are extremely limited. Public health experts warned that the consequences of inaction or inadequate response were dire: prisons and jails would become petri dishes where, once inside, COVID-19 would spread rapidly, cause illness and death, and then boomerang back out to the surrounding communities with greater force than ever before... |
Bucerius # Canadian prisons in the time of COVID-19: Recommendations for the pandemic and beyond www.theglobeandmail.com/ June 23, 2020 |
Nardone |
F. Aebi,
Mélanie M.
Tiago |
Lonati, Carlo
Melzi d'Eril |
Ambrosone |
Derek K Tracy |
J. Akiyama,
Anne C.
Josiah D. Rich # Flattening the Curve for Incarcerated Populations — Covid-19 in Jails and Prisons www.nejm.org/ The New England Journal of Medicine, May 28, 2020 To promote public health, we believe that efforts to decarcerate, which are already under way in some jurisdictions, need to be scaled up; and associated reductions of incarcerated populations should be sustained. The interrelation of correctional-system health and public health is a reality not only in the United States but around the world. |
Organization -
Office for
Europe # Experience of health professionals, police staff and prisoners in Italy informs WHO COVID-19 guidelines for prisons www.euro.who.int/ 28-05-2020 The Italian health system was another factor that contributed to the effectiveness of penitentiary infection control measures”, added Dr Roberto Ranieri, who also devotes his work to infection control in the San Vittore prison. March brought the third phase of infection control measures in Lombardy prisons, when the first cases of COVID-19 transmission in detention facilities were detected. On 9 March the news led to riots in numerous prisons all over Italy. “The riots calmed down really quickly, in a couple of days. It became evident that there was huge stress and concern among detainees, as well as among prison staff, so we set up compulsory psychological consultations for people to help them cope with stress”, Dr Giuliani recalls. Dr Roberto Ranieri points out that, overall, the measures would not have been a success without the detainees’ help... |
Saraceno (ed) Aldo Bonomi, Editoriale - Angelo Richetti, Il welfare da ricostruire. Una proposta. Dai budget educativi ai budget di salute |
Evidence # Longitudinal study on the effects of COVID 19 and lockdown in Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom https://open-evidence.com/ May 2020 |
Antigone # Il carcere al tempo del Coronavirus. XVI Rapporto di Antigone sulle condizioni di detenzione www.antigone.it/ 22 maggio 2020 |
delle persone
sottoposte a
della libertà
della Regione
Campania |
statement on
COVID-19 in
prisons and
other closed
settings We, the leaders of global health, human rights and development institutions, come together to urgently draw the attention of political leaders to the heightened vulnerability of prisoners and other people deprived of liberty to the COVID-19 pandemic, and urge them to take all appropriate public health measures in respect of this vulnerable population that is part of our communities. |
Gianfilippi # La rivalutazione delle detenzioni domiciliari per gli appartenenti alla criminalità organizzata, la magistratura di sorveglianza e il corpo dei condannati nel d.l. 10 maggio 2020 n. 29. www.giustiziainsieme.it/ 12 maggio 2020 1. Il perimetro del nuovo intervento urgente. 2. La revoca della detenzione domiciliare surrogatoria del differimento della pena e la sua irretroattività. 3. La rivalutazione obbligatoria frequentissima delle detenzioni domiciliari connesse all’emergenza sanitaria concesse ai condannati per reati di criminalità organizzata e la sua portata retroattiva. 4. Competenza ed adempimenti istruttori. 5. La ratio dell’istituto, con lo sguardo più indietro che avanti. |
Santoro Se non si coglie la tremenda occasione della pandemia per inglobare definitivamente la prevenzione nel diritto alla salute dei detenuti, se qualcuno di loro risultasse contagiato, in una sezione in cui si trovava un agente o un detenuto positivo, questi potrebbe chiamare lo Stato italiano a rispondere del proprio contagio in base alla responsabilità da contatto sociale. |
Burki ... Iran announced the release of 85000 prisoners in March. France and Italy have reduced their prison populations by 10000 and 6000, respectively. Chile has let out 1300 low-risk offenders, and states across the USA are releasing varying numbers of prisoners. “There is absolutely no doubt that this crisis calls for reducing overcrowding and finding alternatives to prison for people in particular categories, definitely those in pretrial detention for non-violent offences”, Broner told The Lancet. |
EUROPOL # Beyond the pandemic. How COVID-19 will shape the serious and organised crime landscape in the EU www.europol.europa.eu/ 30 April 2020 Europol expects the impact of the current crisis on serious and organised crime and terrorism to unfold in three phases, equivalent to the shortterm/immediate outlook, a mid-term and long-term perspective.... Drug markets are resilient and adaptable... The trafficking of cannabis, cocaine, and heroin has continued throughout the pandemic, albeit at lower levels than before. After the withdrawal of lockdown and quarantine measures across the EU, it is expected that regular supply will resume at pre-pandemic levels with little or no id- or long-term impact. |
Figgatt |
Hawks, Steffie
McCormick # COVID-19 in Prisons and Jails in the United States https://jamanetwork.com/ April 28, 2020 In the 2 weeks following release from incarceration, people are at increased risk of death, particularly from drug overdose and cardiovascular disease.9 If more people are to leave prisons and jails, correctional officials and community members should take steps to mitigate these risks. Pharmacologic treatment for opioid use disorder is now available via telemedicine, and all prisoners who might benefit from such programs should be referred to them. Similarly, older prisoners and those with chronic health conditions should have pre-arranged primary care follow-up, and the means (eg, an appropriate computer or smartphone) to engage in telehealth visits. |
Kerr # Coronavirus in Canadian prisons www.queensu.ca/ April 23, 2020 It is always the case that the interests of incarcerated people are closely tied to those of us living free in the community. The pandemic has altered much about normal life, including the ability to deny those ties. |
Galliani -
Intervista di
Petrini |
Gianfilippi |
Solidarités et
de la Santé # Coronavirus (Covid-19). Fiche établissements pénitentiaires. Organisation de la prise en charge sanitaire des patients détenus nécessitant des soins psychiatriques https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/ 2 avril 2020 |
ONUDC # Note d'information. Covid-19: préparation et intervention en prison # COVID-19 preparedness and responses in prisons www.unodc.org/ 31 mars 2020 Les prisons et autres lieux de détention devraient faire partie intégrante des plans nationaux de santé et d’urgence adoptés face à la pandémie de COVID-19. Les mesures de préparation, de prévention et d’intervention dans les établissements pénitentiaires devraient être conçues et mises en œuvre suivant les orientations spécialement élaborées par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS). Elles devraient comprendre des évaluations des risques et des plans d’urgence spécifiques; des mesures renforcées d’hygiène et de contrôle des infections; la disponibilité ininterrompue des fournitures nécessaires, y compris des équipements de protection individuelle; l’entretien de liens étroits avec les autorités de santé publique locales et nationales; ainsi que le soutien et le renforcement des capacités du personnel pénitentiaire et des professionnels de la santé. |
Ahalt ,
David Cloud,
Leah Rorvig,
David Sears |
Centers for
Control and
(CDC) |
The Justice
Collaborative |
Giostra # Disinnescare in modo sano la bomba-virus nelle carceri. Gli effetti della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla realtà dei penitenziari e le soluzioni possibili Avvenire, 21 marzo 2020 ... Se il virus comincia a circolare nelle vene penitenziarie sarà impossibile fermarlo alle mura del carcere... L'importante è agire subito, con la consapevolezza che ancora una volta i provvedimenti che fanno bene alla popolazione penitenziaria fanno bene alla società tutta. |
A. Kinner,
Jesse T.
Young, Kathryn
Snow, Louise
Éamonn O'Moore |
Internationa |
Organization Experience shows that prisons, jails and similar settings where people are gathered in close proximity may act as a source of infection, amplification and spread of infectious diseases within and beyond prisons. Prison health is therefore widely considered as public health... Efforts to control COVID-19 in the community are likely to fail if strong infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, adequate testing, treatment and care are not carried out in prisons and other places of detention as well. |
Vianello # Il carcere insostenibile www.rivistailmulino.it/12 marzo 2020 |
Merzagora |