International Centre for Prison Studies

Country CUBA
Ministry responsible Ministry of the Interior
Prison administration Direccion de Carceles y Prisiones
Contact address Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana (Havana), Cuba
Telephone/fax/website tel: +53 7 301566
Prison population total
(including pre-trial detainees / remand prisoners)
at May 2012 (El diario oficial Granma)
Prison population rate
(per 100,000 of national population)
based on an estimated national population of 11.25 million at May 2012 (from United Nations figures)
Number of establishments /
(Different sources quote different totals. Two separate lists of prisons, presented province by province, contain 545 and 582 prisons.)
Recent prison population trend
(year, prison population total, prison population rate)
1997 c.33,000 (c.297)
2003 c.55,000 (c.487)
2006 c.60,000 (c.531)