Custodite perciò la luce della scienza, fatene uso e non fatene spreco, perché non avvenga che una pioggia di fuoco un giorno ci divori tutti quanti, si, tutti quanti. (B. Brecht, Vita di Galileo, didascalia della scena XV)
... Non si può volare per aria su di un bastone, bisognerebbe che ci fosse dentro una macchina: ma una macchina così non esiste ancora e forse non esisterà mai: perché l'uomo è troppo pesante. Ma naturalmente, non si può dire. Ne sappiamo troppo poco, Giuseppe, troppo poco. Davvero: siamo appena al principio. (B. Brecht, Vita di Galileo scena XV) |
505 documenti
Pietro Pietrini (Intervista di Valentina Stella)
# «Infermità mentale, il carcere non può essere la risposta. Neanche per i crimini più efferati...» 7 ottobre 2024
Malcom Coffman # The Neurological imprint of Incarceration and Its Effect on Recidivism Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, vol. 37, 2023 |
Auriemma, Gennaro Iorio, Rosalba Morese, Rudina
Rama4 # Neurosociology: A New Field for Transdisciplinary Social Analysis Frontiers in Sociology, 26 April 2022 Possible to open a new transdisciplinary Frontier, within which sociology and neuroscience in general. The key concept, from the classics of sociological thought, is based on a discipline that can contain this cultural transformation initiated by the discovery of mirror neurons forward, namely neurosociology. The distinctiveness of this approach warrants the analysis of neurosociology within social processes and how they influence neural function. |
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky 1. Carcere e biodiritto. – 2.
Dall’intimidazione generale all’emenda del
condannato. 3. Limitazione della libertà e
diritti. – 4. La salute del detenuto. – 5.
Detenzione e forme di socialità. – 6.
Considerazioni finali
# Biodiritto
e detenzione. Orientamenti della Corte europea
dei diritti umani sui diritti dei detenuti
BioLaw Journal –Rivista di BioDiritto, n. 4/2022
Borbón # Neurosociology and Penal Neuroabolitionism: Rethinking Justice With Neuroscience Forntiers in Sociology, 25 January 2022 Penal Neuroabolitionism is a complementary thesis to the sociological abolitionism of Nils Christie, Thomas Mathiesen and Louk Hulsman. This new approach is based on the findings of science, especially neuroscience, to provide new arguments to the abolitionist perspective that criminal law is an illegitimate mechanismof social control. In that sense, it closely approximates neurosociology as a new scope for transdisciplinary social analysis. In this brief opinion, we offer three commentaries for future work: on the neuropsychological effects of prison, on the ability of neuroscience to analyze and prevent criminogenic social factors, and a critical perspective on free will as a narrative to justify criminal law as amechanismof social control. These considerations invite cholars around the world to study, within the field of neuroscience, the new arguments for penal abolitionism |
Gulotta, Monica Caponi Beltramo # Neurodiritti: tra tutela e responsabilità 1 ottobre 2021 Il pericolo è di ridurre l’uomo alla sola lettura cerebrale che si può ricavare con gli strumenti neurotecnologici, tralasciando tutte quelle dimensioni di consapevolezza, identità e autodeterminazione che da sempre hanno contraddistinto l’essere umano. Così facendo, preziosi strumenti scientifici potrebbero nel concreto rendere il soggetto un mero caso da classificare, normalizzare o escludere, e non più una persona. Il pericolo di un avanzare riduzionistico privo di limitazioni porta a domandarsi cosa rimanga, quindi, della persona e delle sue libertà... |
Pietro Pietrini (intervista di Valentina Stella)
# Pazzi o
criminali? La neuroscienza sfida il
diritto penale L'obiettivo delle neuroscienze diventa quello di integrare le tecniche ordinarie - il colloquio clinico, l'uso di test psicometrici, la raccolta di dati amnestici contribuendo al processo diagnostico e riducendo la variabilità soggettiva di giudizio dei singoli esperti... |
Valeria Saladino,
Hannah Lin, Elisa Zamparelli,
Valeria Verrastro
Empathy, and Violent Crime in
an Incarcerated Population: A
Narrative Review
Frontiers in Psychology,
July 2021
Mokhber, David Streiner, Sébastien Prat, Niloofar
Nikjoo, Gary Chaimowitz # Neuroimaging in sexual offenses and paraphilia: A call to harmonize current clinical and imaging assessments in sexual offenses and paraphilia Fundamentals of Mental Health, 2021 Jan-Feb Complex model of neuroanatomical networks may be related to paraphilia. Well-designed national/ international studies using neuroimaging techniques are necessary to elucidate the pathophysiology of paraphilia and follow the cases. Despite all methodological differences among neuroimaging studies in paraphilia, these studies may explain the neurodevelopmental basis of such disorders. |
Jenny Straiton, Francesca Lake
# Inside
the Brain of a Killer: the Ethics of
Neuroimaging in a criminal Convictions. With neuroimaging techniques being
taken out of the lab and into the court, we ask
whether brain scans can – or should – be used to
explain a criminal act. |
Stanzione # Privacy e neurodiritti: la persona al tempo delle neuroscienze 28 gennaio 2021 Se, dunque, l’habeas corpus, nel proteggere fin nella sua corporeità la persona da atti coercitivi, ha rappresentato il fondamento dello Stato di diritto e l’habeas data - come diritto di autodeterminazione informativa – ha costituito il baricentro della tutela della persona nella società dell’informazione, l’habeas mentem dovrebbe allora rappresentare il fulcro di veri e propri neurodiritti. |
Canzio # Intelligenza artificiale, algoritmi e giustizia penale Sistema Penale, 8 gennaio 2021 Va emergendo il fenomeno dell’utilizzo, da parte di alcune Corti statunitensi (il leading case è identificato in Wisconsin S.C., State v. Loomis, 881, Wis. 2016; v. anche Indiana S.C., Malenchick v. State, 928, Ind. 2010), di tecniche informatiche per misurare il rischio di recidivanza del condannato, ai fini della determinazione dell’entità della pena o di una misura alternativa alla detenzione. |
Giulio Ubertis |
Federica Coppola |
Kevin Davis The accused must have knowledge and intent to commit a crime to be considered responsible. But the law assigns varying degrees of culpability based on a person’s mental state—distinguishing whether a person acted intentionally, recklessly or even negligently. Such distinctions may be difficult for judges and juries to discern, which makes assigning guilt and punishment even trickier. Among the studies designed by the MacArthur group was one examining whether brain scans could reveal when someone was acting knowledgeably or recklessly. |
T. Kirk-Provencher, Rebecca J.
Nelson-Aguiar, Nichea S. Spillane # Neuroanatomical Differences Among Sexual Offenders: A Targeted Review with Limitations and Implications for Future Directions Violence and Gender, vol.7, n. 3, 2020 Studies suggest that many sexual offenders exhibit neuroanatomical abnormalities compared with normative samples and nonsexual offenders and suggest possible associations between these differences and offending behavior... We suggest future sexual offender research may benefit from focusing on more financially feasible options, such as neuropsychological assessment approaches, to assess for and attend to offenders’ criminogenic and rehabilitative/therapeutic needs in alignment with the risk–need–responsivity model. |
Bertolino # L'imputabilità secondo il Codice Penale. Dal Codice Rocco alla legge delega del 2017: paradigmi, giurisprudenza, Commissioni a confronto 25 febbraio 2020 1. L’infermità degli artt. 88 e 89: le scelte originarie. – 2. (segue) la dottrina penalistica moderna. – 3. Paradigmi di infermità mentale nella giurisprudenza e l’infermità mentale nel canone delle Sezioni unite della cassazione. – 4. Dai Progetti di nuovo codice penale alla legge delega del 2017 e alle relative proposte della Commissione a proposito degli artt. 88 e 89. – 5. Le sfide delle neuroscienze. – 5.1. Le nuove frontiere dell’infermità mentale: dalla ludopatia alle dipendenze da sostanze |
Fabio Basile Anche il diritto penale si deve, quindi, attrezzare per tenere il passo di questa rapidissima evoluzione tecnologica, per non rischiare di soccombere di fronte a quello che si preannuncia essere un nuovo, sconvolgente «shock da modernità», che comporterà problemi «analoghi a quelli che hanno contraddistinto altre “transizioni” tecnologiche: verificare l’idoneità delle norme esistenti ad applicarsi alle nuove tecnologie, così da valutare se sia opportuno, per i legislatori, coniare delle regole ad hoc, nuove, ovvero persistere, non senza possibili forzature avallate, magari, sul piano giurisprudenziale, nell’applicazione delle norme preesistenti». |
Strata # Neuroscienza e diritto: un colloquio necessario Diritto Penale e Uomo – DPU, 2 aprile 2019 1. Premessa. – 2. Tribunali e scienza. – 3. Libero arbitrio. – 4. Dualismo di sostanza e dualismo di proprietà. – 5. Determinismo, probabilità e stocastica. – 6. La nascita della neuroetica. – 7. Acquisizioni neuroscientifiche e diritto penale. – 8. Alla ricerca della causa. |
Ciro Grandi # Diritto penale e neuroscienze. Punti fermi (se mai ve ne siano) e questioni aperte 02.04.2019 1. Premessa. – 2. Le neuroscienze: minimi cenni ricostruttivi. – 3. Neuroscienze e diritto penale alla stregua del modello radicale-rifondativo. – 4. Neuroscienze e diritto penale alla stregua del modello moderato-compatibilista. – 5. Uno sguardo d’insieme sull’uso “prove neuroscientifiche” nella prassi. – 6. Neuroscienze e giudizio di imputabilità: un primo bilancio. – 7. L’impatto (ancora) limitato delle neuroscienze nel processo penale italiano. Diagnosi e prognosi. |
Gennari Non può, poi, non menzionarsi il riferimento alla prova scientifica, resa nel processo americano dall’expert witness, in cui viene sottolineata l’importanza del come l’esperto comunica i propri dati al giudice. Il confronto sperimentale tra la mera rappresentazione del dato (statistico) da parte dell’esperto e l’espressione di una convinzione positiva in ordine al grado di convincimento personale dell’esperto circa le implicazione del dato sulla colpevolezza («sulla base dei dati, penso che Tizio sia responsabile…») hanno evidenziato un incremento del 70% di decisioni sfavorevoli al defendant. |
Sjors Ligthart, Laura van
Oploo, Jesse Meijers, Gerben
Meynen, Vrije Universiteit, Tijs
Kooijmans # Prison and the brain: Neuropsychological research in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights New Journal of European Criminal Law, 2019, Vol. 10(3) 287–300 Prison is by its nature a deliberately impoverished environment, with few physical, mental and social activities. Various studies have shown negative effects of an impoverished environment on animal as well as human brain functions. A recent study in a Dutch remand prison showed that brain functions connected with self-regulation decline after 3 months of imprisonment. Reduced self-regulation appears to be a risk factor for recidivism... |
Federica coppola # Motus Animi in Mente Insana: An EmotionOriented Paradigm of Legal Insanity Informed by the Neuroscience of Moral Judgments and Decision-Making Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 2019 Over the past thirty years, neuroscience research has greatly advanced our understanding of the dynamics that underlie decision- making processes leading to moral conduct. One of most relevant insights emerging from this research concerns the critical role that emotions and emotional processes play either in informing or in hindering moral decision-making. In confirmation of this insight, brain-imaging studies on specific psychiatric populations characterized by marked antisocial tendencies have found links between these conditions and abnormal structure or functioning of the same socio-emotional brain circuits that appear to be significantly involved in moral decision-making. |
Alessandro dè Rossi L’interazione tra il comportamento umano e l’ambiente appartiene ormai di diritto allo studio delle neuroscienze e di altre discipline collaterali... Le relativamente recenti discipline citate, ma più ancora un nuovo approccio sistemico in cui sia più marcato l’interesse olistico di meglio legare tra loro i fenomeni e le conoscenze, possono aiutare il progettista e auspicabilmente coloro che vivono e lavorano all’interno o in prossimità di queste particolari strutture, a sviluppare sempre più una consapevolezza allargata riguardante il ruolo e l’influenza che l’ambiente fisico assume in particolari circostanze. |
Lobel, Huda Akil |
Beatrice Magro 1. La crisi dell’ideale risocializzativo e di prevenzione. – 2. Questioni di prevenzione generale: il fattore intertemporale nella percezione collettiva del rischio penale. – 3. La realtà della pena retributiva come raddoppio di sofferenza. – 4. Ilimiti della finalità proporzional-retributiva della pena nella fase della commisurazione della pena. – 5. La crisi della prevenzione e il modello simbolico, motivazionale e comunicativo delle teorie “ottimiste” della pena. – 6. Prospettive neuro-scientifiche di prevenzione speciale: la pratica individuale del self control. – 7. Prospettive neuro-scientifiche di prevenzione generale: istituzioni e modelli sociali di self control. – 8. Il fondamento ontologico del self control: la plasticità cerebrale. – 9. Le teorie “ottimiste” della pena: la giustizia riparativa.– 10. Teorie “ottimiste” della pena e responsabilità individuale. – 11. Il fondamento empirico-epistemologico della Restorative Justice: l’affect program. – 12. Perché l’uomo ha sviluppato l’affect della vergogna- umiliazione? – 13. Gli studi sulla punizione altruistica e la psicologia comune retributiva: il punto di vista della vittima. – 14. Alla ricerca del fondamento ontologico dei bisogni di pena: la sfida giustificativa. – 15. Ma siamo davvero intuitivamente retributivi? Gli studi sui bisogni altruistici di trasformazione-ravvedimento del reo: una base epistemologica per la giustizia riparativa. – 16. Per chiudere il circolo vizioso |
Federica Coppola # Mapping the Brain to Predict Antisocial Behaviour: New Frontiers in Neurocriminology,'New' Challenges for Criminal Justice UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence - 2018 Neuroprediction might be a useful tool to help criminal justice systems shift from a punitive to a more socio-rehabilitative approach to criminality. Growing evidence emanating from behavioural and neuroscientific disciplines shows that the brain and mental dynamics that underpin antisocial decisionmaking are often featured by alterations in emotion processing, moral reasoning, moral judgement, and self-control – alterations that affect an individual’s ability to make socially appropriate decisions and engage in socially acceptable conduct. With this emotion-oriented understanding of antisocial decision-making, it is hypothesized that socially scarce environments – like prisons – produce negative effects on the activity of specific socioemotional regions of the brain (notably, the amygdala) that are key to social behaviour... |
Inka Ristowa, Meng Lia,
Lejla Colica, Vanessa Marra,
Carina Födischa, Felicia von
Düringa, Kolja Schiltzd,
Krasimira Drumkova, Joachim
Witzel, Henrik Walter, Klaus
Beierg, Tillmann H.C. Kruger,
Jorge Ponseti, Boris Schifferj,
Martin Walter # Pedophilic sex offenders are characterised by reduced GABA concentration in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex NeuroImage: Clinical, Volume 18, 2018, Pages 335-341 We found a metabolic correlate of inhibition in pedophilic patients with a history of child sexual offending reflected by reduced GABA concentrations in the dACC. Moreover, lower GABA/Cr in patients was correlated with lower self-control and ADHD-like symptom reports. The findings of our study depict necessity and feasibility to investigate the role of metabolites in the brain and to perform tasks including measures of cognitive control and response inhibition in future pedophilic disorder studies. |
Owen D. Jones, Anthony
D. Wagner # Law and Neuroscience: Progress, Promise, and Pitfalls Vanderbilt Law Research Paper 18 - 32, July 2018 In this review, we have highlighted a few illustrative legal problems on which neuroscience research is beginning to yield potentially informative data, as well as others in which the science suggests it is premature to move from the lab to the courtroom (for other overviews, see Jones et al, 2013b; Jones et al, 2014a). Concurrently, we have considered the categories of potential relevance for neuroscience evidence, along with cross-cutting caveats. The growth of neurolaw – – which crucially depends on interdisciplinary interactions –– has produced significant progress and suggests promise. At the same time, there is ample cause for caution, lest over-exuberance pave a path to pitfall |
Andrea Bonomi # Le neuroscienze in rapporto alla libertà morale: aspetti di diritto costituzionale 26 gennaio 2018 1. Le neuroscienze e la libertà morale. – 2. La delimitazione del “concetto” di libertà morale. – 3. Libertà morale e Costituzione. – 4. Libertà morale, art. 13 Cost. e art. 188 cod. proc. pen.: rapporti reciproci. – 5. Alcune osservazioni sui principi del nemo tenetur se detegere e della dignità della persona umana: implicazioni con la libertà morale. – 6. Una proposta conclusiva. – |
Luca Santa Maria,
Mario Iannucci # Prove di dialogo tra psichiatra-psicoanalista e giurista a proposito di neuroscienze e diritto penale 11 gennaio 2018 Il problema mente – cervello è tra i più difficili. Che la mente non sia quando il cervello non c’è è sicuro almeno quanto il fatto che se il cervello c’è la mente può non essere, è chiaro. Come il cervello produca la mente, invece, è (ancora?) molto meno chiaro.... |
Mario Iannucci |
Christoph Bublitz |
Luca Santa
Maria |
Fabio Basile,
Giuseppe Vallar |
Raul Gonzalez,
Ileana Pacheco-Colón,
Jacqueline C.
Duperrouzel, Samuel W.
Hawes # Does Cannabis Use Cause Declines in Neuropsychological Functioning? A Review of Longitudinal Studies Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2017), 23, 893–902 The aim of this article is to provide a critical evaluation and review of research that uses longitudinal designs to examine the link between cannabis use and neuropsychological functioning. In summarizing the primary findings across these studies, this review suggests that cannabis use leads to neuropsychological decline. However, across most studies, these associations were modest, were present only for the group with the heaviest cannabis use, and were often attenuated (or no longer significant) after controlling for potential confounding variables... |
B Schiffer, T
Amelung, A Pohl, C
Kaergel, G Tenbergen, H
Gerwinn, S Mohnke, C
Massau, W Matthias, S
Weiß, V Marr, KM Beier,
M Walter, J Ponseti, THC
Krüger, K Schiltz, H
Walter # Gray matter anomalies in pedophiles with and without a history of child sexual offending Translational Psychiatry 7, 2017 The present study substantiates the idea that CSO (child sexual offenders) in pedophilia rather than pedophilia alone is associated with changes in GM (gray matter) integrity, particularly in the right temporal pole. The risk of (re)offending was associated with a GM reduction in the dorsomedial PFC/ACC (prefrontal cortex/anterior cingulate cortex). Both findings indicate that morphometric markers associated with CSO in pedophiles may be potentially useful for the treatment or prevention approaches that aim to reduce the risk of (re)offending in pedophilia. |
Cusick # Mens Rea and Methamphetamine: High Time for a Modern Doctrine Acknowledging the Neuroscience of Addiction Fordham Law Review, Vol. 85, No. 2417, 2017 Neuroscience research reveals that drug addiction results in catastrophic damage to the brain resulting in cognitive and behavioral deficits. Methamphetamine addiction is of particular interest to criminal law because it causes extensive neural destruction and is associated with impulsive behavior, violent crime, and psychosis. Furthermore, research has revealed important distinctions between the effects of acute intoxication and addiction. These findings have implications for the broader doctrine of mens rea and, specifically, the intoxication doctrines. This Note argues for the adoption of an addiction doctrine that acknowledges the effect of addiction on mens rea that is distinct from doctrines of intoxication. |
Parmigiani, Gabriele
Mandarelli, Gerben
Meynen, Lorenzo
Tarsitani, Massimo
Biondi, Stefano
Ferracuti # Free will, neuroscience, and choice: towards a decisional capacity model for insanity defense evaluations Libero arbitrio, neuroscienze e scelta: verso un modello basato sulla capacità decisionale per la valutazione dell’imputabilità Riv Psichiatr 2017; 52(1): 9-15 The theoretical debate on free will constitutes a topic of great interest for forensic psychiatrists as different views of free will could accordingly affect a defendant’s accountability in different ways. In this sense, the concept of free will is crucial in forensic psychiatry where at present evaluations rely mainly on notions such as sense of agency, capability to do otherwise and to act for an intelligible reason. |
R. Arbuckle,
Michael J.
Travis, DavidA.
Ross |
Bertolino # Le parole del diritto e le parole della scienza: un difficile dialogo su questioni di prova penale Vita e Pensiero, 2, 2017 1. Scienza e diritto di fronte alla prova. - 2. La scienza del processo: criteri di scientificità a confronto. - 3. Questioni aperte e rilievi critici a proposito dei giudizi di scientificità e affidabilità scientifica del sapere esperto. - 4. Quale giudice per quale conoscenza specialistica. |
X. Shen # Law and Neuroscience 2.0 2017 Neurolaw will succeed if it can do what other successful bodies of knowledge do: improve health, generate wealth, promote justice, and make the world a better place. The ingredients to do this are before us. We have rapidly developing and well-funded neuroscience. We have many pressing social and legal challenges to which that neuroscience might apply. And we have —thanks to the pioneers in the first waves of neurolaw— a strong foundation on which to build. But, as the quotes at the top of this Part suggest, we have to walk a tightrope. We need imagination, but not too much. We need excitement, but not over-exuberance. We need passion, but also patience... |
Mahlmann Human rights are not trivia. They are more than playthings to satisfy one’s intellectual ludic drive. Human rights are not means to solve all the world’s problems. But much depends on rights, including important goods of individuals, sometimes even their dignity and life. A decent level of civilization cannot be maintained without them. This is of great importance for those who suffer from human rights violations. It is of some significance as well for all those belonging to the perhaps not so small group of people who cannot breathe freely because of the continuing tragedy of human folly and pain and therefore long for the occasional relief of fresh air bestowed by some steps towards a culture of human decency. |
Corda # L'incerto futuro dei metodi di esecuzione della pena di morte negli Stati Uniti. Scenari emergenti dopo la sentenza Glossip v. Gross Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procdedura Penale, Anno LX Fasc. 1 - 2017 1. Introduzione. — 2. La pena di morte in America, oggi. — 3. I metodi di esecuzione e la giurisprudenza della Corte Suprema. — 4. La resistibile ascesa dell’iniezione letale: dagli esordi al caso Baze v. Rees. — 5. L’assedio globale alla pena capitale eseguita mediante iniezione letale. La strada verso Glossip v. Gross. — 6. Lamajority opinion del giudice Alito. — 7. L’opinione dissenziente del giudice Sotomayor. — 8. L’applicazione della pena di morte negli Stati Uniti tra passato e futuro. — 9. (Segue): L’iniezione letale tra rinnovamento e sostituzione. — 10. Considerazioni conclusive. |
D. Jones |
M. Altimus As neuroscientists, our understanding of one of the most complex biological systems known has the potential to change the way the justice system operates. Although it may go against the scientific norm of distance and neutrality, society as a whole, and the criminal justice system in particular, would benefit from active collaboration between the neurological sciences and the criminal justice system. The payoff for all of us could reach as far as it has in traditional medicine. |
Victor Genevès Mission
de recherche –
Droit &
Justice, 2016 |
Mammarella |
X. Shen |
Heilig, David H.
Epstein, Michael
A. Nader, Yavin
Shaham # Time to connect: bringing social context into addiction neuroscience Nat Rev Neurosci. 2016 September ; 17(9): 592–599 Social epidemiology has established a strong link between poor social integration and behaviours that result in alcohol and drug use. Although few neuroscientists would negate the importance of these social factors in addiction, aspects of social integration — such as social inclusion or exclusion — have so far typically not been incorporated into neurobiological studies of addiction. We think that the different ways in which social interactions — positive and negative — influence addiction can be incorporated into these studies. |
Austin, Rob Dur # Emotion Regulation for Lawyers: A Mind Is a Challenging Thing to Tame Wyoming Law Review, Vol. 16, 2016 With a knowledge of brain structure, autonomic nervous system function, how emotions arise in the brain, brain optimization, and the importance of emotion regulation, lawyers are empowered to improve how they work with each other and how they serve clients. To enhance the neuro-capacity for emotion regulation, lawyers can embrace regular exercise and plan to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. To increase focus, lawyers can learn and practice meditation. To minimize the stress response and improve awareness, lawyers can employ a mindfulness practice. Science shows that these recommendations can improve lawyer emotion regulation, wellbeing, and performance. |
Chen, Adrian
Raine, Kun‑Hsien
Chou, I‑Yun
Chen, Daisy
Hung, Ching‑Po
Lin # Abnormal white matter integrity in rapists as indicated by diffusion tensor imaging BMC Neuroscience, 2016 To our knowledge, this is the first study indicating white matter abnormalities in rapists. Findings indicate abnormalities in white matter connectivity in brain regions involved in reward/motivation and moral judgment, which may predispose rapists to be both over-responsive to sexual reward stimuli and also to make inappropriate moral decisions. |
Iris Vilares, Michael Wesley, Woo-Young Ahn, Richard J. Bonnie, Morris B. Hoffman, Owen D. Jones, Stephen J. Morse, Gideon Yaffe, Terry Lohrenz, Read Montague PNAS
Early Edition,
2016 |
W. Feldstein
Ewing, Susan
F. Tapert,
Brooke S.G.
Molina # Uniting adolescent neuroimaging and treatment research: Recommendations in pursuit of improved integration Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2016 March ; 62: 109–114 Many clinicians who provide mental health treatment find developmental neuroscience discoveries to be exciting. However, the utility of these findings often seem far removed from everyday clinical care. Thus, the goal of this article is to offer a bridge to connect the fields of applied adolescent treatment and developmental neuroscience investigation. An overview of the relevance of developmental neuroscience in adolescent direct practice and a rationale for how and why this integration could benefit adolescent treatment outcomes is provided. Finally, a series of practical suggestions is generated for enhancing collaborative, interdisciplinary work that ultimately advances treatment response for this important clinical population. |
P. Kerkmans,
Lyn M. Gaudet # Daubert on the Brain: How New Mexico's Daubert Standard Should Inform Its Handling of Neuroimaging Evidence New Mexico Review, vol. 46, n. 2, 2016 In their rejection of Frye and adoption of a Daubert approach, the New Mexico Supreme Court indicated that courts should favor current scientific understanding over jurisprudential recognitions of scientific understandings.The Court has also required the state’s trial courts to independently determine if reliability is sufficiently established. Similarly, there are federal level appellate courts that have favored admitting testimony based on conflicting science if support is shown for the general scientific theory or technique being proffered. |
Zai et al. # Rapporteur summaries of plenary, symposia, and oral sessions from the XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Meeting in Toronto, Canada, 16–20 October 2015 Psychiatric Genetics 2016, 26:229–257 The XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics meeting, sponsored by the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, was held in Toronto, ON, Canada, on 16–20 October 2015. Approximately 700 participants attended to discuss the latest state-of-the-art findings in this rapidly advancing and evolving field. The following report was written by trainee travel awardees. Each was assigned one session as a rapporteur. This manuscript represents the highlights and topics that were covered in the plenary sessions, symposia, and oral sessions during the conference, and contains major notable and new findings. |
B. Meixner,
Jr. This is a wonderful time for those interested in law and neuroscience because the field is so new, and significant basic work remains to be done. This set of papers provides one such critical early impact. The papers provide strong evidence that neuroscience has an important future in the law, and while there are undoubtedly limited uses of neuroscience evidence as the science currently stands, those limitations are likely to become smaller as technology and knowledge improve. Research on the courts’ use of neuroscience evidence, like these studies, will thus continue to be important as the field grows. |
Ginther |
R. Shook,
James Giordano # Neuroethics beyond Normal. Performance Enablement and Self-Transformative Technologies Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2016), 25 , 121 – 140 Genuinely neuroethical recommendations should be guided by authentically neuroethical deliberations. The need for those deliberations has become urgent. Essential matters on which familiar legal rules and ethical principles are predicated—the nature of the human “body,” the “person” worthy of respect, and the “self” in its autonomy—are no longer fi xed landmarks for drawing rigid baselines. |
A. Fozdar |
J. Morse |
Johnston |
Sörman, John
F. Edens,
Shannon Toney
Smith, John W.
Olof Svensson |
S. Bard “After decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers, only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious—how it gives rise to sensation, feeling, subjectivity—has emerged unchallenged: we don’t have a clue.” |
Catley |
Shaw |
Rödiger |
Stephen V.
Faraone # Genetic Architecture for Human Aggression: A Study of Gene–Phenotype Relationship in OMIM Am J Med Genet Part B 171B:641–649, 2016 Genetic studies of human aggression have mainly focused on known candidate genes and pathways regulating serotonin and dopamine signaling and hormonal functions. These studies have taught us much about the genetics of human aggression, but no genetic locus has yet achieved genome-significance. We here present a review based on a paradoxical hypothesis that studies of rare, functional genetic variations can lead to a better under-standing of the molecular mechanisms underlying complex multifactorial disorders such as aggression... |
Wishart |
W. Buckholtz,
Valerie Reyna,
Slobogin |
Lavazza Ciò che oggi sappiamo con maggiore certezza riguarda il fatto che il crimine non è provocato soltanto da un ambiente sfavorevole, dove per ambiente si intende i genitori, l’abitazione, il vicinato... Il crimine è causato anche da un cattivo funzionamento del cervello a livello biologico. Si tratta di un’idea che è stata contrastata dagli scienziati sociali, ma non sembra vi siano più dubbi, almeno dal punto di vista scientifico, sul ruolo della biologia nella genesi del crimine. Siamo però all’inizio. # Elisabetta Sirgiovanni, Le origini del cervello criminale, Il Sole 24 Ore, 28 febbraio 2016 |
Lau # Connectome: dancing through neuronal circuits January 19, 2016 “I am more than my genes! What am I? I am my connectome.” Such were the words of computational neuroscientist Sebastian Seung (Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton, NJ, USA) in his TED Conference speech in 2010. He proposed that our connectome, the particular wiring of our brain, is what shapes our identity... |
A. Farahany |
Meynen |
Scurich, Paul
Appelbaum |
Penasa # Giudice “Ercole” o giudice “Sisifo”? Gli effetti del dato scientifico sull’esercizio della funzione giurisdizionale in casi scientificamente connotati 17 dicembre 2015 L’esempio più paradigmatico è senza dubbio rappresentato da quei casi, tendenti a valutare la responsabilità in ambito penale, nei quali applicazioni avanzate dell’analisi neuronale – le neuroscienze – e di quella genetica vengono utilizzate al fine della configurabilità di un elemento del reato (imputabilità). Nella sentenza sul caso conosciuto come Bayout, la Corte d’Assise d’Appello di Trieste ha basato la decisione di rivalutare la decisione operata dal G.U.P. in primo grado di non concedere la riduzione di pena di un terzo per difetto parziale di imputabilità sulle risultanze di indagini genetiche svolte sul DNA dell’imputato, le quali avevano riscontrato la presenza degli alleli (per il gene MAOA) che «in base a numerosi studi internazionali riportati sinora in letteratura, sono stati riscontrati conferire un significativo aumento del rischio di sviluppo di comportamento aggressivo, impulsivo (socialmente inaccettabile)». |
Martha Gkotsi,
Jacques Gasser |
Sartori |
Mario De Caro,
Luisella De
Antonio Forza,
Natale Fusaro,
Pietrini, Rino
Rumiati, Luca
Stracciari |
Conti (ed) # I giudici e il biodiritto. Un esame concreto dei casi difficile e del ruolo del giudice di merito, della Cassazione e delle Corti europee Quaderni di biodiritto, 2015 |
Yirmiya, Neta
Ronen Reshef |
Benedict Carey, # Head of Mental Health Institute Leaving for Google Life Sciences, Sept. 15, 2015 Antonio Regalado, # Why America’s Top Mental Health Researcher Joined Alphabet. Tom Insel explains why he’s ready to give Silicon Valley a try, MIT Technology Review, September 21, 2015 Heidi Ledford, # Director of US mental-health institute leaves for Google. Thomas Insel turned the institution's focus towards biological roots of psychiatric disorders, 15 September 2015 Alexei Oreskovic, # Google is doubling down on biotech, Aug. 21, 2015 |
Rigoni, Luca
Sartori |
Occhi, Manuela
Martinez, Luis
Moya-Albiol |
Conti Riflettere sulla funzione giudiziaria in territori in cui sono in gioco la vita e i valori che riguardano la centralità della persona e la dimensione della dignità umana (il suo carattere indefettibile, indissolubile, incomprimibile e inderogabile) è argomento da far tremare i polsi, come ammette lo stesso Autore della monografia che presentiamo, tale è la vastità delle implicazioni di ordine filosofico, sociale e giuridico che esso intercetta. Il diritto è oggi chiamato a confrontarsi, secondo prospettive assolutamente inedite, con i suoi “oggetti” principali: la vita, la salute, l’autodeterminazione dei soggetti, la stessa individualità biologica, e i dubbi investono persino i termini, iniziale e finale, della vita umana (Giorgio Santacroce) |
Evans1, Colton
and Sara D.
Hodges2 # Superfluous Neuroscience Information Makes Explanations of Psychological Phenomena More Appealing Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27:5, pp. 926–944, 2015 Finally and most intriguingly, superfluous neuroscience information might increase the perceived scientific quality of explanations if people’s lay theories of the mind embrace the idea that the brain is the best explanans of mental phenomena (i.e., a brain-as-engine-of-mind hypothesis). If so, superfluous explanations should fool participants into seeing the explanations as informative, but giving the superfluous information a “neuro” flavor would be essential; this hypothesis predicts that other jargon or scientific cues would not work as effectively... |
Pyun |
de Kogel,
Westgeest |
Decety, Jason
M. Cowell # Empathy, justice, and moral behavior AJOB Neurosci. 2015 ; 6(3): 3–14 The purpose of this article is to examine the intersection of neuroscience and psychology on the study of empathy and moral decision-making. Substantial progress has been made in recent years towards a comprehensive understanding of the evolutionary processes that have favored the development of complex social behaviors in humans, along with the brain architecture that supports them. In particular, research in social neuroscience, relying on multi-level integrative analysis studies (from genes to social interactions) provides a mechanistic comprehension of empathy and caring for others... |
H. Venables,
Adrian Raine Overall, findings on the multifactorial assessment of schizotypy provide a basis upon which further etiological and clinical work on schizotypy may build. The future clinical challenge lies in understanding what social and biological processes lead some individuals to remain stably schizotypal over time, while others change. |
Insel # Something Interesting is Happening June 5, 2015 Although the Precision Medicine Initiative at NIH is still under development, one consistent message has been that we will be creating not only a new cohort but a new culture for biomedical research. Research driven by patients, or maybe I should say “volunteers,” could create a research platform that might not look like academic research or private sector research. As people share their experiences with treatments that work or don’t work, they may see patterns that were never evident in randomized clinical trials. I don’t know where this will lead. But isn’t that exactly the potential of a new kind of clinical research – built by and for the people who have the most at stake? |
B. McCaleb |
E. Dror # Cognitive neuroscience in forensic science: understanding and utilizing the human element Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 2015 A new view of a cognitively informed forensic science suggests a proactive approach. Rather than being reactive once crimes are committed, being proactive would take forensic steps before a crime is ever committed. A proactive forensic science goal is to ‘try to foresee trends in future crime and develop preventative measures ahead of time. In other words, they are trying to be one step ahead of the criminals, so that when the trend changes they will be ready’ . |
Commission for
the Study of
Issues # GRAY MATTERS. Topics at the Intersection of Neuroscience, Ethics, and Society March 2015 Enhancing justice by using neuroscience evidence is especially important because of the potentially severe and far-reaching consequences of legal and policy decisions. In the criminal context, punishment can involve deprivation of liberty by imprisonment or the death penalty in some jurisdictions. Such severe consequences warrant particular attention to improving the accuracy of conviction and sentencing. |
W. Denno |
Somers # Neuroimaging Evidence: A Solution to the Problem of Proving Pain and Suffering? Seattle University Law Review, Vol. 39:1391, 2015 In order to understand why neuroimages should not be admitted as evidence to prove pain and suffering at this stage, it is imperative to have a basic understanding of the technology itself. This Part first provides background information on structural and functional neuroimaging techniques. It then discusses the structural regions of the brain believed to be implicated in pain perception and explains how the current technology may be used to prove pain and suffering... |
Levy # Altering brain chemistry makes us more sensitive to inequality March 19, 2015 |
Gertner |
S Kayser,
Jennifer M
Mitchell, Dawn
Michael J
Frank |
C. Wolf,
Koenigs |
Shen, Dena
Gromet |
Ferrari, Kim
Quang Do,
Thiran, Patric
Hagmann # Characterizing the Connectome in Schizophrenia With Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Human Brain Mapping 36:354–366 (2015) Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by disabling symptoms and cognitive deficit. Recent neuroimaging findings suggest that large parts of the brain are affected by the disease, and that the capacity of functional integration between brain areas is decreased... |
Meijers, Joke
M. Harte,
Frank A.
Jonker, Gerben
Meynen |
Madhuri Behari |
Koivula, Nina
Petar Lozev,
Böhlke, Birgit
Thun, Janika
Bockmeyer, Jan
Smits |
Maria Flick |
Umiltà |
D. Jones,
Joshua W.
Jeffrey D.
Schall, Rene
Marois |
Knapton |
Corda # Neuroscienze forensi e giustizia penale tra diritto e prova (Disorientamenti giurisprudenziali e questioni aperte) ArchivioPenale, n. 3, 2014 1. Introduzione. – 2. Scienza, neuroscienza e giustizia penale. – 3. Sapere neuroscientifico e neuroscienze forensi. – 4. Novel science e prova penale. L’emblematico caso dell’irrompere delle neuroscienze nel dibattito sulla capacità di intendere e volere. – 5. La “rivoluzione promessa” dalle neuroscienze rispetto al diritto penale. – 6. La casistica giurisprudenziale. – 7. Prova scientifica “nuova” e ragionevole dubbio nella prospettiva dell’accusa e della difesa. – 8. Metodo scientifico tra ammissione e valutazione della prova. – 9. Cattiva scienza versus cattivo utilizzo processuale del sapere scientifico. – 10. L’esame del ricordo autobiografico e i limiti normativi espressi. – 11. Il (potenziale) conflitto di interessi tra produttori e portatori del sapere neuroscientifico all’interno del processo penale. – 12. Riflessioni conclusive. |
Freitas da
Rocha, Eduardo
Massad, Fabio
Theoto Rocha,
Burattini |
Salvato, Roy
Dings, Lucia
Reuter |
Fuselli Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XVI, 2014, 2, pp. 101-129 La comparsa e la rapida moltiplicazione di neologismi come ‘neuroetica’, ‘neuroestetica’, ‘neuroteologia’, ‘neurodiritto’, hanno portato –giustamente –a parlare di una vera e propria neuromania1. Nonostante le buone ragioni per la sua censurabilità, questo fenomeno attesta, però, che l’impresa neuroscientifica ha un’enorme capacità di penetrazione, anche in discipline fra loro molto diverse... |
X. Shen # Sentencing Enhancement and the Crime Victim’s Brain Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, vol. 46, 2014 The Article argues that classification of “mental” harms as wholly distinct from “physical” harms is problematic in light of modern neuroscientific understanding of the relationship between mind and brain. There is no successful justification for treating mental injuries as categorically distinct from other physical injuries. To do so would be to perpetuate an archaic dualist view of the mind that few, if any, studying the brain would endorse... |
N. Cuthbert |
Daddi # Neuroscienze e categorie penalistiche:tra teoria e prassi Università di Pisa, 2014 |
Yeon Choe |
F. Shariff,
Joshua D.
Greene, Johan
C. Karremans,
Jamie B.
Luguri, Cory
J. Clark,
Jonathan W.
Schooler, Roy
F. Baumeister,
Kathleen D.
Vohs # Free Will and Punishment: A Mechanistic View of Human Nature Reduces Retribution Psychological Science 1 –8 (2014) If free-will beliefs support attributions of moral responsibility, then reducing these beliefs should make people less retributive in their attitudes about punishment. Four studies tested this prediction using both measured and manipulated free-will beliefs. |
Rose, Joelle
Abi-Rached |
Akdeniz, Heike
Tost, Fabian
Streit, Leila
Haddad, Stefan
Wüst, Axel
Peter Kirsch,
Meyer-Lindenberg |
Douglas |
Maslen, Nadira
Savulescu4 |
Roache # Can Brain Scans Prove Criminals Unaccountable? AJOB Neuroscience, 5(2), 2014 Leonard Berlin (2014) reports that neuroscientific data have been presented in court by lawyers wishing to argue that their clients have reduced or absent moral responsibility for their behaviour because their brain function is impaired. Berlin cites evidence showing that such neuroscientific data can influence judges to pass more lenient sentences, and he anticipates that advances in “the neurology of criminal behavior”may lead courts to view certain criminals as having reduced accountability for their actions... |
D. Costa,
Valery L.
Tran, Janita
Turchi, Bruno
B. Averbeck # Behavioral Neuroscience. Dopamine Modulates Novelty Seeking Behavior During Decision Making Behavioral Neuroscience , June 9, 2014. These findings demonstrate that increases in extracellular dopamine levels underlie the positive valuation of novel stimuli to promote exploratory behavior. They also suggest that alterations in dopamine reuptake may contribute to excessive novelty seeking and impulsivity |
Capra, B.
Forresi, E.
Caffo |
Commission for
the Study of
Issues # Gray Matters. Integrative Approaches for Neuroscience, Ethics, and Society - Vol. 1 Washington, D.C. May 2014 This report provides practical, conceptual, and methodological tools that can be applied directly in neuroscience research by funders, scientists, and other stakeholders. It calls for adequate resources to be allotted for successful integration of science and ethics. It also provides analysis and recommendations to guide institutions in developing necessary infrastructure for early integration of ethics into neuroscience research. |
Judith G.
Justin Baker,
Bruce H. Price |
R. Urban,
Wen-Jun Gao # Performance enhancement at the cost of potential brain plasticity: neural ramifications of nootropic drugs in the healthy developing brain frontiers in systems neurosciences, 13 may 2014 Cognitive enhancement, and the ethical considerations that go along with it, is one of the hottest current topics in the neuroscience community. There are many comprehensive reviews and articles published on the ethical concerns of cognitive enhancement; however, literature on the safety of consuming these drugs in youth is starkly lacking despite the significant increase in teen misuse and abuse of stimulants reported in a recent national study |
Johnston |
D. Jones,
Richard J.
Bonnie, B. J.
Casey, Andre
Davis, David
L. Faigman,
Hoffman, Read
Stephen J.
Morse, Marcus
E. Raichle,
Jennifer A.
Steinberg, Kim
Wagner, Gideon
Yaffe # Law and neuroscience: recommendations submitted to the President’s Bioethics Commission Journal of Law and the Biosciences, March 2014 Comments of The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience to The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues of the Department of Health and Human Services Comments on the Ethical Considerations of Neuroscience Research and the Application of Neuroscience Research Findings March 31, 2014 |
C. Pustilnik |
Koivula, Nina
Petar Lozev,
Böhlke, Birgit
Thun, Janika
Bockmeyer, Jan
Smits Rehabilitation of sexual offenders: clearing the stage forneuroscience? | In how far are neurological rehabilitation methods for criminal offenders compatible with the concept of human dignity? | Probation and effective rehabilitation – an alternative to incarceration? Using neuroscience to facilitate rehabilitation methods | A neuroscientific perspective on cognitive and volitional impairment in criminal irresponsibility assessments: a case for a capacity-based approach | To what extent is the taking and use of neuroscientific evidence compatible with the rights enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights? | Violation of Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: An analysis from a neurobiological point of view with regard to criminal behaviour |
Reardon # NIH rethinks psychiatry trials. Mental-health division will no longer fund research aiming to relieve symptoms without probing underlying causes Nature, 20 March 2014 The NIMH, based in Bethesda, Maryland, has decided to stop funding clinical trials that aim merely to ease patients’ symptoms. “Future trials will follow an experimental medicine approach in which interventions serve not only as potential treatments, but as probes to generate information about the mechanisms underlying a disorder”... |
B. Shniderman |
M.Cope, Gina
Kent A.Kiehl |
MacDonald Ross A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI. The severity of a TBI may range from “mild,” i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness to “severe,” i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury, Among male prisoners, history of TBI is strongly associated with perpetration of violence and other kinds of violence. Women inmates who are convicted of a violent crime are more likely to have sustained a pre crime TBI and/or some other form of physical abuse. |
Nicole M.
Sumracki, Jake
J. Gordon,
Philip R.
Hull, C. Sue
Carter, Mattie
Tops |
Carey # Blazing Trails in Brain Science Feb. 3, 2014 “My philosophy is really based on humility,” he said. “I don’t think we know enough to fix either diagnostics or therapeutics. The future of psychiatry is clinical neuroscience, based on a much deeper understanding of the brain.” |
A Vincent # Neurolaw and Direct Brain Interventions Crim Law and Philos (2014) 8:43–50 This issue of Criminal Law and Philosophy contains three papers on a topic of increasing importance within the field of ‘‘neurolaw’’—namely, the implications for criminal law of direct brain intervention based mind altering techniques (DBI’s). To locate these papers’ topic within a broader context, I begin with an overview of some prominent topics in the field of neurolaw, where possible providing some references to relevant literature. The specific questions asked by the three authors, as well as their answers and central claims, are then sketched out, and I end with a brief comment to explain why this particular topic can be expected to gain more prominence in coming years. |
A Vincent |
Casellato, D.
La Muscatella,
S. Lionetti # Tra prassi e teoria. La responsabilità colpevole tra libero arbitrio e neodeterminismo biologico. Profili psicologici e forensi dei nuovi strumenti delle neuroscienze Il vaso di Pandora. Dialoghi in psichiatria e scienze umane - Vol. XXII, N. 1, 2014 Lo psicologo, psichiatra o neuroscienziato che afferma di lavorare sulla “mente”, è a tutti gli effetti figlio di una tradizione cartesiana che sottintende una differenziazione fra la res cogitans e la res extensa (fra la mente e il corpo, appunto). Il costo dell’eredità cartesiana, dell’impostazione filosofica basata sul dualismo mente/corpo, è evidente tutt’oggi nell’attività clinica e forense, dove è di prassi diagnosticare problemi di carattere organico distinguendoli da quelli psicologici. |
W. Opderbeck |
S. Appelbaum,
Scurich |
Farano |
Michael Chin |
L. Glenn,
Adrian Raine |
Sarra Di tutte le possibili intersezioni tra neuroscienze e diritto, ve n’è una ritenuta epocale data dalla finalmente dischiusa possibilità di consentire l’accesso dell’osservazione scientifica a tutte le funzionalità del cervello, vera “stanza dei bottoni” di ogni funzione umana. In effetti, la possibilità di “tracciare” ed osservare in azione le dinamiche neuronali di un soggetto agente, alza notevolmente il grado empirico delle conoscenze sui meccanismi del comportamento umano, prima solo indirettamente e più incertamente inferibili. |
Gaiani # Riduzionismo e neuroscienze: il dibattito filosofico recente Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XVI, 2014, 2, pp. 47-63 ... Si tratta di mettere alla prova temi che storicamente sono stati appannaggio della riflessione filosofica: coscienza, decisione, libertà, percezione, arte, responsabilità, educazione, empatia, credenza, immaginazione, emozione, volontà, intenzionalità, autocoscienza... Alla luce dei risultati ottenuti attraverso le tecniche di neuroimaging le concezioni che storicamente sono state proposte vengono interrogate, messe in questione, sollecitate. E qui non si tratta semplicemente di sostituire idee confuse con visioni perspicue, fondate su dati osservazionali inattaccabili. Non è in questione un passaggio di scettro, la sostituzione di un sovrano con un altro... |
AT, Starrels
JL, Tai B,
Gordon AJ,
Brown R,
Ghitza U,
Gourevitch M,
Stein J, Oros
M, Horton T,
Lindblad R,
McNeely J. |
Gorman # The Brain, in Exquisite Detail Jan. 6, 2014 Everyone knows the object of study is the brain. The difficulty of comprehending the brain may be more aptly compared to a poem by Wallace Stevens, “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.” Each way of looking, not looking, or just being in the presence of the blackbird reveals something about it, but only something. Each way of looking at the brain reveals ever more astonishing secrets, but the full and complete picture of the human brain is still out of reach. |
Rumbold |
Fuselli 1. Una base di partenza: descrivere e valutare nella prospettiva di Vittorio Villa – 1.1. Interpretazione giuridica e giudizi di valore – 1.2. L’approccio costruttivista – 1.3. I vincoli della schematizzazione – 2. Questioni di confine – 2.1. Trascendere gli schemi – 2.2. Una connes-sione necessaria – 2.3. Dai vincoli pragmatici ai vincoli biologici – 3. Oltre i dualismi: uno sguardo alle neuroscienze –3.1. La visione pragmatista della mente – 3.2. Le dinamiche dell’intenzionalità secondo Freeman – 3.2.1. La preafferenza – 3.2.2. Le popolazioni neurali – 3.2.3. Caos e percezione – 4. Un diverso ordine di questioni– 4.1. Una ritrovata unitarietà – 4.2. Intenzionalità e solipsismo epistemologico – 4.3. L’ombra di Cartesio – 4.4. Il ruolo delle emozioni – 5. Cercando una alternativa: l’intenzionalità nella prospettiva di Searle – 5.1. Realismo ingenuo e solipsismo – 5.2. Solipsismo e intenzionalità collettiva – 5.3. Dietro allo Sfondo – 6. Oltre i dualismi: la struttura dell’intenzionalità in Heidegger – 6.1. Ripensare l’intenzionalità – 6.2. Dall’intenzionalità all’emotività – 6.3. Emotività, totalità e metafisica – 6.4. Valutare senza giudicare – 7. Dal bilancio alla prospettiva. |
D. Jones,
Rene´ Marois,
Martha J.
Farah, Henry
T. Greely # Law and Neuroscience The Journal of Neuroscience, November 6, 2013•33(45) Most of the scholarly discussion about law and neuroscience has revolved around questions of responsibility. If neuroscience can help us connect physical states of the brain with subjective mental states, that should indeed prove useful. However, neuroscience seems poised to offer law much more. For example, neuroscience should improve our predictions of future mental states and consequent behavior... |
Marco Mendola,
Salamone Tramite l’espressione “prova scientifica”, tradizionalmente, si fa riferimento o alla cd. “prova esperta” (su tutte, la perizia) ovvero al cd. “metodo scientifico”, inteso quest’ultimo come un modus procedendi sulla cui base è possibile pervenire ad un giudizio non solo giuridicamente plausibile ma anche fattualmente accettabile... |
Barroccu |
Alberto Priori
# Il cervello morale e il comportamento criminale Psicologia e Giustizia, Anno 14, numero 2, Luglio-Dicembre 2013 Comprendere il cervello morale ha importanti potenziali implicazioni cliniche, forensi e legali. Da un punto di vista clinico, la diagnosi precoce di disturbi neurologici che possono generare alterazioni del comportamento morale o violento consentirebbe la migliore gestione di tali patologie e la possibilità di prevenirne le conseguenze sociali e familiari. Conoscere meglio tali disturbi permetterebbe di promuovere lo sviluppo di trattamenti specifici, dai farmaci alla neuromodulazione alla psicoterapia, per favorire la neuroplasticità cerebrale che potrebbe ripristinare un corretto funzionamento del circuito cerebrale morale. |
J. Smith,
Barbara I.
Nicholl, Breda
Cullen, Daniel
Martin, Zia
Evans, Jason
M. R. Gill,
Roberts, John
Daniel Mackay,
Hotopf, Ian
Deary, Nick
Craddock, Jill
P. Pell UK Biobank is a landmark cohort of over 500,000 participants which will be used to investigate genetic and nongenetic risk factors for a wide range of adverse health outcomes. This is the first study to systematically assess the prevalence and validity of proposed criteria for probable mood disorders within the cohort (major depression and bipolar disorder). Methods: This was a descriptive epidemiological study of 172,751 individuals assessed for a lifetime history of mood disorder in relation to a range of demographic, social, lifestyle, personality and health-related factors... |
Donato La
Muscatella # La responsabilità colpevole tra libero arbitrio e neodeterminismo biologico. Profili psicologici e forensi dei nuovi strumenti delle neuroscienze Brainfactor 11 ottobre 2013 I nuovi strumenti delle Neuroscienze hanno acquisito, negli ultimi anni, una posizione di sempre maggior rilievo nel campo delle Scienze Forensi, modificando entità e natura del loro contributo al Sistema Giustizia, che si trova così di fronte alla riproposizione di interrogativi riguardanti l’oggetto, i mezzi ed i criteri di conduzione dell’indagine sullo stato mentale del reo. Gli autori, da prospettive in costante relazione, tentano di rispondere a queste domande, approfondendo il rapporto tra libero arbitrio e responsabilità colpevole, anche alla luce delle più recenti innovazioni della clinica. |
Beth Harrop |
D. Jones,
D. Wagner,
L. Faigman,
E. Raichle |
Volpatti # Imputabilità e neuroscienze: problematiche e prospettive Università degli studi di Trieste, 2013 Nei confronti delle neuroscienze l’opinione dominante serba un atteggiamento diffidente ed alle volte anche di totale rigetto di queste nuove tecnologie. La motivazione risiede nella paura che le nuove scoperte, se amplificate e portate agli estremi, possano cancellare il principio del libero arbitrio dell’uomo, possano portare all’assurdo di considerare gli uomini come tutti inimputabili perché dominati dal cervello ed incapaci, quindi, di autodeterminarsi nel mondo esterno... Nessuna rivoluzione copernicana, l’uomo resta sempre l’essere libero e capace di muoversi tra motivi antagonistici operando delle scelte consapevoli, senza essere dominato dal suo sistema nervoso... |
Kandel |
Chiamulera # Which future for neuroscience in forensic psychiatry: theoretical hurdles and empirical chances Frontiers in Psychiatry, July 2013 We suggest that the preliminary condition to introduce neuroscience data in FPE (forensic psychiatric examination) is the assumption of a new perspective overcoming classical dualist models. Such new perspective permits to rule out misleading assumptions (i.e., the deterministic link between “mental defect” and specific behavior). Noteworthy, it is a necessary but not sufficient condition to introduce neuroscience data in FPE, given that such data has to be evaluated case by case. |
P. Granacher,
Jr |
X. Shen # Legislating Neuroscience: The Case of Juvenile Justice Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 985 (2013) Using the illustrative case of juvenile justice and focusing on state legislatures, this Article begins to explore how neuroscience is being used in the statehouse. I find that juvenile justice policy discussion in state legislatures includes mention of adolescent brain science. It is unclear what effect this science has on policymaking, but brain science is being presented at legislative hearings, cited by legislators, and integrated into some new laws... |
B. Donald |
Roullet, Colin
Gavaghan (eds) # Neurolex sed ... dura lex? L’impact des neurosciences sur les disciplines juridiques et les autres sciences humaines: études comparées Comparative Law Journal of the Pacific, New Zealand 2013 La rencontre du droit et des neurosciences: une contradiction? Sans apporter de réponse précise et immédiate, ce qui n'est d'ailleurs jamais de bon augure pour la discipline juridique qui par définition a besoin de temps, le regard comparé sur la question de l'utilisation des neurosciences par le droit a le mérite de susciter des interrogations d'ordre épistémologique. Elle permet aussi et surtout, dans une démarche réflexive, de revisiter les bases de notre culture juridique dont on a bien souvent plus conscience. |
Nadja Händel,
Ralph Mager,
lker Dittmann,
Seifritz, Marc
Graf # Immediate processing of erotic stimuli in paedophilia and controls: a case control study BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:88 Our event related study design confirmed that erotic pictures activate some of the brain regions already known to be involved in the processing of erotic pictures when these are presented in blocks. In addition, it revealed that erotic pictures of prepubescent children activate brain regions critical for choosing response strategies in both groups, and that erotically salient stimuli selectively activate a brain region in paedophilic subjects that had previously been attributed to reward and punishment, and that had been shown to be implicated in the suppression of erotic response and deception |
Decety, Chenyi
Chen, Carla
Harenski, Kent
A. Kiehl |
W. Lacy,
E. L. Stark # The neuroscience of memory: implications for the courtroom Nature | Neurosciences | Vol 14, September 2013 Findings from basic psychological research and neuroscience studies indicate that memory is a reconstructive process that is susceptible to distortion. In the courtroom, even minor memory distortions can have severe consequences that are partly driven by common misunderstandings about memory — for example, that memory is more veridical than it may actually be. |
A. Baker, N.
J. Schweitzer,
Evan F. Risko,
Jillian M.
Ware # Visual Attention and the Neuroimage Bias Volume 8 | 1 September 2013 The influence of neuroimages on recidivism judgments can potentially be attributed to differences between the types of evidence that might be considered when making judgments related to what a person has done in the past versus what a person might do in the future. |
Pujara, Julian
C. Motzkin,
Joseph P.
Newman, Kent
A. Kiehl,
Koenigs # Neural correlates of reward and loss sensitivity in psychopathy SCAN Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2013) Psychopathy is a personality disorder associated with callous and impulsive behavior and criminal recidivism. It has long been theorized that psychopaths have deficits in processing reward and punishment. Here, we use structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural correlates of reward and loss sensitivity in a group of criminal psychopaths. Forty-one adult male prison inmates (n = 18 psychopaths and n = 23 non-psychopaths) completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging task involving the gain or loss of money. |
B. Michael,
Eryn J.
Newman, Matti
Vuorre, Geoff
Maryanne Garry |
Jules B.
Panksepp |
Farano Il discorso delle neuroscienze, cioè, afferisce all'uomo inteso come idem, dunque a ciò che nell'uomo non muta, il suo corpo, ma anche la sua indole, le predisposizioni genetiche, laddove la responsabililtà rileva dell'identità intesa come ipseità, cioè quella permanenza di sé che tiene insieme in una cornice narrativa coerente le azione passate, di cui ci riconosciamo autori, e le azioni future verso le quali ci impegniamo. La neuroscienza allora cambia tutto e niente, a patto di restituirla alla sua funzione descrittiva, preservando così una nozione di responsabilità radicata nell'ipseità. |
Bomann-Larsen # Voluntary Rehabilitation? On Neurotechnological Behavioural Treatment, Valid Consent and (In)appropriate Offers Neuroethics (2013) 6:65–77 Criminal offenders may be offered to participate in voluntary rehabilitation programs aiming at correcting undesirable behaviour, as a condition of early release. Behavioural treatment may include direct intervention into the central nervous system (CNS). This article discusses under which circumstances voluntary rehabilitation by CNS intervention is justified. It is argued that although the context of voluntary rehabilitation is a coercive circumstance, consent may still be effective, in the sense that it can meet formal criteria for informed consent. |
Schote, Andrea
B.; Meyer,
Jobst |
N Cuthbert,
Thomas R Insel # Thomas Insel, Transforming Diagnosis, on April 29, 2013 |
Aharoni, Gina
M. Vincent,
Carla L.
Vince D.
Michael S.
Kent A. Kiehl |
Bublitz |
M. Carré, Luke
W. Hyde, Craig
S. Neumann,
Essi Viding,
Ahmad R.
Hariri |
Merzagora Il modello offerto dalle neuroscienze ha natura "descrittiva" non esplicativa[11], e trovare un'anomalia nel cervello di una persona non basta a spiegare il delitto. Questo lo si ricava anche dalla fondamentale sentenza delle Sezioni Unite della Corte di Cassazione 9163/2005. Afferma infatti la Corte: "è inoltre necessario che tra il disturbo mentale e il fatto reato sussista un nesso eziologico, che consenta di ritenere il secondo casualmente determinato dal primo". L'affermazione non è inedita per la prassi e la dottrina psichiatrico forensi che sono sempre state univoche nel rapportare l'esistenza dell'incapacità di intendere e di volere non solo ad un criterio cronologico, ma anche ad un criterio di relazione col fatto specifico, di criminogenesi e criminodinamica... |
Marcheselli L’influenza che le credenze dei vari professionisti, possono avere sull’oggetto osservato è un argomento noto alla psicologia sociale (effetto Hawthorne). È stato ampiamente dimostrando come le convinzioni degli sperimentatori e dei soggetti sperimentali possano influenzare la realtà e dare origine ad una “profezia che si autodetermina” (effetto Rosenthal). Che dire: l’uomo è limitato dalle sue stesse caratteristiche mentali ovvero è abituato ad attribuire significati sulla realtà che lo circonda, ma può ovviare a questo eccesso di ricerca di significati trasformando il limite nella risorsa: conoscendo la possibilità di incorrere in errore per la natura intrinseca della mente umana e contemplare la possibilità di non poter oggettivare in assoluto i dati della realtà. |
X. Shen # Mind, Body, and the Criminal Law Minnesota Law Review, 97, 2013 When the United States Congress passed a new mental health parity law in 2008, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that henceforth, “illness of the brain must be treated just like illness anywhere else in the body.”1 Such sen-timent is becoming more common, as policymakers and the public increasingly recognize the biological basis for, and the gravity of, “mental” and “emotional” disabilities... |
Decety, Laurie
R. Skelly,
Kent A. Kiehl |
J. Schreiner,
Maria T.
Lazaro, Maria
Carrie E.
Bearden # Converging levels of analysis on a genomic hotspot for psychosis: Insights from 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Neuropharmacology, 2013 May ; 68: 157–173 Schizophrenia is a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder that, despite extensive research, still poses a considerable challenge to attempts to unravel its heterogeneity, and the complex biochemical mechanisms by which it arises. While the majority of cases are of unknown etiology, accumulating evidence suggests that rare genetic mutations, such as 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22qDS), can play a significant role in predisposition to the illness. Up to 25% of individuals with 22qDS eventually develop schizophrenia... |
L. Roskies,
Michael J.
Saks # Neuroimages in court: less biasing than feared Trends in Cognitive Sciences March 2013, Vol. 17, No. 3 For many, neuroscience offers the prospect of allowing us to categorize brain dysfunction in a more fine-grained fashion and potentially to revise current ways of viewing mental dysfunction, perhaps making the law more just. To do this, neuroscience will have to engage more directly with questions of how neuroevidence is relevant to legal criteria for culpability and perhaps ultimately to reshape those criteria. |
A. Kiehl |
Zuech # Neuroscienze e diritto. Possibilità e limiti di un'esperienza neuro-giuridica Università degli Studi di Padova, 2013 La crisi della psichiatria e la sua incapacità di fornire una definizione unitaria di anomalia psichica hanno aperto un varco per l'introduzione nelle aule di tribunale, mediante la perizia o la consulenza tecnica di parte, del contributo delle neuroscienze nell'individuazione della capacità conoscitiva e volitiva dell'imputato. In particolare, attraverso l'utilizzo di strumenti con i quali è possibile osservare il funzionamento in atto delle sinapsi. Il riferimento al solo sapere neuroscientifico potrebbe condurre verso un rischio duplice: da un lato, deresponsabilizzare l'autore del reato, individuando nella struttura cerebrale il vero colpevole del delitto; dall'altro, sostituire il dialogo tra imputato e perito/consulente tecnico con l'imaging cerebrale, togliendo spazio alla narrazione soggettiva degli stati mentali, sostituita da una “fotografia” funzionale dell'encefalo. |
Nazionale per
la Bioetica |
M. Sapolsky,
John A. Gunn,
Cynthia Fry
Gunn, Allan
Siegel, lordan
Pamela Blake,
Peter K.
Hatemi, Rose
Anthony C.
Lopez, Paul J.
Zak, James
Robert E.
| Diane
Hriar Cabayan
(eds) |
I. R.
Maas, David K.
Menon |
M. Beaver,
John Paul
Wright, Brian
B. Boutwell,
J.C. Barnes,
Matt DeLisi,
Michael G.
Vaughn |
Raine |
Bottalico |
Mendola |
L. Roskies,
Michael J.
Saks |
Margaret T.
Lynn, Jelle
Davide Rigoni # Imaging volition: what the brain can tell us about the will Exp Brain Res 2013 A host of studies indicate that the medial prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in voluntary action. Accordingly, we postulate that social psychological concepts of volition can be investigated using neuroimaging techniques, and propose that by developing a social cognitive neuroscience of human volition, we may gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating and complex aspect of the human mind. |
Marta Bertolino # Prove neuro-psicologiche di verità penale
8 Gennaio 2013 |
Singh |
B. Poeppl,
Langguth, Mark
W. Greenlee,
Andreas Mokros # Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia Journal of Psychiatric Research 47 (2013) When compared to non-sexual offenders instead of community controls, pedophiles revealed deficiencies in white matter only. The present study sought to test the hypotheses of structurally compromised prefrontal and limbic networks and whether structural brain abnormalities are related to phenotypic characteristics in pedophiles... |
L. St.
Daniel L.
Schacter |
L Schacter,
Elizabeth F
Loftus |
M. Perkel # This Is Your Brain: Mapping the Connectome Science 18 Jan 2013 - Vol. 339, Issue 6117, pp. 350-352 It's been 20 years since Francis Crick and Edward Jones, in the midst of the so-called Decade of the Brain, lamented science's lack of even a basic understanding of human neuroanatomy. "Clearly what is needed for a modern human brain anatomy is the introduction of some radically new techniques," the pair wrote in 1993. Clearly, researchers were listening. Today, they are using novel technologies and automation to map neural circuitry with unparalleled resolution and completeness. The NIH has dedicated nearly $40 million to chart the wiring of the human brain, and the Allen Brain Institute has poured in millions more to map the mouse brain. The data will take years to compile, and even longer to understand. But the results may reveal nothing less than the nature of human individuality. As MIT neuroscientist Sebastian Seung writes, "You are more than your genes. You are your connectome." |
Rose |
Calderón |
Vialatte |
des choix
technologiques # L'impact et les enjeux des nouvelles technologies d'exploration et de thérapie du cerveau 2012 |
Marchetti |
Catania # Newtown, cosa accade se il colpevole è il cervello? | Intervista a Luca Samicheli 20 dicembre 2012 Se si sposa il riduzionismo cerebrale, il libero arbitrio va a farsi benedire. Ciò forse non crea grandi problemi nelle facoltà di psicologia, dove magari si può accettare la scomparsa del libero arbitrio in nome delle neuroscienze. Nei tribunali, invece, il riduzionismo cerebrale crea un problema pratico: se diciamo che il libero arbitrio non esiste, dobbiamo riscrivere gran parte dei diritti penali occidentali; essi trovano il fondamento della giustificazione della pena, perlomeno di quella retributiva, nel libero arbitrio. |
Geraint Rees,
Helene Joffe |
Quart |
Jane Kaye, Liam Curren, Nick Anderson, Kelly Edwards, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nadja Kanellopoulou, David Lund, Daniel G. MacArthur, Deborah Mascalzoni, James Shepherd, Patrick Taylor, Sharon F. Terry, Stefan F. Winter
patients to
initiatives in
research |
L. Schacter |
L. Schacter,
Donna Rose
Addis, Demis
Victoria C.
Martin, R.
Nathan Spreng,
Karl K.
Szpunar |
Ly, B.S.,
Julian C.
Carissa L.
Gregory R.
Kirk, Joseph
P. Newman,
Kent A. Kiehl,
Koenigs |
I. Bargmann # Beyond the connectome: How neuromodulators shape neural circuits Bioessays 34: 458–465, 2012 Defining the connectome is like sequencing the genome: once the genome was available, it was impossible to imagine life without it. Yet both for the genome and for the connectome, structure does not solve function. What the structure provides is a better overview, a glimpse of the limits of the roblem, a set of plausible hypotheses, and a framework to test those hypotheses with greater precision and power |
Zaki, Kevin
Ochsner # The neuroscience of empathy: progress, pitfalls and promise nature neuroscience Vol. 15 | n. 5 | May 2012 Abnormal engagement of empathy-related neural systems also characterizes psychiatric conditions involving social deficits. For example, individuals with autism spectrum disorders exhibit reduced engagement of brain areas associated with mentalizing and experience sharing, which correlates with deficits in clinical measures of social impairments; similar patterns emerge in other disorders such as schizophrenia and psychopathy. Together, these data bolster the argument that neural systems associated with empathic subprocesses support human social abilities. |
Kumsta, Markus
Heinrichs |
Koenigs |
Kapur, AG
Phillips, TR
Insel |
Ermer, Lora M.
Prashanth K.
Vince D.
Calhoun, Kent
A. Kiehl |
M. Eagleman,
Sarah Isgur
Flores |
Bibas, Scott
Grafton, Kent
A. Kiehl,
Gazzaniga |
Eggen, Eric J.
Laury |
Dumont, Hugues
Hugues Oudart,
Paul Klosen,
Teboul, Franck
Delaunay, Paul
Pévet, Etienne
Challet # The nuclear receptor REV-ERB is required for the daily balance of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism Mutations of clock genes can lead to diabetes and obesity... Altered circadian rhythmicity is a newly identified determinant of metabolic disorders in humans. Most aspects of behavior and metabolism display daily rhythms, including sleep-wake and feeding-nonfeeding cycles. These daily variations are controlled by a circadian timing system made of interconnected clocks and oscillators. |
Santoriello |
Barbara Bottalico
La libertà personale e le neuroscienze
cognitive |
Symington |
(coord) # Le cerveau et la loi: analyse de l’émergence du neurodroit N°2012-07, septembre 2012 La loi de bioéthique de 2011 fait de la France le premier pays à admettre, par un texte législatif, le recours à l’imagerie cérébrale dans le cadre de l’expertise judiciaire. Dans ce contexte, le Centre d’analyse stratégique publie un document de travail sur les enjeux du “neurodroit”, néologisme qui désigne le champ de recherche s’intéressant aux applications juridiques des neurosciences. Deux grands domaines d’intérêt sont identifiés : d’une part l’utilisation de l’imagerie cérébrale comme preuve dans un procès, d’autre part la compréhension des conduites et des mécanismes délibératifs des acteurs du procès grâce aux sciences comportementales. La possibilité à terme d’une meilleure administration de la justice – par une compréhension accrue des comportements délictueux – ne doit pas masquer les limites encore importantes de l’utilisation de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle dans les prétoires. |
Ruiz Orozco |
Martha Gkotsi,
Benaroyo # Neuroscience and the Treatment of Mentally Ill Criminal Offenders: Some Ethical Issues Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, 6, 2012 As punishment and treatment are combined in most justice systems, the challenge for the future is to use neuroscience to the real benefit of mentally ill off enders, as a therapeutic tool, which would replace punishment. To do that, efficient, safe and tested neuroscientific interventions should be employed with the purpose of treating a well-defined, existing psychiatric disorder and not as a means of experimentation or further punishment, under the pretext of treatment and rehabilitation |
Amoroso # Giudizio di imputabilità e neuroscienze Diritto e scienza 2012/6 Una giurisdizione più matura già oggi può avvalersi delle neuroscienze, non sostituendole alla valutazione comportamentale e clinica di un soggetto, nell’ambito dell’accertamento sulla sua capacità di intendere e di volere, ma integrandola, accrescendone il grado di affidabilità come prova scientifica nel processo penale. Il nocciolo della questione, infatti, concerne esattamente la ricerca di parametri oggettivi... |
Capraro |
Stupiggia # From Hopeless Solitude to the Sense of Being-With: Functions and Dysfunctions of Mirror Neurons in Post Traumatic Syndromes International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 2012 In the last few years we have discovered that some mirror neurons may respond to sounds that correspond to certain actions– these have been termed ‘‘audio-visual’’ mirror neurons. This suggests that hybrid therapies that employ both visual and auditory stimulation would maximize clinical efficacy. Furthermore, virtual reality may create such an environment. Recent neuroimaging studies indicate that music, like language, involves an intimate coupling between the perception and production of hierarchically organized sequential information, which links meaning to emotion via the mirror neuron. We believe that music could be a potent component in mirror neuron-based therapies, as recent findings in the domain of stroke rehabilitation have shown |
Adam Lamparello #
Neuroscience, Brain Damage, and the Criminal
Defendant: Who
Does It Help
and Where in
the Criminal
Proceeding Is
It Most
Relevant? Violent offenders with frontal lobe disorder, namely those with damage to the prefrontal cortex which consists of the lateral and medial areas along with the orbitofrontal cortex, are less blameworthy than other offenders and warrant different treatment in our criminal justice system. The critical question facing criminal law jurisprudence is no longer whether we should treat these offenders differently, but how, and at what stages, such differential treatment should be applied. |
Russell A.
Thomas E.
Nichols, David
C. Van Essen,
Tor D. Wager # Large-scale automated synthesis of human functional neuroimaging data Nat Methods. 8(8): 665–670, 2012 Here we describe and validate an automated brain mapping framework that uses text mining, meta-analysis and machine learning techniques to generate a large database of mappings between neural and cognitive states. We demonstrate the capacity of our approach to automatically conduct large-scale, high-quality neuroimaging metaanalyses, address long- tanding inferential problems in the neuroimaging literature, and support accurate ‘decoding’ of broad cognitive states from brain activity in both entire studies and individual human subjects. Collectively, our results validate a powerful and generative framework for synthesizing human neuroimaging data on an unprecedented scale. |
Volpatti |
Young, Michael
Joseph P.
Newman # Psychopathy Increases Perceived Moral Permissibility of Accidents Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2012 Psychopaths are notorious for their antisocial and immoral behavior, yet experimental studies have typically failed to identify deficits in their capacities for explicit moral judgment. We tested 20 criminal psychopaths and 25 criminal nonpsychopaths on a moral judgment task featuring hypothetical scenarios that systematically varied an actor’s intention and the action’s outcome... |
M. Bjork, Gang
Chen, and
Daniel W.
Hommer |
Narváez Mora |
Chris Dawes,
Lindon Eaves,
Peter K.
Hatemi |
Alberto Priori |
Gianluca Carta Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, 2010-2012 Le tecniche di neuroimaging (FRMI, MRI, PET, SPECT, ecc.) che permettono di evidenziare e rappresentare non solo le strutture ma anche il funzionamento e le attività delle aree e delle connessioni cerebrali variamente coinvolte nei processi disfunzionali che portano alla dipendenza... Il cambio di paradigma nel concetto di tossicodipendenza – da meccanismo di inclusione/esclusione sociale a malattia misurabile con gli strumenti della neuroscienza – si riflette in maniera profonda nel mutamento del processo comunicativo attorno al tema in questione |
Houston, Amy
Vierboom |
J. Church |
Bertolino |
L. Glenn,
Yaling Yang # The Potential Role of the Striatum in Antisocial. Behavior and Psychopathy Biol Psychiatry 2012;72:817– 822 Across many subtypes of antisocial individuals, several features appear to be consistent: impulsivity, novelty seeking, reward seeking, and poor decision making. Many studies examining the neural correlates of antisocial behavior have focused on the prefrontal cortex because of its demonstrated importance for inhibition, behavioral control, and decision making... |
Kent A. Kiehl
# Can Psychopathic Offenders Discern Moral Wrongs? A New Look at the Moral/Conventional Distinction J Abnorm Psychol. 2012 May ; 121(2) A prominent view of psychopathic moral reasoning suggests that psychopathic individuals cannotproperly distinguish between moral wrongs and other types of wrongs. The present study evaluated this view by examining the extent to which 109 incarcerated offenders with varying degrees of psychopathy could distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions relative to each other and to non-incarcerated healthy controls... The authors conclude that, contrary to earlier claims, insufficient data exist to infer that psychopathic individuals cannot know what is morally wrong. |
J. Frick Conduct disorder (CD) is defined as a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others or in which major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. The symptoms of the disorder fall into four main categories: (a) aggression to people and animals, (b) destruction of property, (c) deceitfulness or theft, and (d) serious violations of rules (e.g., truancy, running away from home). CD is an important psychiatric disorder for a number a reasons. Specifically, it often involves aggression; it is highly related to criminal behavior. |
Tuvblada, Yu
Gao, Pan
Wanga, Adrian
Botwick, Laura
A. Baker The present study examined the genetic and environmental etiology of decision-making, in a sample of twins at ages 11–13, 14–15, and 16–18 years. The variance across five 20-trial blocks could be explained by a latent “decision- aking’’ factor within each of the three times of IGT administration. This latent factor was modestly influenced by genetic factors, explaining 35%, 20% and 46% of the variance within each of the three times of IGT administration. The remaining variance was explained by the non-shared environment (65%, 80% and 54%, respectively). |
Borgwardt, Eva
M. Meisenzahl,
Möller, Anita
Riecher-Rössler Our findings suggest that the early prediction of psychosis may be reliably enhanced using neuroanatomical pattern recognition operating at the single-subject level. These MRI-based biomarkers may have the potential to identify individuals at the highest risk of developing psychosis, and thus may promote informed clinical strategies aiming at preventing the full manifestation of the disease. |
C. Pustilnik # Pain as Fact and Heuristic: How Pain Neuroimaging Illuminates Moral Dimensions of Law Cornell Law Review, Vol. 97, No. 4, 2012 Introducing the theory of “embodied morality,” the Article describes how moral conceptions of rights and duties are informed by human physicality and constrained by the limits of empathic identification. Pain neuroimaging helps reveal this dual factual and heuristic nature of pain in the law, and thus itself points to the translational work required for neuroimaging to influence, much less transform, legal practice and doctrine. |
Oullier. |
Arts, Claudia
J.P. Simons,
Jim van Os |
Sussman (Ed.)
Dudai # The Restless Engram: Consolidations Never End Annual Review of Neuroscience 2012 Memory consolidation is the hypothetical process in which an item in memory is transformed into a long-term form. It is commonly addressed at two complementary levels of description and analysis: the cellular/synaptic level (synaptic consolidation) and the brain systems level (systems consolidation). This article focuses on selected recent advances in consolidation research, including the reconsolidation of long-term memory items, the brain mechanisms of transformation of the content and of cue-dependency of memory items over time, as well as the role of rest and sleep in consolidating and shaping memories. |
Teresa Collica |
Corda 0. Ambientamento. Visioni futuribili e contaminazioni. – 1. L’intuizione ‘antica’ delle neuroscienze. – 2. Neuroscienze e diritto penale: contesto, limiti e potenzialità. – 3. L’apporto delle neuroscienze cognitive e della genetica comportamentale al giudizio di imputabilità. - 3.1 La sentenza di Trieste. - 3.2. La sentenza di Como. - 3.3. Uno sguardo d’insieme. – 4. L’ingresso della prova scientiica nel processo penale. Alla ricerca di criteri-guida nella Post-Daubert Era. - 4.1. Prova scientiica “nuova” e regime di ammissibilità. - 4.2. Quali criteri per l’ammissione della prova neuroscientiica? – 5. L’utilizzo ‘di parte’ del sapere neuroscientiico. Il problema della responsabilità penale del consulente tecnico. – 6. Un caveat conclusivo. |
Fuselli # Le emozioni nell’esperienza giuridica: l’impatto delle neuroscienze Neuroscienze e diritto, Roma 25 gennaio 2012 La carica emotiva della retorica ha una vera e propria funzione ‘informativa’ per l’uditorio, in quanto apporta elementi indispensabili per il formarsi in esso di quel tipo di conoscenza che sorregge razionalmente la decisione. Essa ‘informa’ anzitutto nel senso che attualizza e rende apprezzabile una differenza (entelecheia chorizein, dice Aristotele), in virtù di cui alcunché si staglia, positivamente o negativamente, da ‘tutto il resto’. Ma essa ‘informa’ anche perché organizza attorno ad un centro di attenzione la convergenza delle attività e delle facoltà di tipo noetico e oressico altrettanto necessarie per la deliberazione e la decisione. Infine ‘informa’ proprio in quanto rende comune all’uditorio quella ‘marcatura emotiva’ grazie alla quale qualsiasi dato o elemento entra nei processi di apprensione, memorizzazione ed elaborazione di cui si nutre l’intelligenza pratica e dà forma ad un orizzonte valutativo comune, rendendolo esplicito, discutibile e controllabile. |
Greene, Brian
S. Cahill # Effects of Neuroimaging Evidence on Mock Juror Decision Making Behav. Sci. Law 30: 280–296 (2012) During the penalty phase of capital trials, defendantsmay introducemitigating evidence that argues for a punishment “less than death.” In the past few years, a novel form of mitigating evidence—brain scans made possible by technological advances in neuroscience— has been proffered by defendants to support claims that brain abnormalities reduce their culpability. |
Royal Society |
delle Ricerche # Quando la genetica sfida la giustizia Roma, 13 dicembre 2011 In che misura il comportamento criminale dipende dai geni? Quali strumenti offrono le neuroscienze per la valutazione della colpevolezza? Le scoperte sulla struttura del cervello modificheranno il modo di intendere la responsabilità e come influenzeranno la società ed eventualmente le decisioni dei tribunali? |
C. Motzkin,
Joseph P.
Newman,Kent A.
Kiehl, Michael
Koenigs # Reduced Prefrontal Connectivity in Psychopathy The Journal of Neuroscience, November 30, 2011 Linking psychopathy to a specific brain abnormality could have significant clinical, legal, and scientific implications. Theories on the neurobiological basis of the disorder typically propose dysfunction in a circuit involving ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). However,to datethere is limited brain imaging datato directlytest whether psychopathy may indeed be associated with any structural or functional abnormality within this brain area. |
R. Goodenough,
Micaela Tucker |
X. Shen, Owen
D. Jones # Brain Scans as Evidence: Truths, Proofs, Lies, and Lessons Mercer Law Review, vol. 62, 2011 Neurolaw is not just a fanciful fiction of the future. For better or worse, it is already entering contemporary jurisprudence. As United States v. Semrau illustrates in the brain-based lie detection context, attempts to use brain scans in legal contexts will often precede the full appropriateness of doing so. |
D. Jones,
Francis X.
Shen Neuroscientific evidence is increasingly reaching United States courtrooms in a number of legal contexts. And the emerging field of Law and Neuroscience is being built on a foundation that joins: a) rapidly developing technologies and techniques of neuroscience; b) quickly expanding legal scholarship on the implications of neuroscience; and c) neuroscientific research designed specifically to explore legally relevant topics. Despite the sharply increasing interest in neuroscientific evidence, it remains unclear how the legal system – at the courtroom, regulatory, and policy levels – will resolve the many challenges that new neuroscience applications raise. |
Rengifo |
P. McCabe,
Alan D.
Matthew G.
Rhodes |
Sarkar, Ben S.
Clark, Quinton
Deeley # Differences between psychopathy and other personality disorders: evidence from neuroimaging Advances in psychiatric treatment, vol. 17, 191–200, 2011 ICD-1O and DSM-IV-TR diagnostic guidelines do not list psychopathy as a distinct psychiatric entity. However, there are significant overlaps between psychopathy and DSM-IV-TR Cluster B personality disorders. Neuroimaging studies implicate deficits in structure and function of frontal and limbic regions in this group of personality disorders, while highlighting both distinctions and overlaps between syndromes. Here, these data are reviewed and implications for diagnosis and clinical practice are discussed. |
B. Sederberg,
Samuel J.
Gershman, Sean
M. Polyn,
Kenneth A.
Norman # Human memory reconsolidation can be explained using the Temporal Context Model Psychon Bull Rev. 2011 June ; 18(3): 455–468. One of the most provocative and exciting ideas to emerge from the animal learning and memory literature in recent years is the idea of reconsolidation. According to this idea, retrieving a memory makes its molecular substrate malleable; when the memory is in this malleable state, it can be changed or even erased... |
Aharoni, Olga
Kent A. Kiehl |
L. Glenn,
Adrian Raine,
William S.
Laufer # Is it Wrong to Criminalize and Punish Psychopaths? Emotion Review, Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 2011) 302–304 Increasing evidence from psychology and neuroscience suggests that emotion plays an important and sometimes critical role in moral judgment and moral behavior. At the same time, there is increasing psychological and neuroscientific evidence that brain regions critical in emotional and moral capacity are impaired in psychopaths. We ask how the criminal law should accommodate these two streams of research, in light of a new normative and legal account of the criminal responsibility of psychopaths. |
Law |
Feijoo Sánchez # Derecho Penal y Neurociencias. ¿Una relación tormentosa? InDret. Revista para el analisidel derecho, abril del 2011 Las neurociencias, en gran medida gracias a las enormes posibilidades que ofrecen los nuevos métodos de experimentación y neuroimagen -tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET), resonancia magnética funcional o nuclear (RM o fMRI), magnetoencefalografía, etc.-, han sufrido un avance espectacular en los últimos años y nos han abierto la ilusionante posibilidad de conocer mejor lo que denominamos “naturaleza humana”. De tal manera que algún autor no ha tenido reparos en hablar de una “revolución neurocientífica”... |
Teitcher |
A. Kiehl,
Morris B.
Hoffman |
Decety, Kalina
J. Michalska,
Katherine D.
Cortex may
2011 |
Karg, Margit
Kerby Shedden,
Srijan Sen # The Serotonin Transporter Promoter Variant (5-HTTLPR), Stress, and Depression Meta-Analysis Revisited: Evidence of Genetic Moderation Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2011 May ; 68(5): 444–454 We included 54 studies and found strong evidence that 5-HTTLPR moderates the relationship between stress and depression, with the 5-HTTLPR s allele associated with an increased risk of developing depression under stress (p<0.0001). When restricting our analysis to the studies included in the previous meta-analyses, we found no evidence of association (Munafo studies p=0.16; Risch studies p=0.11). This suggests that the difference in results between previous meta-analyses and ours was not due to the difference in meta-analytic technique but instead to the expanded set of studies included in this analysis. |
S. J. # Stephen J. Morse, The Status of NeuroLaw: A Plea for Current Modesty and Future Cautious Optimism, J. Psychiatry & L. 595 (2011) |
Di Giovine |
Nordio |
K. Kidd # Population Genetics of SNPs for Forensic Purposes November 2011 |
L. Baum |
W. Denno # Courts’ Increasing Consideration of Behavioral Genetics Evidence in Criminal Cases: Results of a Longitudinal Study Michigan State Law Review Vol. 2011:967 |
Walsh |
A. Kiehl,
Morris B.
Hoffman # The Criminal Psychopath: History, Neuroscience, Treatment, and Economics Jurimetrics, Summer 2011 Psychopaths consume an astonishingly disproportionate amount of criminal justice resources. Individuals with psychopathic personality, or psychopaths, have a disproportionate impact on the criminal justice system. Psychopaths are twenty to twenty-five times more likely than non- sychopaths to be in prison, four to eight times more likely to violently recidivate compared to non- sychopaths, and are resistant to most forms of treatment. Given psychopathy’s enormous impact on society in general and on the criminal justice system in particular, there are significant benefits to increasing awareness of the condition. This review also highlights a recent, compelling and costeffective treatment program that has shown a significant reduction in violent recidivism in youth on a putative trajectory to psychopathic personality. |
L. Glenn |
Lamparello # Using Cognitive Neuroscience to Predict Future Dangerousness Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 42:481 2011 It is, of course, not easy to predict future behavior. The fact that such a determination is difficult, however, does not mean that it cannot be made. Indeed, prediction of future criminal conduct is an essential element in many of the decisions rendered throughout our criminal justice system. . . . And any sentencing authority must predict a convicted person’s probable future conduct when it engages in the process of determining what punishment to impose. . . . The task that a [capital sentencing] jury must perform in answering the statutory question in issue is thus basically no different from the task performed countless times each day throughout the American system of criminal justice. |
Musumeci # Cesare Lombroso e le neuroscienze: un parricidio mancato? Università degli Studi di Catania 2011 |
Naccache # The Global Neuronal Workspace Model of Conscious Access: From Neuronal Architectures to Clinical Applications 2011 While a considerable body of experimental data has been accumulated on the differences between conscious and non- conscious processing, a theory is needed to bridge the neuro-psychological gap and establish a causal relationship between objective neurophysiological data and subjective reports. In the present review, we first briefly outline the detailed postulates and predictions of our working hypothesis, referred to as the global neuronal workspace (GNW) model. |
Pennati L'utilizzo dell'analisi genetica sul piano clinico non fornisce, allo stato attuale, informazioni rilevanti. In particolare, la valutazione della pericolosità sociale psichiatrica è una valutazione clinica con indubbie conseguenze sul piano prognostico. L'analisi genetica, per le sue attuali caratteristiche strutturali e per le informazioni che oggi può fornire, non è in grado di prendere nella necessaria considerazione gli aspetti dinamico-evolutivi e trasformativi insiti nella nozione stessa di pericolosità sociale psichiatrica. |
Casartelli # How Cognitive Neuroscience interacts with Psychiatric Forensic Examination: Conceptual Clarification and Methodological Assessment Studia Bioethica - vol. 4 (2011) n. 1 , pp. 34-39 Considering the implications of psychiatric forensic evaluation, we defend a prudential attitude, although prudence must not become blindness towards new neuroscientific possibilities. To appropriately use neuroscientific evidences we need a neurocognitive model capable to explain and categorize empirical data better. Further empirical, methodological and conceptual studies may provide more consistent agreement and open new ways to consider the relation between neuroscience and law. |
A. Marsh,
Elizabeth C.
Katherine A.
Fowler, Ilana
Julia C.
Henry H. Yu,
Daniel S.
Pine, R.J.R.
Blair |
M. Alberini # The role of reconsolidation and the dynamic process of long‑term memory formation and storage Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience March 2011 It is becoming increasingly clear that the processes of memory formation and storage are exquisitely dynamic. Elucidating the nature and temporal evolution of the biological changes that accompany encoding, storage, and retrieval is key to understand memory formation. For explicit or medial temporal lobe-dependent memories that form after a discrete event and are stored for a long time, the physical changes underlying the encoding and processing of the information (memory trace or engram) remain in a fragile state for some time. However, over time, the new memory becomes increasingly resistant to disruption until it is consolidated... |
F. Manski |
Douglas Watt # Why Does Depression Hurt? Ancestral PrimaryProcess Separation-Distress (PANIC/GRIEF) and Diminished Brain Reward (SEEKING) Processes in the Genesis of Depressive Affect Psychiatry, 74(1) Spring 2011 A critical question about genesis of depression is: Which negative affect-generating networks of mammalian brains are most important for understanding depressive “pain” and what new therapeutics might such knowledge engender? Affective neuroscience has outlined seven primary process (i.e., genetically provided) emotional systems. All are subcortically situated... |
Ducci, Rickard
L. Sjöberg,
Jari Tiihonen,
Ilkka Ojansuu,
Virkkunen # Psychopathy, PCL-R, and MAOA genotype as predictors of violent reconvictions Psychiatry Res. 2011 February 28 The Revised Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) has shown a moderate association with violence. The efficacy of PCL-R in varying monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) genotypes is, however, unexamined. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PCL-R and psychopathy on the risk for violent reconvictions among 167 MAOA genotyped alcoholic offenders. |
Roach, Ken
Pease |
Law |
Ganis, J.
John Meixner,
Rogier A.
Kievit, Haline
E. Schendan |
Walsh |
L. Glenn,
Koleva, Ravi
Iyer, Jesse
Graham, Peter
H. Ditto # Moral identity in psychopathy Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 5, No. 7, December 2010, pp. 497–505 The concept of psychopathy stands in sharp contrast to Socrates’ famous dictum “to know the good is to do the good.” Individuals with psychopathic traits know the difference between right and wrong — at least in straightforward cases such as knowing whether an act is illegal. Nevertheless, they often engage in frequent and flagrant bad behavior (Hare, 2003). This discrepancy between the judgments people make about what they should do and their actual behavior is not unique to psychopathic individuals. |
K. Erickson |
R. Insel # Rethinking schizophrenia Nature, 11 november 2010 How will we view schizophrenia in 2030? Schizophrenia today is a chronic, frequently disabling mental disorder that affects about one per cent of the world’s population. After a century of studying schizophrenia, the cause of the disorder remains unknown. Treatments, especially pharmacological treatments, have been in wide use for nearly half a century, yet there is little evidence that these treatments have substantially improved outcomes for most people with schizophrenia. These current unsatisfactory outcomes may change as we approach schizophrenia as a neurodevelopmental disorder with psychosis as a late, potentially preventable stage of the illness. This ‘rethinking’ of schizophrenia as a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is profoundly different from the way we have seen this illness for the past century, yields new hope for prevention and cure over the next two decades |
Lars Oreland # Serotonin, genetic variability, behaviour, and psychiatric disorders - a review Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010; 115: 2–10 There is a clear discrepancy in prevalence for neuropsychiatric disorders between the sexes, where, for example, females more often tend to develop major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, whereas, in males, antisocial personality disorder, childhood attention-defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and alcohol and drug dependence are more frequent. |
A. Kiehl,
Joshua W.
Buckholtz |
Matthew Fabian Violence and murder have their roots in biological, psychological, and sociological factors. This article will focus on one specific element of the biological aspects of violence and murder; specifically; neurological and neuropsychological aspects. The author will provide a literature review contrasting structural brain abnormalities and dysfunction (neuropathology) and brain–behavior (neuropsychological) relational attributes to violence, aggression, and homicidal behavior in particular. |
J. Crowley,
Manish S.
Dalwani, Susan
Yiping P. Du,
Carl W.
Kristen M.
Raymond, Marie
T. Banich # Risky Decisions and Their Consequences: Neural Processing by Boys with Antisocial Substance Disorder PLoS ONE, 1 September 2010 | Volume 5 | Issue 9 Adolescent boys with "Antisocial Substance Disorder" (ASD) had extensive neural hypoactivity during risky decision-making, coupled with decreased activity during reward and increased activity during loss. These neural patterns may underlie the dangerous, excessive, sustained risk- taking of such boys. The findings suggest that the dysphoria, reward insensitivity, and suppressed neural activity observed among older addicted persons also characterize youths early in the development of substance use disorders. |
Bibas, Scott
Grafton, Kent
Gazzaniga |
Adrian Raine |
A. Kohli,
Susanne Lucae,
Andreas Menke,
Kloiber, MD,
Hennings, Bekh
B. Bradley,
Kerry J.
Manfred Uhr,
Elisabeth B.
Binder |
April 2010 |
Hughes |
R. Cashmore # The Lucretian swerve: The biological basis of human behavior and the criminal justice system PNAS | March 9, 2010 If free will is an illusion, then it becomes more difficult to hold people responsible for their actions. I have argued that one of the reasons that individuals have been so reluctant to question the reality of free will is the belief that it would be difficult for society to function under a system in which this concept was abandoned. |
Pascal Borry,
Shirley V
Hodgson, Aad
Tibben, Petrus
de Vries,
Carla van El,
Martina Cornel # Italian appeal court: a genetic predisposition to commit murder? European Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 18, 519–521 A few months ago, the controversial debate on connection between genetic variants and antisocial behaviour gained renewed prominence after the sentence of an Italian judge who decided to further reduce the prison sentence of a person convicted of murder by 1 year – from 9 to 8 years – because he was found to be a carrier of a few genetic variants thought to be associated with a predisposition to aggressiveness. We discuss the social implication of this view, the lack of evidence of the clinical utility of this test, and in particular the risks of offering susceptibility testing in the context of legal proceedings. |
Law and
Project |
Floyd E.
Bloom, Howard
L. Fields,
Michael S.
Scott T.
Grafton, Kent
Kiehl, Helen
Mayberg, Read
Louis J.
Ptáček, Marcus
Raichle, Adina
Anthony Wagner |
Bloch |
Capra # Le Neuroscienze e la genetica molecolare nella valutazione della capacità di intendere e di volere. Commento alla sentenza della Corte d’Assise d’Appello di Trieste n. 5/2009 del 18/09/2009 2010 Particolarmente significative sono risultate le indagini genetiche effettuate dai periti alla “ricerca di polimorfismi genetici significativi per modulare le reazioni a variabili ambientali fra i quali in particolare per quello che interessa nel caso di specie l’esposizione ad eventi stressanti ed a reagire agli stessi con comportamenti di tipo impulsivo” . […] Tale indagine, del tutto innovativa rispetto al livello di approfondimento corrente degli accertamenti giudiziari avrebbe consentito di accertare che l’imputato “risulta possedere, per ciascuno dei polimorfismi esaminati, almeno uno se non tutti e due gli alleli che, in base a numerosi studi internazionali riportati sinora in letteratura, sono stati riscontrati conferire un significativo aumento del rischio di sviluppo di comportamento aggressivo, impulsivo (socialmente inaccettabile)... |
L. Roskies |
Schauer # Can Bad ScienceBe Good Evidence? Neuroscience, Lie Detection, and Beyond Cornell Law Review, vol. 95, 2010 Law must listen to what neuroscientists say about neuroscience, but it must also be attentive to the adjectives and adverbs. When neuroscientists say that there is no “compelling” evidence of fMRI’s lie-detecting reliability, that there is “very little basis” for confidence in the results produced so far, or that claims about fMRI results have been made “prematurely,” they are imposing an evaluative standard on the experimental results. |
Lee Ellis |
L. Harenski,
Keith A.
Matthew S.
Shane, Kent A.
Kiehl # Aberrant Neural Processing of Moral Violations in Criminal Psychopaths Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2010, Vol. 119, No. 4, 863– 874 The authors used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record hemodynamic activity in 72 incarcerated male adults, stratified into psychopathic (n 16) and nonpsychopathic (n 16) groups based on scores from the Hare Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (R. D. Hare, 2003), while they made decisions regarding the severity of moral violations of pictures that did or did not depict moral situations. Consistent with hypotheses, an analysis of brain activity during the evaluation of pictures depicting moral violations in psychopaths versus nonpsychopaths showed atypical activity in several regions involved in moral decision-making... |
Colorio # Diritto e cervello: verso le nuove frontiere del neurodiritto Scienze Giuridiche, Scienze Cognitive e Intelligenza artificiale Ottobre 2010, numero 10 La recente pubblicazione del pregevole volume collettaneo Von der Neuroethik zum Neurorecht, curato da Schleim, Spranger e Henrik, rafforza la sensazione che questo settore scientifico stia iniziando a riscontrare interesse in larghe fasce del mondo di civil law, per certi versi affiancandosi al già consolidato biodiritto, ma soprattutto conferma lo strettissimo collegamento con la tematica della neuroetica, a propria volta al centro di un dibattito scientifico di primissimo piano. |
Raffaella Ida
Rumiati |
Marando |
R. Goodenough,
Micaela Tucker |
Hunter While the idea of a ‘criminal gene’ is nonsense, there is growing evidence that some psychopathic behaviour might indeed be grounded in genes. “…it is useful to think of psychopathy as mainly the product of genes and sociopathy as more subject to environmental influences” |
M. Rodrigues,
Laura R.
Garcia, Oliver
P. John, and
Dacher Keltner |
Eronia |
Zhong, Salomon
Israel, Hong
Xue, Richard
P. Ebstein,
Soo Hong Chew # Monoamine Oxidase A Gene (MAOA) Associated with Attitude Towards Longshot Risks PLoS ONE December 2009 | Volume 4 | Issue 12 | Decision making often entails longshot risks involving a small chance of receiving a substantial outcome. People tend to be risk preferring (averse) when facing longshot risks involving significant gains (losses). This differentiation towards longshot risks underpins the markets for lottery as well as for insurance. Both lottery and insurance have emerged since ancient times and continue to play a useful role in the modern economy. In this study, we observe subjects’ incentivized choices in a controlled laboratory setting, and investigate their association with a widely studied, promoter- egion repeat functional polymorphism in monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA). We find that subjects with the high activity (4-repeat) allele are characterized by a preference for the longshot lottery and also less insurance purchasing than subjects with the low activity (3-repeat) allele. This is the first result to link attitude towards longshot risks to a specific gene. It complements recent findings on the neurobiological basis of economic risk taking. |
D. Greene |
Gao, Andrea L.
Glenn, Robert
A. Schug,
Yaling Yang,
Adrian Raine # The neurobiology of psychopathy: A neurodevelopmental perspective Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2009, 54(12), 813-823. Although it is clearly difficult to conduct longitudinal studies on psychopathy, examining the development of neurobiological measures for psychopathic personality from an early age is crucial to furthering our knowledge on etiology and testing a neurodevelopmental hypothesis of psychopathy. Continued efforts to identify and assess psychopathiclike children and adolescents using prospective longitudinal designs could have potentially important implications for the prevention and management of adult psychopathy. If psychopathic traits and serious offending are, in part, neurodevelopmentally determined, successful prevention and intervention efforts would be most effective if they begin in early childhood, infancy, or even prenatally... |
A.L Glenn, Adrian Raine, R.A. Schug, # The Neural Correlates of Moral Decision-Making in Psychopathy " Molecular Psychiatry, (2009) Vol. 14, 5-6 Findings demonstrate that amygdala functioning is disrupted during moral decision-making in psychopathy, and is evident in all features of psychopathy, suggesting that amygdala dysfunction may be a core deficit in psychopathy. The amygdala is thought to respond to cues indicating distress in others, thus guiding individuals away from antisocial behavior. Reduced amygdala functioning in more psychopathic individuals suggests reduced responsivity to the thought of causing harm to others when contemplating personal moral dilemmas. |
L. Glenn, Ravi
Iyer, Jesse
Koleva, J.
Haidt # Are all types of morality compromised in psychopathy? Journal of Personality Disorders, 2009, 23, 384-398 Psychopathy is a clinical construct defined as a constellation of personality and behavioral features, including callousness; manipulativeness; a lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy; impulsiveness; sensation-seeking; and frequent antisocial and immoral behavior. Previous descriptions of the relationship between psychopathy and morality have used general terms such as “morally insanity” and “without conscience”, or have focused on a few aspects of morality such as the willingness to harm and cheat others or the ability to distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions... |
Dominic D. P.
Johnsone |
D. Jones,
Joshua W.
Jeffrey D.
Schall, Rene
Marois |
Dudai |
Pustilnik |
Santosuosso |
Hémery |
Singh, Nikolas
Rose # Biomarkers in psychiatry Nature | Vol 460 | 9 July 2009 Psychiatry has long been a second-class citizen in science and medicine. Despite much effort, the causes of many psychiatric disorders remain unclear, and it has been difficult even to categorize such disorders precisely. In the past decade, however, there has been a large shift towards incorporating biomarkers into psychiatry, and there is hope that such biological indicators will improve psychiatric diagnoses by underpinning them with physiological evidence. But biomarkers promise far more than a basis for better diagnoses. |
Pietro Pietrini # Intervista su sentenza di Trieste Effettuata da Marco Mozzoni il 16/11/2009 per BRAINFACTOR Cervello e Neuroscienze Per la perizia abbiamo utilizzato una serie di strumenti, a partire dalla raccolta dei dati anamnestici e l’esame clinico, il colloquio psichiatrico, la somministrazione di test cognitivi e di personalità, l’esame di risonanza magnetica strutturale e funzionale del cervello e, infine, gli esami genetici per verificare la presenza di varianti polimorfiche che in letteratura sono state riscontrate essere significativamente associate con un aumentato rischio di comportamento impulsivo, aggressivo e antisociale. Le conclusioni alle quali il Prof. Sartori ed io siamo giunti nella nostra relazione peritale sono basate sull’insieme dei risultati ottenuti nei vari esami sopradescritti, compresi in primo luogo le valutazioni “classiche” e certamente non solo nè principalmente sui dati dello studio genetico. |
Peron |
P. Banks and
Eve A. Isham |
R. Goodenough |
M. Fleming,
Rogier B.
Mars, Thomas
E. Gladwin,
Haggard # When the Brain Changes Its Mind: Flexibility of Action Selection in Instructed and Free Choices Cerebral Cortex October 2009;19 Many human actions are determined by a combination of current external cues and internal representations within the brain, such as memories, goals, and motivations. ‘‘Free choices’’ can be defined as actions occurring when current external cues guiding behavior are largely absent. In particular, the choice of which of a number of possible alternative actions to make in a given situation is an important aspect of free choice because most situations afford a number of possible responses. |
Feresin An Italian court has cut the sentence given to a convicted murderer by a year because he has genes linked to violent behaviour. Some fear that such cases could lead to the acceptance of genetic determinism — the idea that genes determine the behaviour of an organism — in criminal cases. "90% of all murders are committed by people with a Y chromosome — males. Should we always give males a shorter sentence?" says Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London. "I have low MAOA activity but I don't go around attacking people." |
Arturo Silva # Forensic Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and the Law J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 37:489 –502, 2009 The rise of modern neuroscience is transforming psychiatry and other behavioral sciences. Neuroscientific progress also has had major impact in forensic neuropsychiatric practice, resulting in the increased use of neuroscientific technologies in cases of a psychiatric-legal nature. This article is focused on the impact of neuroscientific progress in forensic psychiatry in relation to criminal law. Also addressed are some emerging questions involving the practice of forensic neuropsychiatry. These questions will be reframed by providing alternative perspectives consistent with the objectives of forensic neuropsychiatric practice. The last part of the article is a discussion of potential developments that may facilitate the integration of neuroscientific knowledge in forensic neuropsychiatric practice. |
Shafi |
Weder, Bao Zhu
Yang, Heather
Johari Massey,
John H.
Krystal, Joel
Joan Kaufman |
Sharot, Tamara
Annemarie C.
Brown, Judy
Fan, Raymond
J. Dolan # Dopamine Enhances Expectation of Pleasure in Humans Current Biology (2009) Yet, little is known about the biological basis of subjective estimations of future hedonic reactions. Here, we show that administration of a drug that enhances dopaminergic function (dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine; L-DOPA) during the imaginative construction of positive future life events subsequently enhances estimates of the hedonic pleasure to be derived from these same events. |
Anckarsäter International journal of law and psychiatry, 2009 May 8 During recent years, intense interest has been focused on interactions between specific genotypes and environmental factors as a possible key to disentangle the inconsistent findings from univariate association studies. The first paper to identify such effects was published in 2002 by Caspi and co-workers, who could show that maltreated boys with the high-activity polymorphism in the MAO-A gene were less likely to develop antisocial behaviours than maltreated boys with the low-activity polymorphism, while the polymorphism did not have any effect on the variation of antisocial behaviours in the population at large |
W. Porges |
S. W.
Porges |
D. Aronson |
Cohen |
M. Beaver,
Matt DeLisi,
Michael G.
Vaughn, J.C.
Barnes |
J. Ferguson,
Kevin M.
Beaver |
A. Vincent # Neuroimaging and Responsibility Assessments 2009 Could neuroimaging evidence help us to assess the degree of a person’s responsibility for a crime which we know that they committed? This essay defends an affirmative answer to this question. A range of standard objections to this high-tech approach to assessing people’s responsibility is considered and then set aside, but I also bring to light and then reject a novel objection—an objection which is only encountered when functional (rather than structural) neuroimaging is used to assess people’s responsibility. |
S. Gazzaniga |
Raine |
Rupture and
Repair of
Cooperation in
Disorder # Brooks King-Casas, Carla Sharp, Laura Lomax-Bream, Terry Lohrenz, Peter Fonagy, P. Read Montague Science, vol. 321, 8 August 2008 Behaviorally, individuals with BPD showed a profound incapacity to maintain cooperation, and were impaired in their ability to repair broken cooperation on the basis of a quantitative measure of coaxing. Neurally, activity in the anterior insula, a region known to respond to norm violations across affective, interoceptive, economic, and social dimensions, strongly differentiated healthy participants from individuals with BPD... |
J. Siever |
L. Glenn,
Adrian Raine # The neurobiology of psychopathy Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2008, 31, 463-475. It is becoming increasingly clear that understanding the neurobiology of psychopathy goes far beyond identifying brain regions that may be involved. Genetics, neurotransmitters, and hormones all impact the functioning of brain structures and the connectivity between them. In future research it will be important to identify how these systems work together to produce the unique compilation of traits and behaviors characteristic of psychopathy. |
Adina Roskies,
Brown, Emily
Murphy # Brain Images As Legal Evidence Episteme, 2008 This paper explores whether brain images may be admitted as evidence in criminaltrials underFederalRule ofEvidence 403,whichweighs probative value against the danger of being prejudicial, confusing, or misleading to fact finders. The papersummarizes and evaluatesrecent empirical research relevant to these issues. We argue that currently the probative value of neuroimages for criminal responsibility is minimal, and there is some evidence of their potential to be prejudicial or misleading. We also propose experiments that will directly assess howjurors are influenced by brain imagesto aid future decisions of admissibility. |
P. McCabe,
Alan D. Castel |
Seabrook # Suffering Souls. The search for the roots of psychopathy. The New Yorker, Noovember 10, 2008 There is also little consensus among researchers about what causes psychopathy. Considerable evidence, including several large-scale studies of twins, points toward a genetic component. Yet psychopaths are more likely to come from neglectful families than from loving, nurturing ones. Psychopathy could be dimensional, like high blood pressure, or it might be categorical, like leukemia. Researchers argue over whether tests used to measure it should focus on behavior or attempt to incorporate personality traits—like deceitfulness, glibness, and lack of remorse—as well. The only point on which everyone agrees is that psychopathy is extremely difficult to treat. Psychopathy also raises fundamental issues about justice... |
Brusco |
Sartori # Neuroscienze e imputabilità 23 ott 2008 L'imputabilità rappresenta di fatto il cardine, il punto di appoggio, di un sistema penale basato su una certa visione dell’uomo: essa definisce quelle funzioni psichiche che delimitano il confine di senso dell’ordinamento penale. Le capacità di intendere e di volere esprimono con una formula sintetica quella “normalità psichica” sulla quale si poggia, quale esperienza comunemente condivisa, e al di là delle discussioni filosofiche, il cosiddetto libero arbitrio. O meglio, per dirla con le parole degli psicologi, un libero arbitrio sufficientemente buono... |
K. Logothetis |
Society # Guidelines on Memory and the Law. Recommendations from the Scientific Study of Human Memory June 2008 Remembering is a constructive process. Memories are mental constructions that bring together different types of knowledge in an act of remembering. As a consequence, memory is prone to error and is easily influenced by the recall environment, including police interviews and cross-examination in court... People can remember events that they have not in reality experienced. This does not necessarily entail deliberate deception. For example, an event that was imagined, was a blend of a number of different events, or that makes personal sense for some other eason, can come to be genuinely experienced as a memory, (these are often referred to as ‘confabulations’). |
Guo, Michael
E. Roettger # The Integration of Genetic Propensities into Social-Control Models of Delinquency and Violence among Male Youths American Sociological Review, 2008, VOL. 73 (August:543–568) This study, drawing on approximately 1,100 males from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, demonstrates the importance of genetics, and genetic–environmental interactions, for understanding adolescent delinquency and violence. Our analyses show that three genetic polymorphisms—specifically, the 30-bp promoter- region variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) in MAOA, the 40-bp VNTR in DAT1, and the Taq1 polymorphism in DRD2—are significant predictors of serious and violent delinquency when added to a social-control model of delinquency. |
M. Vincent,
Candice L.
Odgers, Amanda
V. McCormick,
Raymond R.
Corrado # The PCL: YV and recidivism in male and female juveniles: A follow-up into young adulthood International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 31 (2008) 287–296 Adolescents, and most recently, adolescent females, have emerged as an important population in violence risk assessment and have sparked a debate regarding the downward and gendered extension of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV). This article evaluates the differential prediction of the three and four-factor models of the PCL:YV for male (n= 201) and female (n= 55) juvenile offenders using a prospective four and one-half year follow-up (M= 3 years) study. |
X. Shen This Article has argued that the legal system is readily equipped to provide citizens with adequate protection against government‐compelled or coerced mind reading with neuroimaging. The law has seen, and protected citizens from, previous analogs, and the technology itself is unlikely to be as dangerous as some prognosticators believe. We should certainly be concerned about the government tracking our minds, but we should be most concerned about government carrying out that tracking by observing and inferring mental states from our behavior, not our brains. |
J. Patrick # Psychophysiological correlates of aggression and violence: an integrative review Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2008) 363, 2543–255 What are the distinctive functional roles of brain regions that have been implicated in electro-cortical and neuroimaging studies of aggression and how do these regions interact to achieve regulatory control over emotional states? Basic cognitive and affective neuroscience research is needed to elucidate this issue. What specific impairments in the functioning of these brain systems predispose individuals towards aggressive behaviour? |
Alpert # Neuroethics and Nanoethics: Do We Risk Ethical Myopia? Neuroethics (2008) 1:55–68 In recent years, two distinct trajectories of bioethical inquiry have emerged: neuroethics and nanoethics. The former deals with issues in neuroscience, whereas the latter deals with issues in nanoscience and nanotechnology. In both cases, the ethical inquiries have coalesced in response to rapidly increasing scientific and engineering developments in each field. |
K Churchland,
Roozbeh Kiani,
Michael N
Shadlen # Decision-making with multiple alternatives Nature Neuroscience, n. 6, vol. 11, June 2008 Organisms face decisions of varying complexity. In simple decisions, perceptual observations allow an animal to choose between action and inaction, or between two alternative actions. These are simple instances of complex cognitive processes, which may require additional information from the environment or from memory. The ability to delay a response to consider incoming information is a hallmark of higher brain function. |
García # Neurociencia, conducta e imputabilidad QUARK n. 39-40 diciembre 2007 Una breve reflexión sobre el vínculo que existe entre el cerebro y la conducta –y a través del comportamiento humano, la relación con las normas jurídicas, pues éstas regulan la conducta externa del individuo– se plantea en este texto, donde se mencionan términos como la imputabilidad y la edad penal, pues los avances científicos de las neurociencias son susceptibles de brindar sustento a dichos conceptos. El texto forma parte del homenaje que la revista Quark dedica a Ramón y Cajal, tras la celebración del primer siglo del Nobel otorgado a este destacado científico. universal. |
Arturo Silva |
A. Miczek,
Rosa M. M. de
Edward A.
Emilie F.
Sietse F. de
Boer, Adrian
Raine # Neurobiology of Escalated Aggression and Violence The Journal of Neuroscience, October 31, 2007•27(44): Research on aggression and violence is pursued by social and biological scientists with profoundly divergent approaches. At present, the schism between these approaches promises to be overcome by advancing our knowledge of the molecular events through which social experiences sculpt future aggressive acts. Insights into the gene– environment interactions are critical for the way in which the criminal justice and the public health systems deal with aggression and violence. Neurobiological research of aggressive behavior is emerging from several shameful episodes during the past century ranging from the eugenics movement to lobotomies to stigmatizing individuals with phrenologically defined biomarkers. |
Witzel, Georg
Zierhut, Udo
Gubka, Hermann
Fellmann, Jörn
Bogerts |
R. Insel # Shining Light on Depression Science, vol. 317, 10 August 2007 Just as research during the Decade of the Brain (1990–2000) forged the bridge between the mind and the brain, research in the current decade is helping us to understand mental illnesses as brain disorders. As a result, the distinction between disorders of neurology (e.g., Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases) and disorders of psychiatry (e.g., schizophrenia and depression) may turn out to be increasingly subtle. That is, the former may result from focal lesions in the brain, whereas the latter arise from abnormal activity in specific brain circuits in the absence of a detectable lesion. As we become more adept at detecting lesions that lead to abnormal function, it is even possible that the distinction between neurological and psychiatric disorders will vanish, leading to a combined discipline of clinical neuroscience. |
Di Chiara |
Bernet, Cindy
Stephen A.
Montgomery |
S. Caulum There is very little empirical research regarding first- time emergingadult offenders. Regardless, states should consider their behavioral and brain development when determining policy and sentencing. The brain is more malleable than scientists once believed: Research confirms growth well beyond the age of eighteen, and has allowed for a deeper understanding of the end of adolescence and the transition to adulthood. Studies have shown that, during this developmental stage, the brain responds to learning- and training- nduced and environmentally stimulated structural changes. |
Arturo Silva |
J. Morse,
Morris B.
Hoffman |
Brass, Patrick
Haggard # To Do or Not to Do: The Neural Signature of Self-Control The Journal of Neuroscience, August 22, 2007•27(34) Our results suggest that the human brain network for intentional action includes a control structure for self-initiated inhibition or withholding of intended actions. The mental control of action has an enduring scientific interest, linked to the philosophical concept of “free will.” Our results identify a candidate brain area that reflects the crucial decision to do or not to do. |
Rosen # The Brain on the Stand The New York Times, March 11, 2007 Neuroscience, it seems, points two ways: it can absolve individuals of responsibility for acts they’ve committed, but it can also place individuals in jeopardy for acts they haven’t committed — but might someday. “This opens up a Pandora’s box in civilized society that I’m willing to fight against,” says Helen S. Mayberg, a professor of psychiatry, behavioral sciences and neurology at Emory University School of Medicine, who has testified against the admission of neuroscience evidence in criminal trials. “If you believe at the time of trial that the picture informs us about what they were like at the time of the crime, then the picture moves forward. You need to be prepared for: ‘This spot is a sign of future dangerousness,’ when someone is up for parole. They have a scan, the spot is there, so they don’t get out. It’s carved in your brain.” |
A. Tovino |
Gondolf # Cautions About Applying Neuroscience to Batterer Intervetion Court Review , Winter 2007 Researchers have recently pointed out the high prevalence of "intermittent explosive disorder" (IED) underlying many of the violent outbursts in our society. They estimate that at least a third of domestic violence perpetrators, or those we frequently refer to as "batterers," are likely to suffer from this disorder. This claim, along with a number of related findings, appears to have implications for domestic violence courts and judges' decisions to mandate offenders to batterer programs. The issue is that if this disorder is related to brain activity that warrants medical treatment, then in many cases, domestic violence offenders may be unresponsive to more conventional counseling and education efforts that typify batterer intervention. The assertions about IED come from a rapidly advancing line of research in neuroscience--that is, brain activity and its association with behavior. The emerging concern is that the implications stemming from this research are subject to misuse and overuse and therefore warrant some clarification and caution |
Homero Vallada |
Floridi # A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives 2007 |
Joshua W.
Ahmad R.
Hariri, Lukas
Blasi, Ashley
Wabnitz, Robyn
Honea, Beth
Joseph H.
Michael Egan,
Mattay, Daniel
R. Weinberger |
Kim-Cohen, A
Caspi, A
Taylor, B
Williams, R
Newcombe, IW
Craig, TE
Moffitt |
J. Kolber |
Bertolino |
Rutter |
S. Kendler,
Ralph J.
Greenspan |
Garland, Paul
W Glimcher |
Dudai |
W. Denno |
A. Kiehl |
Hüsing, Lutz
Brigitte Tag |
Garland, Mark
S. Frankel |
Eastman, Colin
Campbell Neurosciences,
April 2006 |
J. Morse # Brain Overclaim Syndrome and Criminal Responsibility: A Diagnostic Note Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, vol. 3, 2006 Brains do not commit crimes; people commit crimes. This conclusion should be self-evident, but, infected and inflamed by stunning advances in our understanding of the brain, advocates all too often make moral and legal claims that the new neuroscience does not entail and cannot sustain. Particular brain findings are thought to lead inevitably to moral or legal conclusions. Brains are blamed for offenses; agency and responsibility disappear from the legal landscape... |
H. Fallon # Neuroanatomical Background to Understanding the Brain of the Young Psychopath Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, vol. 3:341, 2006 This paper is intended to provide a basic neuroanatomical framework upon which to interpret the range of normal and psychopathic phenotypes that may be encountered during a criminal trial where culpability, especially of an adolescent or young adult defendant, may be at issue. In considering this question from a scientific perspective, there are nevertheless several caveats that must be made about the material that will follow... |
Fuchs |
Alberto Redi,
Santosuosso # Giudici & Geni Le Scienze, febbraio 2006 La reciproca mancanza di conoscenza è il terreno fertile di ogni pregiudizio, sia pro sia contro la scienza. Lo scientismo è il tipico pregiudizio a favore della scienza, mentre il tipico pregiudizio contro la scienza è il rifiuto ideologico, e quindi acritico, di essa. Entrambi questi pregiudizi sono parimenti dannosi e dovrebbero essere superati o, quanto meno, arginati. |
Singer # The neuronal basis and ontogeny of empathy and mind reading: Review of literature and implications for future research Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 30 (2006) 855–863 ... Finally, it is suggested that the abilities to understand other people’s thoughts and to share their affects display different ontogenetic trajectories reflecting the different developmental paths of their underlying neural structures. In particular, empathy develops much earlier than mentalizing abilities, because the former relys on limbic structures which develop early in ontogeny, whereas the latter rely on lateral temporal lobe and pre-frontal structures which are among the last to fully mature. |
Singer, Ben
Seymour, John
P. O'Doherty,
Klaas E.
Raymond J.
Dolan, Chris
D. Frith # Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others Nature, January 2006 The neural processes underlying empathy are a subject of intense interest within the social neurosciences... We show here that empathic responses are modulated by learned preferences, a result consistent with economic models of social preferences. We engaged male and female volunteers in an economic game, in which two confederates played fairly or unfairly, and then measured brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging while these same volunteers observed the confederates receiving pain. Both sexes exhibited empathy-related activation in pain-related brain areas (fronto-insular and anterior cingulate cortices) towards fair players. However, these empathy-related responses were significantly reduced in males when observing an unfair person receiving pain. This effect was accompanied by increased activation in reward-related areas, correlated with an expressed desire for revenge. We conclude that in men (at least) empathic responses are shaped by valuation of other people's social behaviour, such that they empathize with fair opponents while favouring the physical punishment of unfair opponents, a finding that echoes recent evidence for altruistic punishment. |
Jasanoff |
F. Loftus |
Caspi, Joseph
McClay, Terrie
E. Moffitt,
Jonathan Mill,
Judy Martin,
Ian W. Craig,
Alan Taylor,
Poulton # Role of Genotype in the Cycle of Violence in Maltreated Children. Fears of the Future in Children and Young People Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization 2/2005 |
Caspi, Terrie
E. Moffitt,
Mary Cannon,
Joseph McClay,
Robin Murray,
Alan Taylor,
Ben Williams,
Poulton, Ian
W. Craig |
Schriner Lewis |
Jonathan Cohen # For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004) 359 Some suggest that our emerging understanding of the physical causes of human (mis)behaviour will have a transformative effect on the law. Others argue that new neuroscience will provide only new details and that existing legal doctrine can accommodate whatever new information neuroscience will provide. We argue that neuroscience will probably have a transformative effect on the law, despite the fact that existing legal doctrine can, in principle, accommodate whatever neuroscience will tell us. New neuroscience will change the law, not by undermining its current assumptions, but by transforming people’s moral intuitions about free will and responsibility. This change in moral outlook will result not from the discovery of crucial new facts or clever new arguments, but from a new appreciation of old arguments. |
Decety, Philip
L. Jackson,
Jessica A.
Andrew N.
Meltzoff |
F. Lorber |
M. Sapolsky |
J.-F. de
Quervain, Urs
Alfred Buck,
Ernst Fehr |
E. Collins # Onset and Desistance in Criminal Careers: Neurobiology and the Age-Crime Relationship Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Vol. 39 (3), 2004 Until recently, attempts to understand and explain criminal offending have been grounded in theories from sociological, legal, and psychological perspectives. In the preceding twenty years, or so, however, some research in the field has endeavored to look at offending from a psychobiological viewpoint. This research concerns the potential consequences of the effects of neurobiological influences on brain behavior and, consequently, human behavior. |
C. Lau, Robert
D. Rogers,
Richard E.
Passingham # Attention to Intention Science, 20 February 2004 Vol 303 Intention is central to the concept of voluntary action. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we compared conditions in which participants made self-paced actions and attended either to their intention to move or to the actual movement. When they attended to their intention rather than their movement, there was an enhancement of activity in the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA). We also found activations in the right dorsal prefrontal cortexand left intraparietal cortex. Prefrontal activity, but not parietal activity, was more strongly coupled with activity in the pre- MA. We conclude that activity in the pre-SMA reflects the representation of intention. |
Garland |
Ann O'Hara # How neuroscience might advance the law Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004) 359 This essay discusses the strengths and limitations of the new, growing field of law and biology and suggests that advancements in neuroscience can help to bolster that field. It also briefly discusses some ways that neuroscience can help to improve the workings of law more generally. |
Greene # From neural ‘is’ to moral ‘ought’: what are the moral implications of neuroscientific moral psychology? Nature Neuroscience October 2003 Philosophers routinely distinguish between ethics and ‘meta-ethics’. Ethics concerns particular moral issues (such as our obligations to the poor) and theories that attempt to resolve such issues (such as utilitarianism or Aristotelian virtue ethics).Meta-ethics, by contrast, is concerned with more foundational issues, with the status of ethics as a whole.What do we mean when we say something like “Capital punishment is wrong”? Are we stating a putative fact, or merely expressing an opinion? |
R. Blair |
Hom |
J. Lewy Chronobiological disorders and syndromes include seasonal affective disorder (SAD), total blindness, advanced and delayed sleep phase syndrome, jet lag, and shift work maladaptation. These disorders are treated by adjusting circadian phase, using appropriately timed bright light exposure and melatonin administration (at doses of 0.5 mg or less). In some cases, it may be necessary to measure internal circadían phase, using the time when endogenous melatonin levels rise. |
Cajochen, K.
Kräuchi, A.
Wirz-Justice # Role of Melatonin in the Regulation of Human Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Vol. 15, 2003 The circadian rhythm of pineal melatonin is the best marker of internal time under low ambient light levels. The endogenous melatonin rhythm exhibits a close association with the endogenous circadian component of the sleep propensity rhythm. This has led to the idea that melatonin is an internal sleep ‘facilitator’ in humans, and therefore useful in the treatment of insomnia and the readjustment of circadian rhythms... |
D. Moreno |
Raine |
Council on
Bioethics # Genetics and human behaviour: the ethical context October 2002 Human behaviour is influenced both by the genes that we inherit and the environment in which we live. With the significant advances in our knowledge of genetics and publication of the draft sequence of the human genome, the focus of research has moved once again towards understanding the biological contribution to behaviour. Some researchers are attempting to locate specific genes, or groups of genes, associated with behavioural traits and to understand the complex relationship between genes and the environment. This is called research in behavioural genetics. In contrast to research into the genetic basis of diseases and disorders, researchers in behavioural genetics investigate aspects of our personalities such as intelligence, sexual orientation, susceptibility to aggression and other antisocial conduct, and tendencies towards extraversion and novelty-seeking. |
J. Farah |
Economist |
Brian Knutson,
Jeff Burgdorf |
Blair |
Rodotà # Una scommessa impegnativa sul terreno dei nuovi diritti. Discorso del presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali tenuto l'8 maggio 2001 alla presentazione della Relazione per il 2001 15 maggio 2002 I cittadini mostrano di preoccuparsi assai del loro "corpo elettronico", di una esistenza sempre più affidata alla dimensione astratta del trattamento elettronico delle loro informazioni. Le persone sono ormai conosciute da soggetti pubblici e privati quasi esclusivamente attraverso i dati che le riguardano, e che fanno di esse una entità disincarnata. Con enfasi riduzionista, per molti versi pericolosa, si dice che "noi siamo le nostre informazioni". La nostra identità viene così affidata al modo in cui queste informazioni vengono trattate, collegate, fatte circolare |
A. Kiehl,
Andra M.
Smith, Robert
D. Hare,
Mendrek, Bruce
B. Forster,
Johann Brink,
Peter F.
Liddle |
Brower, B H
Price J
2001;71:720–726 |
R. Kandel,
Larry R.
Squire # Neuroscience: Breaking Down Scientific Barriers to the Study of Brain and Mind 10 November 2000 |
Nader, Glenn
E. Schafe,
Joseph E. Le
Doux # Fear memories require protein synthesis in the amygdala for reconsolidation after retrieval Nature 17 august 2000 `New' memories are initially labile and sensitive to disruption before being consolidated into stable long-term memories. Much evidence indicates that this consolidation involves the synthesis of new proteins in neurons6±9. The lateral and basal nuclei of the amygdala (LBA) are believed to be a site of memory storage in fear learning. |
Kruger, David
Dunning |
Volavka |
R. Kandel |
Daniel Tranel,
Hanna Damasio,
Antonio R.
Damasio |
Damasio, T
Grabowski, R
Frank, AM
Galaburda, AR
Damasio |
Antonio R.
Damasio, Hanna
Steven W.
Anderson |
Supreme Court 1. La tecnica scientifica utilizzata è testabile ed è stata testata? 2. La tecnica è stata sottoposta a revisioni fatte da revisori specializzati nel campo ed è stata pubblicata? 3. Qual è il grado di errore? 4. Ci sono degli standard/limiti che ne regolano l’applicazione? 5. La comunità scientifica ha accettato la tecnica? Suzanne
Orofino |
H. G.
Brunner, M. R.
Nelen, P. van
Zandvoort, N.
G. G. M.
Abeling, A. H.
van Gennip, E.
C. Wolters, M.
A. Kuiper, H.
H. Ropers, B.
A. van Oost We have identified a large Dutch kindred with a new form of X-linked nondysmorphic mild mental retardation. All affected males in this family show very characteristic abnormal behavior, in particular aggressive and sometimes violent behavior. Other types of impulsive behavior include arson, attempted rape, and exhibitionism... The results of genetic linkage analyses and of biochemical studies suggest that a mutation affecting the structural gene for monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) may be responsible for this syndrome. |
Egolf, Judith
Stewart Wolf,
Louise Potvin # The Roseto Effect: A 50-Year Comparison of Mortality Rates American Journal of Public Health, August 1992, 82, n. 8 After a very thorough search of all sources of data for mortality in two small Pennsylvania communities over the course of 50 years, our examiation of death certificates as confirmed the earlier inference, based on a shorter span of years, that the death rate from myocardial infarction was lower in Roseto than in immediately adjacent Bangor in three decades prior to 1965. The difference between the two communities is statistically significant despite the small number of myocardial infarctions. The sharp rise that followed involved mainly young Rosetan men and elderly women at a time when the predicted decrease in social cohesion became clearly manifest... |
R. W.
Sperry Challenges the assumption that the subjective phenomena of conscious experiences do not exert any causal influence on the sequence of events in the physical brain process. A theory of mind is suggested in which consciousness, interpreted to be a direct emergent property of cerebral activity, is conceived to be an integral component of the brain process that functions as an essential constituent of the action and exerts a directive holistic form of control over the flow pattern of cerebral excitation. |
E. Seligman,
Steven F.
Maier # Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock Journal of Experimental Psychology 74 (1): 1967 Overmier and Seligman (1967) have shown that the prior exposure of dogs to inescapable shock in a Pavlovian harness reliably results in interference with subsequent escape/avoidance learning in a shuttle box. Typically, these dogs do not even escape from shock in the shuttle box. They initially show normal reactivity to shock, but after a few trials, they passively "accept" shock and fail to make escape movements. Moreover, if an escape or avoidance response does occur, it does not reliably predict future escapes or avoidances, as it does in normal dogs. |
dna... genomica |
Nigro |
Ubbiali # Il capo della banca dati del Dna: «Nessun nome, privacy da garantire». Saranno conservati soltanto codici e il metodo di analisi sarà più accurato rispetto agli Usa e al resto d’Europa. Da mappare il 90% dei detenuti Corriere della Sera, 22 agosto 2016 |
del Presidente
Repubblica 7
aprile 2016,
n. 87 # Regolamento recante disposizioni di attuazione della legge 30 giugno 2009, n. 85, concernente l'istituzione della banca dati nazionale del DNA e del laboratorio centrale per la banca dati nazionale del DNA, ai sensi dell'articolo 16 della legge n. 85 del 2009. (16G00091) (GU Serie Generale n.122 del 26-5-2016) note: Entrata in vigore del provvedimento: 10/06/2016 |
Giustizia |
S. Hsu The FBI has notified crime labs across the country that it has discovered errors in data used by forensic scientists in thousands of cases to calculate the chances that DNA found at a crime scene matches a particular person, several people familiar with the issue said... The disclosure comes as some private researchers and lawyers in recent years questioned whether errors in the FBI’s national database of 13 million DNA profiles may have led judges and juries to give undue weight to DNA matches, long considered the “gold standard” in forensic science. |
Working Group
of the
Consortium # Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci 24 july 2014 Schizophrenia is a highly heritable disorder. Genetic risk is conferred by a large number of alleles, including common alleles of small effect that might be detected by genome-wide association studies. Here we report a multi-stage schizophrenia genome-wide association study of up to 36,989 cases and 113,075 controls. We identify 128 independent associations spanning 108 conservatively defined loci that meet genome-wide significance, 83 of which have not been previously reported. |
dati dna,
Orlando: avvio
entro il 2015 Roma, 4 feb. (askanews) |
D'Amario # Banca dati del Dna, c'è la sede e lo spot tv. Ma l'istituto funzionerà dal 2015 04 febbraio 2014 |
Vassos, DA
Collier and S
Fazel |
Gennari # US Supreme Court, Jeremy Bentham e il panopticon genetico www.penalecontemporaneo/ Diritto Penale Contemporaneo, n. 4, 2013 |
Frances S.
Chen, Markus
Heinrichs # Epigenetic regulation of the oxytocin receptor gene: implications for behavioral neuroscience Frontiers in Neurosciences, May 2013 |
H. Kaye # What the Supreme Court Hasn’t Told You About DNA Databases 2 August 2013 |
H. Kaye |
of South
Africa |
Gaito, Bello
Gnisci Debora,
Martina, Longo
Ilaria (eds) |
Catalano # Indagini genetiche, imputabilità e libero arbitrio: questioni giurisprudenziali e nuovi bisogni di tutela della persona Revista do Instituto do Direito Brasileiro - RIDB, Ano 2 (2013), nº 5 |
Court of the
United States |
Tonacci |
Maria Capitta
Se in tema di prelievo di campioni biologici si riscontra, an-che nell’ambito dei contributi dottrinali di casa nostra, una consistente quantità di interventi, meno arato appare il campo che attiene al fenomeno cronologicamente successivo alla raccolta e alla tipizzazione dei profili del DNA, vale a dire quello della conservazione delle informazioni genetiche nella banca dati. |
Galluzzo # Diritto alla riservatezza e indagini penali. Nuove dimensioni dell'indagine genetica e informatica Università degli Studi di Padova, 2013 |
Keating, Aruna
T. Bansal,
Susan Walsh,
Kenneth Kidd,
Bruce Budowle,
Donfack, Paolo
Anjali K.
David L.
Duffy, Scott
D. Gordon,
Pirro Hysi,
Fan Liu, Sarah
E. Medland,
Nicholas G.
Timothy D.
Manfred Kayser |
Souto Santos # Contributos da Epigenética no âmbito da Medicina Legal Universidade do Porto, 2012 |
Felicioni |
Thibedeau # National Forensic DNA Databases. Council for Responsible Genetics National DNA Databases 2011 |
Visser, Dmitry
Zubakov, Kaye
N. Ballantyne,
Manfred Kayser # mRNA-based skin identification for forensic applications Int J Legal Med (2011) 125:253–263 |
Canzio |
Michael |
Department of
Corrections |
Raleigh, North
Carolina |
Edlund |
P. Sarkar,
Gwen Adshead # Whose DNA Is It Anyway? European Court, Junk DNA, and the Problem With Prediction J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 38:247–50, 2010 |
Hunter |
Anna Colussi |
Marando # L'acquisizione della prova scientifica nel processo penale Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2009-2010 |
Meloni |
Molteni |
Parlamento Italiano # Legge 30 giugno 2009, n. 85 | Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 160 del 13 luglio 2009 - Supplemento ordinario n. 108 "Adesione della Repubblica italiana al Trattato concluso il 27 maggio 2005 tra il Regno del Belgio, la Repubblica federale di Germania, il Regno di Spagna, la Repubblica francese, il Granducato di Lussemburgo, il Regno dei Paesi Bassi e la Repubblica d'Austria, relativo all'approfondimento della cooperazione transfrontaliera, in particolare allo scopo di contrastare il terrorismo, la criminalità transfrontaliera e la migrazione illegale (Trattato di Prum). Istituzione della banca dati nazionale del DNA e del laboratorio centrale per la banca dati nazionale del DNA. Delega al Governo per l'istituzione dei ruoli tecnici del Corpo di polizia penitenziaria. Modifiche al codice di procedura penale in materia di accertamenti tecnici idonei ad incidere sulla libertà personale" |
Marandola |
A. Rothstein,
Yu Cai, and
Gary E.
Marchant # The Ghost in Our Genes: Legal and Ethical Implications of Epigenetics Health Matrix Clevel. 2009 ; 19(1): 1–62. |
Foundation |
Union ACLU -
Vermont |
Nazionale per
e le Scienze
della Vita Uno dei problemi più rilevanti, per chi lavora nel settore della ricerca scientifica con materiale biologico, consiste nello stabilire entro quali limiti e con quali modalità sia lecito conservare campioni oltre il tempo necessario per raggiungere lo scopo per cui il campione è stato raccolto, e se sia legittimo utilizzare i campioni anche per scopi diversi da quelli inizialmente individuati. |
TM Dunsmuir,
Cuong Tran,
Weatherburn |
Ciro Sbailò # Trattato di Prüm. Una rivoluzione silenziosa (finora) Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali, 7 agosto 2009 |
Scaffardi # Le banche dati genetiche per fini giudiziari e i diritti della persona 2008 1. Introduzione: i database genetici tra aumento della criminalità e richieste di sicurezza 2. Inghilterra e Scozia, esempi di differenti scelte normative 3. Segue. La legislazione in tema di DNA databases in altri Paesi europei. L’Italia e la mancanza di norme in materia 4. La normativa inter e sovra-nazionale di riferimento. Il Trattato di Prüm: raccolta, accesso e scambio di dati 5. La Corte dei Diritti dell’Uomo e la decisione S. and Marper v. United Kingdom 6. Osservazioni (per nulla) conclusive. |
Balbo |
T.M. Dunsmuir,
Cuong Tran,
Weatherburn # Assessing the Impact of Mandatory DNA Testing of Prison Inmates in NSW on Clearance, Charge and Conviction Rates for Selected Crime Categories NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research 2008 |
M. Prottas,
Alice A. Noble # Use of Forensic DNA Evidence in Prosecutors’ Offices Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics - Summer 2007 |
M. Monteleoni # Dna Databases, Universality, and the Fourth Amendment New York University Law Review, vol. 82, April 2007 |
Europea Trattato tra il Regno del Belgio, la Repubblica Federale di Germania, Il Regno di Spagna, la Repubblica Francese, il Granducato di Lussemburgo, il Regno dei Paesi Bassi e la Repubblica d’Austria riguardante l’approfondimento della cooperazione transfrontaliera, in particolare al fine di lottare contro il terrorismo, la criminalità transfrontaliera e la migrazione illegale |
E. Joh # Reclaiming 'Abandoned' DNA: The Fourth Amendment and Genetic Privacy Northwestern University Law Review Vol. 100, No. 2 2006 |
Simoncelli While subjecting persons who have been convicted of a crime to inclusion in a DNA database is inherently problematic, subjecting those who have never been convicted of a crime subverts our notion of a free and autonomous society and is characteristic of an authoritarian regime... |
Kaye # Science Fiction and Shed Dna Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy , vol 101 2006 |
Axelrad |
Canzio # Prova scientifica, ricerca della “verità” e decisione giudiziaria nel processo penale Relazione dell’11 dicembre 2004 (Sedicesima giornata di studio organizzata dalla Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile) |
Institute APRI
| Lisa R.
M.Weiss |
Quarmby # The Case for National DNA Identification Cards Duke Law & Technology Review 2003 |
Institute of
Justice NIJ |
Kaye # The Constitutionality of DNA Sampling on Arrest An Interim Report to the Legal Issues Working Group of the National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence October 1, 1999 (revised January 22, 2000) |
J. Reeder |
criminale # Per una criminologia del corpo Rivista di criminologia criminale, Anno X – n. 2 giugno 2017 La mente ordina, il corpo esegue, le mani ubbidiscono? Nella mia esperienza sono le mani a consentire di entrare in contatto con il pensiero, sono volti senza occhi e senza voce ma che vedono e parlano. La mano non è un oggetto, la mano pensa e il corpo l’accompagna nella sua azione. Anche in stato di quiete la mano non è un utensile senz’anima: in essa permane la volontà di azione... |
Balzano # Normare la vita. Biocontrollo e nuove tecnologie Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015 La domanda da porre diviene: chi può davvero partecipare ai processi di creazione del biodiritto? Le lobby presenti nel paese considerato, siano esse neoliberisteconservatrici, piuttosto che neoliberiste-progressiste? Oppure è possibile un’inversione di tendenza, un modello più inclusivo, che contempli la consultazione delle soggettività reali? Le associazioni femminili, le categorie di professioniste, le leghe delle ginecologhe, le unioni di pazienti, le biblioteche e le case delle donne, i collettivi femministi, quelli di artiste e intellettuali, i movimenti contro il sessismo, più in generale tutte e tutti coloro che operano per il rispetto delle differenze di genere, possono sperare di prendere parte a tale progetto di regolamentazione giuridica? |
Alibrandi |
Bazzicalupo |
Ernst H. W.
Koster |
Fugali # Scritto sulla pelle. Le sensazioni localizzate e l’origine del sé corporeo nella fenomenologia husserliana Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, vol. 4, n. 1, 2013 |
Fugali |
Bruni, Edoardo
Fugali |